IS1004 Screen-Class Construction
1)All bolded areas are important when doing Class Construction. Some may not be filled because it is an arranged class or the information is not available at the time, but in most cases something should be input in these fields.
2)Type the temporary ID according to your class construction. This should pull out the class information.
3)To make changes to the screen press F2 and this should highlight the screen. Changes can be made at this time.
4)New classes approved by the Curriculum Committee may not be available at this time, please contact the MIS Coordinator for more information.
YRQYear and quarter (A231, A232, A233, A234)
Sectfor Northshore classes use 41 day classes and 81 night classes
Adv. IDUse Advisor/Instructor ID to enter instructor for course. List given with construction or can be run using the report: ARRADV3. For new instructors, call the Schedule Coordinator (ext. 4719) for Advisor code. Must have correct spelling of name and Social Security number.
Insr DistrInstructor Distribution. Should reflect the Division Code they were hired under. This code is used to distribute class rosters and grade sheets. It is the first character of the Admin Unit Code. Example: A= Business Division
Empl StatEmployment Status
Codes are: 1full-time
5contract employees
***Moonlight, contract employees, and volunteers have to be added after other information has been changed in the class construction. Means you need to enter this temp id again.
Instit FTEFPercent of full-time equivalent faculty (% of load in decimal format, ie. 33% would be entered as .333). This information is attached to the course. It is changed if the class is being taught by more than one person, it is a double section, or removed if the second part of a clustered course.
Instr ContactInstructor Contact hours. The total quarterly hours the instructor teaches this class. For example, 55 contact hours for a 5 credit lecture class. This is also attached to the course. This is changed when the class is taught by more than one person (like the Instit FTEF), it is a double section, or removed if the second part of a clustered course
Both of these fields must equal the original numbers when combined with the alternate screen that have been added to other instructors. Total IFTEF and Instr Contact hours should add up to original amount.
Bldg NumBuilding Number. On campus the first digit is always “0”. Our buildings are 020 for 2000 building, 025 for the 2500 building, etc. If the class is held at Northshore, the building number is LPF.
Room(Room numbers are only 4 numbers) ex: 0800, 2500, 1400, etc.
Time LocTime Location code must be filled in.
1day classes on main campus
2night classes on main campus after 5 PM
3day classes at Northshore campus
4night classes at Northshore campus after 5 PM
7 day classes off-campus or distance learning
8 night classes off-campus or distance learning after 5 PM
BranchThis must be filled in for Northshore Lake Forest Park classes—LF
This field is used to pull the Northshore classes for the schedule.
TimeThis must be filled if the class is meeting in a classroom.
(Start/End)If a class is during the day, for example: starts 8:30 am and ends at 9:30 am, it will look like this:
Strt Time [0830A] End Time [0930A].
Five digits must be entered. Make sure A and P are correct.
If a class is during the evening, for example: starts 5:00 PM and ends 7:00 PM, it will look like this:
Start Time [0500P]End Time [0700P]
Five digits must be entered. Make sure A and P are correct.
Start Date (Starting date of the class) Must have dates in them if they are different Ten Day than the regular quarter dates. Input as (MM/DD/YY).
End Date
DaysPlace an “X” on the Days the class is meeting. If the class meets Daily place a “D” under the D. This box is also used for “A” arranged.
CapsCapacity.Make sure that this is filled, unless the class is clustered.
Dist EdDefault is blank and means that this is not a distance education course. Enter appropriate code if it is a distance education class, i.e. Choose from list of Distance Education codes.