Is Your Name Worth That Many Moles of Chalk?

Instructions for Inquiry

Your mission: Determine the number of moles of chalk needed to write your group

name, slogan and design on your butcher paper. Also determine the

number of formula units of calcium carbonate and the number of atoms

used to complete your design.

Hints: The chemical formula for chalk is CaCO3 (calcium carbonate).

Think about the relationship between moles and grams.

Materials:1 piece of chalk

Electronic balance

Any other additional materials that you might need

Instructions – Please read this carefully!!!

  1. You should attempt to write a procedure (a plan) BEFORE attempting the assignment. This is like a team deciding to run a play in basketball before stepping onto the court.

Step 1 – point guard brings the ball down and calls out the play name, “Moles”

Step 2 – center sets up a pick for small forward and holds for 2.34 seconds.

Step 3 – forward takes 3 steps to the left…. Etc

Step 4 – basketball goes through the hoop with 5.7 seconds left in the game

Step 5 – the crowd goes wild!!

This is how detailed your procedure should be. The procedure can be revised similar to what scientists have to do to make the experiment work well. They keep changing until they get good results then they report that at the end.

  1. You will be working in groups of 3 (every member needs to contribute).
  2. The report must be written legibly or typed and organized as follows:
  3. Section 1
  4. Problem – state in one sentence and include your name and slogan.
  5. Purpose – what do you think is the purpose of this lesson? Think beyond the topic of this problem.
  6. Materials – list all the materials your group used to solve this problem.
  7. Section 2
  8. Procedure – this should be explained in about 5 to 10 steps. Be as detailed as possible so that others can replicate your procedure and get similar results. Include an illustration (picture) for each step.
  9. Section 3
  10. Calculations – these can be handwritten neatly

ii. Conclusions – report your results and indicate what you learned from this


*** Checklist: Is our lab report complete?

Does it have a cool title?

Legible or typed (except calculations and pictures in procedure)

Explanations make sense and contain complete sentences and correct spelling

Every section is present, completed and organized in the following order:







When you have finished your lab report, be sure to read the lab again thoroughly to make sure you have included each item you should. The report is to be submitted PER GROUP with the names of all lab partners. Each of you should participate in its construction.

DUE: Monday November 1, 2010