Mrs. Otte
(920)793-2291 ex. 5215
Welcome to Science 9! This is a core class for most freshmen. It will cover topics in many fields of science.
Science Spectrum – A Physical Approach (Holt, Rinehart, Winston). The text books are used as a supplement to what we are learning. Most of the information you will get is through lecture and notes so the books will remain in the classroom. You have the option of checking out a book whenever you want to take one home to use.
Materials needed for Science 9:- notebook or binder paper
- pens/pencils to last all year
- calculator (any kind will do)
- 1-2 folder(s) or a binder for keeping all papers/work
- colored pencils
- assignment notebook (given by TRHS)
You will be graded on the following school-wide scale:
90-100 A
80-89 B
70-79 C
60-69 D
59 or less F
In addition to classwork and tests, you will be graded on how you participate in class. This can range from lab work to answering questions to how you utilize your time. I do not assign things to be done at home. Lessons are taught in an “I do-We do-You do” fashion with time in class for the “you do”. Anything that is not finished in class will need to be done on your own as well as studying for tests.Tests will definitely have more impact on your grade. They are your chance to show me what you know and will bear more weight on your final grade than regular assignments. You will also have a “meeting deadlines” grade which will account for no more than 5% of your semester grade. It is your responsibility to do get things done in the allotted time frame given.
You may at times during the year want to know how you are doing in class. I encourage you to keep track of all your grades on Skyward and talk to me about them when you need to. Please see me before or after school if you have questions about your grades.
-My number one rule in class: RESPECT!! When you respect me, I will in turn respect you. The same goes for how you should treat others in this class. Be mindful of each other and each other’s belongings. This goes for lab materials as well.
-Tardiness is not allowed. You must be in your seat when the bell rings or you will be marked tardy. This is a school-wide policy. This should not be too hard to follow since everyday there will be an activity or task to perform written on the board or overhead, be it RaiderTime or Question of the Day. Quietly begin this task independently. It does count as participation and is graded! This also means get your bathroom run in BEFORE class. If electronics are being used as bell rings, you are tardy.
-Come to class with all your materials and your own writing utensils! You are to be responsible for yourself. If you didn’t bring your things on a day we need them (ex. notebook for notes) and need to go to your locker to get it, you will be marked tardy. (Sorry!!)
-Please do not talk when I am talking. If you have questions or something to share, raise your hand and I will call on you. Also, try not to get up and walk around the room at your leisure. This is very distracting for others.
-At the end of class, wait for ME to dismiss you. The bell does not mean “get up and leave”. We will also not congregate by the door before the end of class. There may sometimes be an “Exit Ticket” due as the bell rings that I collect as you walk out of the room. This is your ticket to leave.
-Food and drink is NEVER allowed in the lab area unless under special circumstances. Drinks with CAPS/COVERS only. No pop tops/cans. Do NOT abuse this privilege for it can be taken away!
- In the event of a fire drill: we will quietly exit the room to the right and turn right at the door next to Mrs. Koch’s room. This leads us outside. The last person out must close the door. I will take attendance once we are outside. In the event of a tornado drill: we are to move to room 214 across the hall and sit in the back of the room on the floor.In the event of an intruder drill: we will listen to the announcement and plan accordingly following the ALICE practices.
-iPods, MP3’s, phones, etc. are not allowed in class unless we are using them for research purposes. Phones will be housed in the “Phone Zone”, a place to keep and charge you phones, all hour. If there is time at the end of the hour I may allow you to get your phones early and use themONLY IF you finished all your work (shown me & turned in), have no missing assignments and grades are in good standing (C or better).
Most often, I will verbally warn you about your behavior. If it continues, you will be given the choice to leave the room until you feel you can act in an appropriate manner for class. You will have to attend a short meeting with me and fill out an action plan as to how you can change your behavior. Parent(s) will be notified and may be asked to attend the short meeting as well. Lastly, if the negative behavior continues, referrals will be written.
-Take notes when asked to do so. These will be beneficial to you for tests/quizzes because after each unit or topic there will be a unit test. I will also have quizzes throughout the year based on the material covered and the needs of the students.
-Make corrections! All freshman teachers have the same corrections policy. As the year progresses, the amount of corrections you can do goes down. This is to allow the student to learn what is expected of them and to avoid rushing and poor quality work. For qtr1: everything can be corrected – use 3rd hour time for this. Qtr 2: everything can be corrected after student has shown that practice has been made to improve. Qtr 3: only tests and major work corrections. Qtr 4: no correction unless advised by teacher to do so (ex. failing grades).
-We will be doing many hands-on activities and having many discussions in class. You are required to participate in these activities. Also, do not hesitate to answer any question or give the class your two cents on something we are discussing. Share the wonder! If you choose not to participate with the class, or decide to take a little nap during any activity, you are allowing me to mark you absent for my class that day.
-There will be lab exercises done. Some labs will be inquiry based – meaning based on a question or claim you have. Some questions will be given to you.Lab groups will most often be assigned by me. Work cooperatively with your group for the duration of lab. After each lab you will INDEPENDENTLY complete a writing assignment using CER (Claim-Evidence-Reasoning) as to what the purpose of that lab was and what you discovered.
-Throughout the year we will be focusing on scientific writing, critical thinking (thinking outside the box) and test preparation. The writing activities can include reviewing scientific articles that you have read, writing your own lab and lab reports, and tests.
-What if I am sick? YOU are responsible for finding out what work you missed due to an absence. All daily work is on the class webpage and on big blue calendar in classroom. Handouts/worksheets can be found in back of room in the weekly files. Get any notes you missed from that day from a TRUSTED classmate. If you are in sports or know of upcoming absences, be responsible and plan ahead! All labs you miss MUST be made up. This must be scheduled ahead of time. You can make them up during 3rd hour resource, or check with me for a separate time. Any work/lab not turned in will result in a zero. You will lose points for late work.
-What if Mrs. Otte is gone? Substitute teachers are common and I guarantee you will see some in this class. All of my policies apply with a sub, however, if anyone gets reported to me as having misbehaved, it is an automatic referral upon my return with double consequences.
-Our class is a team and for 49 minutes everyday, we are learning together. I do not, nor does the school, tolerate any bullying or harassment of ANY kind. You will be sent directly to Mr. Rysticken or Ms. Wall if I hear of or see any problems.
- Expect to learn new, interesting things and to be challenged! Stay positive, focused, and don’t forget to laugh! Never let go of the wonder you have!
Welcome to your freshman year!
I am excited for you to be in my class and to explore the
many sides of science. My main goal is for you to be
successful while learning new things. I am here for you
so together let’s bring on the school year!
~ Mrs. Otte
Course Outline for Science 9
Unit 1: Intoduction to Science
Scientific Method / Science Practices
Scientific Writing/APA citations
Unit 2: Motion and Energy
Motion and Forces
Work and Energy
Unit 3: Waves and Wave Properties
Types and Characteristics of Waves
Sound and Light
Unit 4: Electricity and Magnetism
Unit 5: The Nature of Matter
Atoms and the Periodic Table
The Structure of Matter
Unit 6: Changes in Matter
Chemical Reactions
Solutions, Acids, and Bases
Nuclear Changes
Unit 7: Exploring Earth and Space
The Universe
Planet Earth
Global Climate Change
Unit 8: Natural Resources
Alternative Energy Sources