Is Each Number a Solution of the Given Inequality?




U3.T1 Review

Do you know HOW?

Is each number a solution of the given inequality?

1.  4y + 3 ≤ –7 a. –3 b. –1 c. 3

2.  –6x + 2 > 5 a. –3 b. c. –0.5

Write an inequality to model each situation.

3.  The high temperature will be at least 75°F today.

4.  The class can contain at most 28 students.

Write an inequality for each graph.

5. 6.

Solve each inequality. Graph the solution.

7. r + 3 ≥ 7 8. 6q + 9 ≤ 9

9. –20 ≤ 5y 10. –9 < 3n

11. –3 < 5c + 7 12. –6b > 42

13. 4 – x > 3 14. 6y – 8 ≤ 10

15. f ≥ –5f + 36 16.

17. 3x – 8 < –2x + 22 18. 2d + 5 < 3

Solve each inequality. Check your solution.

19. 3(x – 4) < –15 20. 2(5y + 13) – 5.7 < 20.3

21. 7x + 2(3x – 11) ≤ 17 22. 6(x – 11) – 4x < –72




Chapter 3 Chapter Test (continued)

Form G

Write a compound inequality that each graph could represent.

24. 25.

Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

26. | 5x + 13| = –7 27. 2 = | w – 13|

28. | 4x + 1| – 3 = 26 29. 5| 8 – y | = 30

30. Suppose you are working for a trucking company. Your job is to load a truck
with at least 5000 lb of freight. You have loaded 2395 lb of freight, but you have
to unload 50 lb that was loaded by mistake. Write and solve an inequality to

find how many more pounds you need to load.

31.  The art club is sponsoring four art shows. They hope the average attendance for the four shows will be between 100 and 120, inclusive. The attendance for the first three shows was 100, 105, and 91. What possible attendance numbers for the fourth show will allow them to reach their goal? Write and solve an inequality for this situation.

32.  A box of cereal should weigh 397 g. The quality control inspector weighs every fiftieth box. The inspector rejects any box that is not within 10 g of the ideal weight. Find the range of acceptable weights. Write and solve an absolute value inequality for this situation.

33.  Which of the following inequalities could be represented by the graph?

I. |n – 1| < 2

II.  4x < 12 or –x < 2

III.  1 < 3h + 4 < 13

A. I only B. I and II C. II and III D. I and III


34.  Open-Ended Write an absolute value inequality that has 6 and -10 as two of its solutions.

35.  Writing Explain how to solve | 2d | + 3 < 7.

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