Is Canada a Better Country Today than It Was in the Past?

To help you answer this question, you have to decide on how you define “better”. Pick one of the following options:

1)Better = Is Canada a stronger country today than in the past?

*If you chose this interpretation of “better,” you’ll probably focus on the Blue (Canada and the World) or the Orange (Canadian experiences) themes.

2)Better = Have Canadian lives improved over the course of time?

*If you chose this interpretation of “better,” you’ll probably focus on the Yellow (Emerging Patterns, Pink (Science and Technology) or Green (Governing Canada) themes.

Task #1: Which definition of “better” will YOU focus on? (circle one)

#1 (better = stronger)#2 (better = improved lives)

To answer the question, you will use the RAFT technique. From the chart below, chose one Role, Audience, Format, and Theme. This RAFT technique will give you lots of freedom to do the project in a way that is most interesting to you.

Task #2: Circle ANY ONE choice from each column in the RAFT list.

Role: This is the role you will play – who will you pretend to be while you are answering the question?
Circle your choice from the list below. / A
Audience: Who are you talking to? Who will be the group that is interested in the answer to the question?
Circle your choice from the list below. / F
Format: How will you present your evidence to answer the question?
Circle your choice from the list below. / T
Theme: Which colour-coded theme will you draw your evidence from to answer the question?
Circle your choice from the list below.
-A museum curator
-A Canadian military historian
-A politician
-A protester
-A housewife
-A nurse
-A French-Canadian
-An Immigrant
-An Aboriginal leader
-A Journalist
-An Artist (painter, poet, musician, etc.) / -grade 10 students next year at SRB
-the graduating class at the Royal Military College (in Kingston, ON)
-your future grandchildren
-museum visitors
-voters in the next election
-a group of parents / - create a newspaper
-visual display with written captions for each display item
-create a TV episode for the History Channel (could be a script, or video-taped)
-a scrapbook (could include diary entries, pictures, memorabilia, etc.)
-a speech / -Canada and the World (Blue)
-Governing Canada (Green)
-Science and Technology (Pink)
-Canadian Experiences (Orange)
-Emerging Patterns (Yellow)

Once you have chosen your question and your technique to answer the question, now you have to choose your evidence from the course work to justify/prove your answer to the question.

You will choose ONE topic from each unit to prove that Canada is or is not a better country than it was in the past. That topic will always be from the same coloured theme of the course. For example, if you chose Canada and the World as your theme, you will choose one topic from the blue pages of your notebook for each unit.

Task #3: Choose your evidence by filling-in the chart below.


Unit: / Topic from my theme:
World War 1
The 20s and 30s
World War 2
The Cold War Era (1950-1983)
The Present (1983-today)

Task #4: Collect and present your evidence, as per your RAFT choices.

Each piece of evidence should have:

a)a description(b) an explanation of its historical significance

c)a visual (optional)

Once you have completed the project to this point, all you have to do is conclude. This is short, but VERY important.

Task #5: Write a paragraph that answers the question and refers to the evidence you collected.

Paragraph Planning:

Topic Sentence (the answer to the question): ______

Evidence from the project that proves my point:

a) ______

b) ______

c) ______

*see the chart (from p.3 of your text) attached for criteria to help guide you. There are some good suggestions of criteria you could use for your theme.

4.Concluding Sentence: ______

Important Dates and Progress Checklist

Task / Date I plan to have this completed by / Teacher Checks off and dates completion of each task
#1 – Decided on how to answer the question.
#2 – RAFT choices
#3 – Chose evidence
#4 – Collect/ present evidence in format you chose
#5 – Concluding Paragraph (planned and
Submit project!
-with rubrics

Class Dates / Deadlines:

Tues. May 25: Project is given to students and explained.

Suggested Task Completion: #1, #2, #3

Time in the Cross-Curricular Lab

Wed. May 26Suggested Task: complete one unit’s evidence

Thurs. May 27Suggested Task: complete two units’ evidence

Fri. May 28Suggested Task: complete two units’ evidence

Mon. June 1Suggested Task Completion: #4, begin #5

Tues. June 2Suggested Task Completion: #5, proofread, print

Final Due Date:June 3 -if project is not submitted on June 3, calls home will commence. These calls will also be for students absent on June 3. It will be explained that a follow-up call will announce when the project is submitted.


Rubric: (Worth 15% of your final mark!!!!!)

Level One / Level 2 / Level 3 / Level 4
Knowledge / Understanding
…of project content / -limited / -some / -considerable / -thorough
Thinking / Inquiry
…effective research planning, processing
…uses critical/ creative thinking / - limited / -some / -considerable / -high degree
…expression / organization
…for determined audience
…conventions (sp/grammar/ style) / - limited / -some / -considerable / -high degree
…ability to make connections
…sense of history / - limited / -some / -considerable / -high degree