Is a part of normal everyday life.
Life, itself, is just one continuous negotiation.
Most contracts are oral agreements.
Without realising it, we are involved in a variety of negotiations.
We constantly bargain with other people to fulfill our needs.
You can only avoid negotiation if you have no desire for anything.
“Negociation (French) – A number of discussions between people, social partners and qualified or designated representatives, having as their purpose the reaching of an agreement regarding the problems discussed.” Le Petit Larousse. 1995, pg 693
“Negocierea (Romanian) – An interactive process between two or more parties that have mutual as well as opposing interests and which is finalized by an agreement accepted by both parties.” MiculDictionarEnciclopedic. 1985.
“Bargain/Negotiate (English) – A balance between giving and taking, reaching goals by means of a firm agreement.Negotiation is not only ‘an elegant means’ of solving conflicts, but also a state of mind of the social individual.” Oxford Dictionary. 1964, pgs 94-106
Is a process of communication by which two parties, each with its own viewpoint and objectives, attempt to reach a mutually satisfactory result on a matter of common concern.
Even though one may have opposing interests they are dependent on each other.
e.g. labour & managementbuyers & sellers
Both differences and common interests are considered.
Negotiation Success
A successful negotiation is a product of many factors. Factors that contribute include:
-the specific circumstances surrounding each negotiation.
- the skill of the negotiators.
- the motivation and fairness of each party.
The best negotiators exhibit the ability to:
- plan carefully
- gain management support
- effectively apply bargaining techniques
- communicate effectively
- tolerate conflict while searching for agreement
- project honesty
- foster team cooperation
In general, there are three possible outcomes to every negotiation.
They are known as:- “win/win”
- “win/lose”
- “lose/lose”