To be
To beatto defeat someone in a competition.
To becometo begin to be something.
To beginto start doing something.
To bendto make something curved and not straight.
To betto risk money on the result of a game.
To biteto cut something using your teeth.
To bleedto let blood come out of one’s body
To blowto force air out of one’s mouth
To breakto separate into two or more pieces.
To bringto take something with you.
To buildto construct a building
To burnto destroy something with fire.
To buyto get something by paying money for it.
To catchto stop something moving in the air.
To chooseto select one among many things or people.
To cometo arrive at a place.
To costto calculate the money needed to buy or do something.
To cutto use a knife to divide something.
To digto move soil away and make a hole in the ground.
To doto carry out an action.
To drawto make a picture; to illustrate.
To dreamto think of something or someone while sleeping.
To drinkto swallow some liquid.
To driveto make a vehicle move and control what he does.
To eatto put some food in your mouth, chew it and swallow it.
To fallto move down to the floor and hurt oneself.
To feedto give some food to someone.
To feelto experience an emotion or have a feeling.
To fightto use physical force to try to defeat someone.
To findto discover something or someone that you were looking for.
To flyto move through the air.
To forgetto be unable to remember something.
To forgiveto decide not to be angry with someone for something.
To freezeto become very cold and turn into ice.
To getto obtain or buy something.
To giveto provide someone with something.
To goto move to a place.
To growto develop and become bigger or taller.
To hangto put something on a hook or nail.
To haveto own something.
To hearto be aware ofa sound through your ears.
To hideto move to a place where nobody can see you; to put something in a place where it cannot be seen.
To hitto beat someone; to hurt someone.
To holdto take someone or something in your arms.
To hurtto get injured.
To keepto store something in a place.
To knowto have some information about something in your mind.
To layto set the table.
To leadto go in front of something and take them somewhere.
To learnto find out about something/ how to do something.
To leaveto abandon a place or a person.
To lendto give something to someone temporarily.
To letto allow someone to do something.
To lieto say something that you know it’s true.
To lieto rest horizontally on your body.
To lightto put light in order to see properly.
To loseto stop having something that you had before.
To maketo produce or create something.
To meanto try to express something; to have a particular meaning.
To meetto come to a same place as someone by chance or arrangement.
To payto give some money in exchange for something.
To putto move something to a place.
To readto look at words and understand what you mean.
To rideto sit on a horse or a bicycle and move along.
To ringto make a bell sound; to phone someone.
To riseto increase; to make bigger.
To runto move on your feet at a faster speed than walking.
To sayto speak words; to tell someone about a fact or an opinion.
To seeto notice people or things with your eyes.
To sellto give something to someone who gives you money for it.
To sendto arrange for something to go somewhere, especially by post.
To setto arrange a time when something will happen.
To shaketo make short, quick movements from side to side or up and down.
To shineto produce bright light.
To shootto injure or kill someone by firing a bullet from a gun.
To showto let someone look at something.
To shutto close something.
To singto make musical sounds with your voice.
To sinkto go down below the surface of water.
To sitto stay on a seat after being standing.
To sleepto rest when your body is not active and your mind is unconscious.
To smellto notice something by using your nose.
To speakto say something using your voice.
To spellto write down or tell the letters in a word.
To spendto use money to buy something; to use time doing something.
To standto be in vertical position on your feet.
To stealto take something that doesn’t belong to you.
To stickto become joined to something, usually with glue.
To sweepto clean by pushing a brush over it.
To swimto move through water by moving your body.
To taketo get and carry something with you.
To teachto give lessons in a particular subject.
To tearto pull paper, cloth, etc. into pieces.
To tellto give information to someone about something.
To thinkto have an opinion about something or someone.
To throwto make something move in the air by pushing it with your hands.
To understandto know the meaning of something.
To wake upto stop sleeping; to make someone stop sleeping.
To wearto wear a piece of clothing on your body.
To winto get the most points in a competition or game.
To writeto produce letters or numbers on a surface with a pen or a pencil.