Iron Springs Christian Reformed Church
November 27, 2016
Bulletin Deadline: Thursday- 12:00 pm
Pastor: Pastor Frank deBoer
Office: 393-3391
Home: 738-4931
Administrator: Randy Slomp
Church Phone/Fax: 738-4433
Our Vision Statement
Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we strive to be a caring, Christ centered community of believers, nurturing spiritual growth and sharing God’s love at home, work and abroad.
Welcome to our worship service at Iron Springs CRC this morning.
Everyone is invited to the Fellowship Hall for coffee and juice after the service.
Order of Worship
10 AM
Opening of Worship
Prelude: “What Child Is This” (Violin and Piano)
Welcome and Announcements
Song: “God Reigns Earth Rejoices” Red Hymnal 91
Call to Worship: Isaiah 9:1-7
Opening Song: “Come O Come Emmanuel” Red Hymnal 61
God’s Greeting
Time of Confession
Call to Confession
Prayer of Confession
Song: “Still, My Soul Be Still” (Sung by Hannah)
Children’s Message
We Light the Candle of Hope (Brendan and Jackie S and family)
(Children grade 1 and under leave for Sunday School)
Song: “Breath of Heaven” (Sung by Hannah)
Congregational Prayer
Offering: Seafarers Ministry
Offertory Prayer
Listening to the Word
Hymn of Preparation:“Arise Shine for Your Light Has Come” Red Hymnal 103
Scripture:Matthew 26:1-30
Pastor: “The Word of the Lord”
People: “Thanks be to God!”
Message: “The Tastes of Christmas”
Prayer of Application
Hymn of Application:“O Come All Ye Faithful” Red Hymnal 76:1-3
Departing in Gratitude
God’s Parting Blessing
Closing Song: “Salaam” Red Hymnal 298 (Sung by Hannah)
Doxology: “Holy Holy Holy”
*please stand if you are able
Birthdays This Week: Sunday: Myranda E Monday: Denise L, Ryan L Wednesday: Kaitlyn G, Adele S Thursday: Daymen S Friday: Willemien S
Belated Birthday wishes to Ethan B who turned one last week Wednesday!
Church Calendar:
Today: Sunday School for Grade’s 1 and under during the AM service
Sunday School for Grade’s 2-6 after the AM service
Monday: Consistory meeting at 7:30 PM
Wednesday: Coffee Break Bible Study from 9:45-11 AM at Cornerstone
Cadets meet at the church at 7 PM
Thursday: GEMS meet at Cornerstone Church at 6:30 PM
Bulletin Board
November 27 / December 4 / December 11Serving Elder / Brendan S / Leighton K / Bertha Tiemstra
Ushers / Esther R, Melissa V,
Braeden S / Mike V
Karen K / Heidi S
Hieke V
Greeters / Bonnie S / Henry&Willemien S / Hank & Agnes P
Coffee / Bonnie S
Ed & Evelyn V / Art & Joyce D
Allan & Dorothy V / Henric & Heidi S
Nursery / Alisa, Ethan,
Mark, Levi / Barb, Vanessa,
Kaden, Carter B / Marie, Jayden,
Larissa, Zachary
Sunday School-
2 ½-3 year olds / Marie
Kaden / Marie
Jasper / Esther
4&5 year olds / Tanya, Hannah / Tanya, Anna / Landon, Devin
Grade 1 / Melissa, Vanessa / Melissa, Vanessa / Nancy, Ian
Grade 2 / Les / Les / Singing
Grade 3 / Singing
Grade 4/5 / Henric / Henric / Singing
Grade 6 / Julia / Julia / Singing
Library / Karen / Nancy / Candace
Piyami Lodge / Leighton & Elinor K
Len & Nancy N
Church Family: We are thankful that Anne T has an appointment for her hernia surgery in early January. We pray for those who cannot get around easily and are house-bound.
From the Deacons- Offerings for November/December:
· Nov. 27: Seafarers Ministry
· December 4: Budget and Mission Support
Iron Springs Church Announcements
· From the Deacons: It's that time of the year where the church is running a small deficit. If you haven't given to the church budget this year yet or would like to give a little more, now would be a great time to contribute so that we can meet our 2016 budget.
· Seasoned and Spiced: We will have a Christmas outing on Friday, December 2nd. The Lethbridge Christian women and men's choir will perform a concert at the St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church at 7:30 that night. If the roads are in good shape we can go on a Christmas lights tour prior to the concert. Let's meet at 6 pm that night at the Picture Butte community center and do some carpooling from there. " 'k Heb m'n wagen volgeladen, vol met....."
· Greetings from the Horlings: Thank you for your prayers and support for Nigeria. The prices of food there have tripled. Andy and Linda are doing well and settling in Abbotsford. Linda is still busy translating.
· Dear Congregation: The students of Immanuel Christian Schools would like to thank you for your recent donation toward Christian Education in southern Alberta. The mission of Immanuel Christian Schools is to provide a Christian environment in which God calls all his children to develop and use their gifts for joyful service in His Kingdom. With the help of gifts from supporting churches, we are able to fulfill our mission. Thanks again!
In His Service, Richard V, Board Chair
· Christmas at Sea 2016: We, the Ministry to Seafarers, are once again beginning preparations for our annual Christmas at Sea project and need your financial help to make it happen. Your donation will enable us provide small gifts - as a reminder of God’s “greatest gift of all,” our Saviour, Jesus Christ - to the mariners whose ships arrive in Port Metro Vancouver, Delta Port, and Port Alberni this December. If you’d like to help, please make your cheque payable to Ministry to Seafarers (and on the memo line indicate “Christmas at Sea”) and mail it to: Ministry to Seafarers, 401 East Waterfront Rd., Vancouver, BC V5A 4G9. A donation receipt for income tax purposes will be issued for all gifts of $10.00 or more. Ernst Devries, Chaplain
· November 21st Fall Congregational Meeting Report—Leighton K called the meeting to order and opened with devotions. Peter V presented the proposed 2017 church budget. After some discussion this budget was passed by the congregation. The proposed Mission Support list was also presented and passed. Lewis and Willow B gave an update on the first refugee family which has arrived from Syria. Pastor Frank gave an explanation on the Right Now media website which is available to our congregation on a trial basis. Pastor Frank also gave some further explanation on his request for an unpaid leave of absence during the summer of 2017. He is looking at joining the Sea to Sea Bike Ride during this time. Discussion held on options for filling this temporary vacancy. Discussion then held on the value of family visiting and also the importance of leadership in a congregation. With business taken care of, Hank P closed in prayer. Afterwards, the Young People’s sold baked goods to raise money for a needy family in Lethbridge and Adri V sold knitted toques to raise money for World Renew.
Top of Form
Local Announcements
· SAVE THE DATE! NOVEMBER 29TH: The Mission Thrift Store (previously known as Bibles For Missions) would like to invite everyone to come out for coffee and cake from 10 – 4 to celebrate our name change. We have worked very hard to do some renovations in our store and we would like to show them off at this time too. We are doing gift basket draws, gift bags for the first 100 customers and 50% off the entire store.
· TheFallMembershipmeetingof the Society for Christian Educationin Southern Albertawill be held on Monday,December 5, 2016 at 7:30 pm at Immanuel Christian High School, 802 - 6 Avenue, North Lethbridge, Alberta.
TheFinancial Reportwith all the information needed for the meeting can be found on our websiteat A few printed copies can be found in the foyer ofthis church, or copies are available at the Business Office.
· Open House: The board of the Elim Society for Senior Citizen’s Care invites you to come celebrate the 1st anniversary of the opening of Elim Village on Thursday, December 01, 2016. An open house will be held from 2:30-4:30 pm at Elim Village - 275 Lettice Perry Rd. N. Cake and refreshments will be served.
From Back to God Ministries International
BE CONTENT - Liz and his friends present a two-act play on contentment. The first features Toad Liz, an enchanted toad which grants wishes but cannot give contentment; and in the second Herculiz looks for work that will bring him happiness. Subscribe for free at Check out KC's special Advent Paper Chain Calendar craft at
FAMILY FIRE - is an online community exploring Spirit-led family, marriage, parenting, in-laws, blended families, and intimacy. Find encouraging articles and devotions at Subscribe for regular email updates and connect with our Family Fire community on Facebook.
Special Advent Devotional Series - Looking for more meaning in the midst of a busy Christmas season? This Advent, ReFrame Media offers a special email devotional series just for you. With daily devotions and encouragements from Today, Family Fire, Groundwork, and the fun of Kids Corner, we designed it to help your whole family experience the true wonder of Christmas, the coming Christ. Subscribe at
THE LORD’S SUPPER - Communion, Lord’s Supper, Mass, Eucharist…it’s one sacrament known by many names practiced in varying forms. Join us as we study Luke 22, John 6 and 1 Corinthians 11 to discover why Christians believe it’s an essential means of receiving Christ and experiencing his presence. Never miss an episode; subscribe for free weekly email notifications and listen now at
From CRC Communications
Director of Chaplaincy and Care - The Christian Reformed Church in North America has a position opening for Director of Chaplaincy and Care, based in either the Grand Rapids, MI or the Burlington, ON office. This person will be responsible for developing and promoting the strategic ministry of Christian Reformed chaplains. This includes enlisting, endorsing, encouraging, and enfolding chaplains of the CRCNA and for providing pastoral support, care, and advocacy for chaplains serving in specialized settings. Qualified candidates will have a minimum of 5 years’ experience as a chaplain and at least one quarter of Clinical Pastoral Education (or equivalent). Seminary graduate, ordination, and administrative experience preferred. For the complete job description, visit To apply send cover letter and resumé to Michelle De Bie, Director of Human Resources, at by December 16, 2016. The process will remain open until a nominee to fill the position is identified.
Director of Race Relations and Social Justice - The Christian Reformed Church in North America has a full-time position opening for Director of Race Relations and Social Justice, based in the Grand Rapids, MI or Burlington, ON office. This person will be responsible for developing and promoting the strategic ministry of the Race Relations and Social Justice programs of the Christian Reformed Church. This includes leading the denomination in racial reconciliation and advocacy, providing resources for congregations and agencies, and representing the denomination in these areas to external groups. Qualified candidates will have experience working in an area of multicultural education, racial reconciliation, and social justice and advocacy. A minimum of 5 years’ experience in a leadership and/or managerial role is also required. For the complete job description, visit To apply, send cover letter and resumé to Michelle De Bie, Director of Human Resources, at by December 16, 2016. The process will remain open until a nominee to fill the position is identified.
Director of the New Mission Agency (NMA) - The Christian Reformed Church in North America is seeking a Director for the New Mission Agency being created by the joining of Christian Reformed World Missions and Home Missions. The New Mission Agency seeks to fulfill a vital role in proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ throughout the world. The successful candidate will have demonstrated skills in casting vision and thinking strategically; experience working as a missional leader and working inter-culturally. For the complete job description and additional information visit To apply send cover letter and resume to by December 16, 2016. The process will remain open until a nominee to fill the position is identified.
From Office of Social Justice
Sanctity of Human Life Sunday - January 15 is Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, and the CRC Office of Social Justice is pleased to offer resources for you and your church to honor the day--resources for worship planning, bulletin inserts, a prayer, and a responsive reading. This year, as we honor the Sanctity of Human Life, we want to lift up those who are grieving the loss of a child. This is why we are highlighting the story of Eloise, who was born at 25 and a half weeks and after 31 beautiful days of life went to be with Jesus. In her short time on earth, Eloise touched the lives of many, teaching about the value of every life created in God’s image, no matter how fragile or small. Visit for worship resources and to learn more about Eloise’s story.
From Other
ART IN ORVIETO - NEW ICS course offering this summer: ART IN ORVIETO—an immersive exploration of art, religion, and theology! Practicing writers, artists, and anyone interested in academic engagement with the arts are welcome! Join Dr. Rebekah Smick, David Holt, John Terpstra, Dr. Thomas McIntire, and Dr. John Skillen for a four-week in-depth study of Christian understandings of the arts. This course will run June 18 to July 15, 2017, and consists of a graduate seminar and/or writers’ and artists’ studio workshops in beautiful Orvieto, Italy with guided weekly excursions to Rome, Assisi, and Florence. Meals and accommodations provided. Participants are eligible to receive graduate credit or a Certificate of Completion for their work. Application deadline: DECEMBER 10, 2016. For information and to apply, go to