17th International Conference in Irish-German Studies
Irish-German Relations 2017: Between Böll and Brexit
20th Anniversary Conference of the Centre for Irish-German Studies & Commemoration of Heinrich Böll’s 100th Birthday
Venue and Date
University of Limerick, 14-16 September 2017
Dr Joachim Fischer / Dr Gisela Holfter
Centre for Irish-German Studies / Zentrum für deutsch-irische Forschungen
School of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics
University of Limerick
Gisela Holfter, Tel. 00353-61-202395, email
Joachim Fischer, Tel. 00353-61-202354, email
Programme Outline
14 September 2017 Venue: AD2-010 (Analog Devices Building, UL)
9.30 Opening addresses
10.00 - 11.30 Session 1 Irish-German Relations in the Context of Brexit
12.00 - 1.30 Session 2 Economic Relations and the Need for Languages
2.30 - 4.00 Session 3 Heinrich Böll and Ireland
4.30 - 6.00 Session 4 Heinrich Böll at 100
6.30 Music Kurt Roger’s Irish Sonata (Irish World Academy for Music & Dance)
7.30 Reception by German Embassy followed by Conference Dinner (Pavilion Restaurant)
15 September 2017
9.00 - 10.30 Session 5 Austria – Ireland – Switzerland in 2017
11.00 - 12.30 Session 6 Literary Studies
1.30 - 3.00 Session 7 Connections in Science
3.30 - 5.00 Session 8 Recent Work on Historical Links
5.15 - 6.45 Session 9 Artistic Interfaces: Art, Music, Poetry
7.00 – 8.00 Readings Joe Joyce & Eva Bourke & Book presentations
8.00 Céilí & Barbeque (The Scholars Club & Bar)
16 September 2017
9.00 - 10.30 Session 10 Irish Studies in German-speaking Countries / German Studies in
11.00 - 1.00 Session 11 Media Discourses on Ireland and Germany / Stories from Berlin
Thursday, 14 September 2017
9.30 Opening Address by Dr Desmond Fitzgerald, President, University of Limerick
10.00-11.30 Session 1: Irish-German Relations in the Context of Brexit and Beyond (Chair: Edward Moxon-Browne)
Josef Reichhardt (Deputy German Ambassador, Dublin) – Diplomatic perspectives
Rüdiger Görner (Centre for Anglo-German Cultural Relations, London) – British-German relations from a ‘Germanistik’ point of view
Paul Gillespie (Irish Times) – The Brexit debate and Ireland
12.00-1.30 Session 2: Economic Relations and the Need for Languages (Chair: Bernadette Andréosso-O’Callaghan)
Ralf Lissek (Irish-German Chamber of Commerce, Dublin) – The development of economic relations in recent years
Liam Ryan (SAP Ireland) – Irish-German business: An employer’s perspective
Mairead Crosby (IBEC) – The need for German language skills for the Irish economy
2.30-4.00 Session 3: Böll and Ireland (Chair: Hermann Rasche, Galway)
René Böll (Cologne) – The Böll family and Ireland
Edward King (Achill) – Heinrich Böll on Achill Island and his connections there
Sheila McHugh (Acla Heinrich Böll Committee) – The work of the Heinrich Böll Committee on Achill Island
John McHugh (Heinrich Böll Cottage) – Artists’ and writers’ residencies in the Böll Cottage
4.30-6.00 Session 4: Böll at 100 (Chair: Pól Ó Dochartaigh, NUI Galway)
Ralf Schnell (Berlin) – The complete works of Böll (Kölner Ausgabe) and developments in Böll scholarship
Frank Finlay (Leeds) – The Lost Honour of HB: Böll’s legacy in the 21st Century
Christiane Schönfeld (MIC/UL) – Böll's Prose on Screen
6.30 Music – Kurt Roger (1895-1966), Irish Sonata played by Joachim Roewer (Irish Chamber Orchestra) & Lance Coburn (Royal Irish Academy of Music)
(A rare Irish performance of the acclaimed sonata written by the Austrian refugee composer in Waterford before emigrating to the US in 1939 – the only musical trace of German-speaking refugees in Ireland. Introduced by Leslie Stevenson, St. Andrews, and Gisela Holfter).
7.30 Reception by German Embassy followed by Conference Dinner (Pavilion Restaurant)
Friday, 15 September 2017
9.00-10.30 Session 5: Connections in Science (Chair: Helen Kelly-Holmes, UL)
Georg Krawietz (DAAD London) – The role of the German Academic Exchange Service
Luke Drury (DIAS, Dublin) – The Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies and the crucial role of international scientific links
Ursel Bangert (UL, Bernal Institute) – The added benefits of international collaboration: Some examples of Irish-German research projects
11.00-12.30 Session 6: Literary Studies (Chair: Sabine Egger, MIC/UL)
Michaela Schrage-Früh (Galway/Mainz) – Lyrical links: Germany in Irish poetry
Marieke Krajenbrink (UL) – Irish-German detective fiction
Emer O’Sullivan (Lüneburg) – Irish-German intercultural connections in children’s literature
1.30-3.00 Session 7: Austria – Ireland – Switzerland in 2017 (Chair: Veronica O’Regan)
Andreas Maurer (Innsbruck) – The Brexit Debate: An Austrian perspective
Patrick Studer (Zurich) – Recent Swiss discourses about the European Union and Swiss-Irish relations
Jürgen Barkhoff (Dublin) – Swiss-Irish literary relations
3.30-5.00 Session 8: Recent Work on Historical Links (Chair: Eda Sagarra, Dublin)
Peter Harbison (Royal Irish Academy, Dublin) – Archaeological links Ireland-Germany
Jérôme aan de Wiel (Cork) – Recent historical research on Irish-German relations, 1870-1922: An overview
Mervyn O’Driscoll (Cork) – Recent historical research on Irish-German relations in the post-war period: An overview
5.15-6.45 Session 9: Artistic Interfaces: Art, Music, Poetry (Chair: Gareth Cox, MIC)
Imogen Stuart (Dublin) – Irish-German connections in art: A personal review
Raymond Deane (Dublin/Fürth) – Working at the Irish-German musical interface
Seamus Hogan et al.(Ballydehob) – Translating Rilke
7.00-8.00 Readings (Chair: Andreas Zürn, Goethe Institut Dublin) – Joe Joyce, journalist and author of the trilogy Echoland (Dublin One City One Book Choice 2017), Echobeat and Echowave; Eva Bourke (Galway/Berlin) & presentation of Siobhán O’Connor, Irish Government Policy and Public Opinion towards German-Speaking Refugees, 1933-1943 (2017) and Gisela Holfter/Horst Dickel, An Irish Sanctuary- German-speaking Refugees in Ireland 1933-1945 (2017)
followed by Céilí & Barbeque (The Scholars Club & Bar)
Saturday, 16 September 2017
9.00-10.30 Session 10: Irish Studies in German-speaking Countries / German Studies in Ireland (Chair: Manfred Schewe, Cork)
David Stifter (Maynooth) – The state of Celtic Studies in the German-speaking countries
Jochen Achilles (Würzburg) – Irish Studies in the German-speaking countries: The last twenty years
Hans-Walter Schmidt-Hannisa (Galway) – Recent developments in German Studies in Ireland
11.00-1.00 Session 11: Media Discourses on Ireland and Germany / Stories from Berlin (Chair: Elmar Conrad-Hassels, German Ireland Fund/GILBA, Bonn)
Brendan Keenan (Irish Independent) – Recent Irish media discourses on Germany
Fergal Lenehan (Jena) – German media discourses on Ireland since 1990
Derek Scally (Irish Times, Berlin) – Reporting from Berlin: An Irish correspondent’s perspective
Melanie Neumann (Berlin) – The Irish in Berlin: Immigration since the Millennium
Close of Conference
We gratefully acknowledge the support of the DAAD; the Heinrich Böll Stiftung; the Austrian and German Embassies; the Goethe Institut Irland; the Centre for European Studies (CEUROS), the Schools of Modern Languages and Applied Linguistics and Culture and Communication, the Faculty of AHSS and the IACF, University of Limerick.
For any changes, updates and information re registration see Centre for Irish-German Studies website: http://ulsites.ul.ie/irishgerman/upcoming-events
For general inquiries, please contact: (Emma T. Foley/Madeleine O’Sullivan)