Application to Submit Protocols to the Relying/Reviewing IRBs for PRCTRC Studies
Type of study: / Institution FWA# Reviewing RelyingNew Study / MSC 00005561
Approved Study with Amendment / UCC 00001103
PHSU 00000345
Protocol Information
Project Title
Protocol Number
Principal Investigator
Mailing Address
Co-Principal Investigator
Mailing Address
Co-Principal Investigator:
Mailing Address
Justify your request for IRB Reciprocity:
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Before submitting this application to your local IRB, please verify that it has all the required signatures.
Submitted Documents to the Relying/Reviewing IRB:
Reviewing IRB Application Form
Conflict of InterestLetter of collaboration from the Performance
Site(s) (collaborators, approval of facilities used,
/Human Subjects Training Certificate HIPAA Training Certificate
Plan for managing multicenter study(if applicable)
Informed Consent/Assent Document (English &
Spanish Versions)
/Other (Specify)
All these documents must be sent electronically to the IRB representative of your Institution, (if applicable):
Principal Investigator’s Certification:
- I certify that the information provided in this application is complete and correct.
- I certify that I will follow my IRB-approved Protocol.
- I accept complete responsibility for the conduct of this study, the ethical performance of the project, and the protection of the rights and welfare of the human subjects who are directly or indirectly involve in this project.
- I will comply with all applicable federal or local laws regarding the protection of human subjects in research.
- I will ensure that the personnel working in this study are qualified and will follow the IRB-approved protocol.
- I will not modify this protocol or any attached materials without first submitting an amendment to the previously approved protocol and receiving subsequent IRB approval from the reviewing IRB.
Principal Investigator (Printed Name): Date:
Principal Investigator’s Signature
Dean/Department Director Assurance Statement-
This is to certify that I have reviewed this research protocol and I attest to the competency of the investigator(s) to conduct the project and I authorize the Principal Investigator to conduct the Study under this Faculty/ DepartmentDean/Department Director: ______Date: ______
(Printed Name)
Dean/Department Director’s Signature: ______
To be completed by the Relying IRB
After reviewing this research protocol, the following decision was made:
Accept to relying
Require clarification
Deny the relying. The local IRB will be the reviewing IRB of Record
Reason for disapproval:
Chairperson (Printed Name): Date:
Chairperson Signature
IRB Reciprocity Application 1 | RKS
Revised April 2016