B1 About the installation
B1.1 Form for new permit application
Provide details of the activities and operators at the installation
We need to know about the entire installation (i.e. ‘stationary technical unit’ and any relevant ‘directly associated activities’).
Activities in the ‘stationary technical unit’ e.g. ‘egg production’ / Number of poultry/pigs / Operator nameDirectly associated activities / Document reference number / Operator name
B1.2 Why is the application being made?
The installation is new
It is an existing installation for which a ‘substantial change’ is proposed.
B1.3 Site maps and site reports
(i) Provide a report describing the condition of the site at the time the permit is applied for (identifying, in particular, any substance in or under the land that may constitute a pollution risk).
(ii) Provide suitable maps or plans showing the location of the site of the installation, the location and nature of the various activities on the site, and the area of the site covered by the site report.
Site report document reference:
Map/plan document reference numbers:
/ B2 Your proposed techniques
B2.1 Your proposed farm management techniques
B2.1.1 Inspection and maintenance
Give details of your inspection and maintenance schedule for structures and plant.
Inspection and maintenance document reference:
B2.1.2 Staff training
(i)Have staff received training relating to IPPC?Yes
(ii)Either detail training that has been undertaken (and when)
Or, training that is to be undertaken (and when it is planned)
Document reference for training details:
B2 Your proposed techniques continued
B2.2 Raw materials and water
B2.2.1 Selection and use of raw materials
(i)Use the table below (or provide separate tables in a format similar to that shown below) to list the raw and auxiliary materials which will be used in the process.
(ii)Where a choice of a less environmentally hazardous alternative is available, for example you are using a different substance to those on the approved lists, justify your reason for choosing a particular material.
Document reference for selection and use of raw materials:
Inventory of raw materials
/ Quantity Used (litres or kg per year) / Quantity stored on site (litres or kg)a)Biocides (includes disinfectants, wood preservatives and slimicides)
b)Pesticides (includes herbicides, fungicides, insecticides, vertebrate control products and biological pesticides)
c)Veterinary medicines (excludes dietary additives)
d)Bedding types
e)Fuels and oils
B2 Your proposed techniques continued
B2.2.2 Selection and use of feedstuffs
(i) Describe the type of feed to be used and the proposed feeding regime.
(ii) State whether digestive enzymes or other additives (e.g.Veterinary medicines) will be used.
Document reference for selection and use of feedstuffs:
B2.2.3 Minimising water use
(i) Have you undertaken a water audit?
(ii) If yes, describe the measures you will take to minimise water use.
Document reference for water audit and measures to minimize water use:
If no, state when you propose to undertake a water
B2.2.4 Minimising waste
(i) Have you undertaken a waste minimisation audit?
(ii) If yes, describe the measures you will take to minimise waste.
Document reference for waste audit and measures to reduce waste:
If no, state when you propose to undertake a waste
(iii) Describe how carcasses will be disposed of.
Document reference for carcass disposal methods:
/ B2.3 Techniques for pollution prevention and control
B2.3.1 Feed delivery, milling and preparation
If feed is to be stored or prepared on the premises describe the process and measures you will take to minimise pollution.
Document reference for feed delivery, milling and preparation:
B2.3.2 Storage of agricultural fuel oil, other oils and chemicals
List the facilities you will use for agricultural fuel oil, other oils and chemicals – give details of tank capacities and locations; state whether existing tanks are bunded.
Document reference for storage of fuel, oil and other materials:
B2.3.3 Minimising emissions from housing
Describe the measures you will take to minimise emissions to air, water and land from livestock housing.
Document reference number for measures to minimise emissions:
B2.3.4 Slurry litter and manure storage
(i)Describe how you will store slurry and manure from pigs.
Document reference for description of slurry and manure storage:
(ii) Describe how you will store litter and manure from poultry.
Document reference for description of litter and manure storage:
B2.3.5 Control of solid manure and slurry spreading operations and manure management planning
(i) If slurry/litter/manure is spread on land not belonging to your business, please detail how and where it is spread.
Document reference for details of manure spread on third party land:
B2 Your proposed techniques continued
(ii) If you spread manure on your own land, provide a copy of your Manure Management Plan.
Document reference for Manure Management Plan:
B2.3.6 Measures for controlling odour
(i) Are there any local receptors within 400m who could be affected by odour?
(ii) Has the site been the cause of substantial complaints about odour?
(iii)If you have answered yes to either of these questions, describe the measures you will take to manage odour from the installation.
Document reference for Odour Management Plan:
B2.4 Discharges to Groundwater
B2.4.1 Disposal or discharge of dangerous (List I or List II) substances to land or water
(i) Will any dangerous (List I or List II) substances be
disposed of or discharged from the installation?
(ii)If yes, explain how the requirements of the Groundwater Regulations (LN203 of 2002) are being met, or if a discharge to a watercourse, by what means the discharge is controlled.
Document reference for Groundwater Regulations:
B2.5 Waste management storage and handling
B2.5.1 Characterise and quantify each waste stream from the installation and describe the proposed measures for waste management, storage and handling.
Document reference number:
B2.5.2 Could the installation involve the release of any Schedule A or Schedule B substance into the sewers and if any are identified explain how the requirements of LN139 of 2002 have been addressed
No Yes / B2.5.3 Could the installation involve the release of any substance directly into relevant territorial waters or coastal waters?
Document reference number:
B2.5.4 Carcass Disposal
Describe how carcasses will be disposed of.
Document reference number for carcass disposal methods:
B2.6 Waste recovery and disposal
B2.6.1 Describe how each waste stream is proposed to be recovered or disposed of and, if you propose any disposal, explain why recovery is technically and economically impossible and describe the measures planned to avoid or reduce any impact on the environment.
Document reference number:
B.2.7 Energy use
(i) Describe your existing or proposed energy
consumption, the recording system you will use and
measures to improve energy efficiency, (keeping in mind Climate Change).
Document reference for energy:
B2.8 Accident prevention and management
Please submit an emergency plan detailing measures to be taken in the event of an accident that may affect the environment.
Document reference number for emergency plan:
B2 Your proposed techniques continued
B2.9 Measures for controlling noise and vibration
(i) Are there any local receptors within 400m who could be affected by noise?
(ii) Have you received any complaints about noise from existing farm activities?
(iii) If you have answered yes to either of these questions, describe the measures you will take to manage noise from the installation.
Document reference for Noise Management Plan:
B2.10 Measures for monitoring emissions
Describe the proposed measures for monitoring emissions to the environment by:
(i) Using standard emission factors (see Table at B3.1).
(ii) Providing details of any existing monitoring of
Document reference for monitoring emissions:
/ B2.11 Decommissioning
Describe the proposed measures on cessation of activities, to avoid pollution and return the site to a satisfactory state.
Document reference for decommissioning measures:
B3 Your proposed emissions
B3.1 Emissions to air, water and land
Give details of the nature, quantity and sources of emissions to air, water and land from the installation.Document reference for emissions to land and water:
POULTRY - Table of Ammonia Emission Factors / Emissions to air may be recorded in the Table below.
Category of livestock / Number of Poultry Places (N) / Days of operation (D)
365 / Factor in Kg/ head year (F) / Total
Layers (Cages-belt) / 0.3
Layers (Cages deep pit) / 0.45
Broilers / 0.3
Ducks and Turkeys / 0.334[∞]
Total Emission from Housing (Kg/Yr) Total
PIGS – Table of Ammonia Emission Factors
HOUSINGCategory of Livestock / Number of Pig Places (N) / Days of operation (D)
365 / Factor (F) / Total
Sows and boars / 11.6
Post-weaning pigs / 1.8
Fattening pigs (>30 kg) / 6.8
Total Emission from Housing (Kg/Yr) / Total
B3 Your proposed emissions continued
B4 Impact on the environment
B4.1 Identifying significant environmental impacts
Provide an assessment of the potential significantenvironmental effects of the foreseeable emissions from your installation.
Document reference for environmental impacts of emissions:
B4.2 Provide an assessment of whether the installation is likely to have a significant effect on another site in Malta and, if it is, provide an assessment of the implications of the installation for that site.
Document reference number:
/ B5 Environmental statements
B5.1 Has the development of the installation (or any
subsequent change or extension of the development)
required an environmental statement under LN204/2001 on the assessment of the effects of
certain public and private projects on the environment?
If yes, please supply a copy of the environmentalstatement submitted and details of any decision made.
Document reference number:
B6 Statutory consultees
We will use the information in this section to identify who we must consult about your proposals.
B6.1 In which area is the installation located?
If premises are on a boundary please give names of all relevant authorities.
Local Council:
B7 What to do nextPlease read Appendix I, then prepare and sign a covering letter to attach to your application form.
Data Protection CLAUSE
In terms of the Data Protection Act (Chapter 440 of the Laws of Malta), we will process any personal and/ or sensitive data supplied on/ in this submission or subsequently supplied by yourself, whether orally or in writing, for all or any of the following purposes:
- The proper processing of your submission;
- internal management, research and statistics;
- the protection and promotion of our legitimate interests and the proper conduct of our obligations arising under any law or statutory instrument; and
- to make public the necessary information as specified in the relevant law and/or instrument.
Relevant data will be disclosed or shared as appropriate with all our employees and with other third parties if pertinent to any of the purposes listed above.
You have the right to require that we provide you with access to your personal data as well as the right to rectify, or, in appropriate circumstances, erase/edit any inaccurate, incomplete or immaterial personal data which is being processed. However, you are required to inform us immediately of any alterations relating to your personal data which we are processing.
By sending your submission, you confirm that you are giving your explicit consent, in terms of the Data Protection Act, on behalf of yourself and all the other persons specified in this submission for the Authority to process your respective personal information as outlined above and you confirm that you have brought this Data Protection notice to the attention of these other persons and obtained their respective consents.
We undertake to implement appropriate measures and safeguards for the purpose of protecting the confidentiality, integrity and availability of all personal data processed.
Same emission factor used by France quoted in ‘Supporting document on determination of emissions from pig and poultry farms’ as quoted on 22-08-05 on
[∞] Same emission factor used by Italy as quoted on 11-03-05 on