Iowa County Recorders Association
CLRIS Project Task Force
Meeting Summary
January 11, 2005
Joan McCalmant, Linn County Recorder Scott Williams, Marshall County ICIT
Sue Vande Kamp, Story County Recorder Mitch Tollerud, Scott County ICIT
Marty Minnick, Calhoun County Recorder Kathy Blomquist, Dallas County ICIT
Dwight Reiland, Wright County Recorder Sandy Burke, Community Vitality Ctr.
Joyce Jensen, Cass County Recorder Steve Erickson, ABC Virtual
Karen Benschoter, Kossuth County Recorder Scot Beery, IMAGETek, Inc
Colleen Pearce, Cerro Gordo County Recorder Bob Rafferty, The Rafferty Group
Deb Winke, Allamakee County Recorder Phil Dunshee, Enterprise MidAmerica
Nancy Snakenberg, Keokuk County Recorder Lisa Sinclair, Enterprise MidAmerica
Marilyn Dopheide, Carroll County Recorder
Jeff Rodda, Polk County ICIT
Participants were welcomed to the teleconference meeting of the Task Force. The December Task Force Meeting Summary was reviewed and Joyce Jensen made a motion for its approval. Marty Minnick seconded the motion and the summary was approved.
CLRIS Application Development
Acceptance Testing
The tab page format was revised after the December Task Force Meeting. The navigation now keeps the user focused on the part of the page in which they were working.
There will be a code freeze for all functionality on January 14th. The next version of the portal will be ready for viewing on January 14th. The last development work will be done and last issues will be identified by January 21st.
The Project Team has received document type mapping from Solutions and needs the same from the other service providers. This information is on the project website. The service providers are to notify the Project Team by January 17th of any issues involving development of file transfer module and first page application. Any changes should not affect the order or cost of the project. Service providers are working with counties on document type mapping and parsing of names.
January 31st is the implementation date for the CLRIS portal. The Project Team suggested that Recorders look at the portal now in order to be familiar with it before implementation. Functions that will be ready on January 31st, include load, search, view and print (without charges), maintain county information and services link information. 2004 data from the following pilot counties will be on the portal on January 31st; Linn (Cott), Greene and Crawford (Incode), and Cass and Hamilton (Solutions). Palo Alto is also a pilot county but will not be online on January 31st.
Development work on the portal will continue through June 30th.
There will be various iterations for each county as they are added to the portal. Each county will have their 2005 records from their start date backwards entered on the portal. Each county will also have their complete 2004 records added and lastly historical information will be loaded on the portal.
Project Budget
Accounts Payable
It was noted that the submitted ISAC invoice was large due to conference call costs. Dwight Reiland moved to approve the Accounts Payable. Karen Benschoter seconded and it was approved.
Updated Fiscal Year 2005 Budget
The 2005 Budget has been adjusted since the December Task Force Meeting. The overall costs are within the budget originally approved by the Task Force.
The participants discussed whether ABC Virtual, ISAC or Enterprise MidAmerica should be responsible for the operational plan of running CLRIS. The proposed 2005 budget details the operational plan being overseen by EMA.
Joyce Jensen made a motion to approve the proposed 2005 revised budget. Sue Vande Kamp seconded the motion and it was approved.
The Project Manager recommended that some form of governing committee needs to be in place to deal with ongoing operations. The participants discussed this matter at great length. It was decided this discussion should be continued at a future Executive Board Meeting.
Updated Fiscal Year 2006 Budget
The 2006 Budget was not discussed and will be reviewed at the February Task Force Meeting.
Project Expenditure Logs
The latest versions of the expenditure logs include historical information. Participants may discard any earlier versions they have. The next version of the expenditure logs will include information associated with local service provider activity.
Service Provider Contracts/Agreements
The Project Team is waiting for more communication with Fidlar. The Project Manager will act as an agent for Audubon and Clayton counties.
The second amendment to the ABC Virtual contract was discussed. Changes to the hosting plan and amount of bandwidth were noted. Other changes were the development for database adjustments and the first page application that had been requested and approved by the Task Force.
Joan McCalmant moved to approve ABCV’s contract Amendment Number 2 to Attachment #7. Marty Minnick seconded the motion and it was approved.
Enterprise MidAmerica
Enterprise MidAmerica’s original agreement with the Recorder’s Association was a letter of agreement from October 2003 through September 2004. Since this agreement expired, the Association and EMA have been continuing their business relationship on a month to month basis. A proposed new contract between EMA and the Association would extend similar terms and conditions to EMA as have been agreed upon with other service providers. The proposed contract term would continue through June 2007.
A compensation amount has not been noted because the 2006 budget has not been discussed or approved. The three components of the draft 2006 budget relating to EMA are project management services, account management and marketing services, and travel expenses and general office expenses. EMA’s scope of work would include management, marketing, customer support and project development.
Joan McCalmant made a motion to approve the proposed EMA contract with the compensation amount to be specified in conjunction with approval of the 2006 Budget. Sue Vande Kamp seconded the motion and it was approved.
Bank of America
Participants determined that Bank of America correspondence should be directed to the offices of EMA and also EMA should be the point of contact for any business or customer questions.
· Account Resolution
The Project Manager has begun steps to establish a depository account (003792448524) with Joyce Jensen and Mary Miller having authority over the account. As a non-profit organization, the Association may use this account for depositing money received from CLRIS fees. Legal counsel at ISAC has reviewed and approved this proposed business action.
Dwight Reiland moved to approve a depository account with Bank of America. Colleen Pearce seconded the motion and it was approved.
· Merchant Account Agreement
The Project Manager proposed that a Bank of America merchant account application and agreement be completed and submitted by Joan McCalmant or Joyce Jensen. This account would be for credit card and debit card services. A fee of 1.43% for Visa and 1.55% for MasterCard would apply.
Marty Minnick made a motion to complete the merchant account application at the specified rates and to complete business arrangements with Bank of America with final approval coming from Joan McCalmant or Joyce Jensen. Dwight Reiland seconded the motion and it was approved.
· Treasury Management Agreement
The Treasury Management Agreement must be signed by both Joan McCalmant, President of the Associaton, and Joyce Jensen, Treasurer. There are three related documents with the Treasury Management Agreement:
credit_1 Authorizes Bank of America to make deposits into county accounts.
achex2 When monies are withdrawn for transfer, this direct deposit set-up informs Bank of America of the account from which monies are taken.
2005 calendar The calendar noting when electronic transactions should occur, taking funds from the main account and depositing them to county accounts. It is proposed that funds be transferred daily.
Sue Vande Kamp moved to authorize completion of the Bank of America Treasury Management Agreement including Joan McCalmant’s and Joyce Jensen’s signatures, subject to their approval. Colleen Pearce seconded the motion and it was approved.
Request for Proposals
The Association needs to establish a business relationship with a service provider for accounting and tax preparation. A Request for Proposal (CLRISAccounting2005) has been drafted. Changes have been made to the introduction and evaluation sections since being distributed to the Task Force members. Members were encouraged to send the RFP to businesses of their choice. It was noted that the chosen firm should have experience with online transactions and transfer of funds if possible. The deadline for responding to the RFP is January 31st.
Colleen Pearce made a motion to approve issuance of the RFP. Dwight Reiland seconded the motion and it was approved.
Auditing services will be secured from a separate accounting firm.
The RFP will be finalized today and distributed to known qualified firms. The Task Force Members may receive and distribute copies of the RFP.
Selection Committee
The Project Manager will read through the RFP proposals but suggested that Mary Miller and Joyce Jensen serve on a committee to choose the best-suited accounting firm.
County Project Plans
Status Report
The current “County Project Plan Status Report” was discussed. Many Recorders have signed their project plans and have forwarded them to the Management Office. These plans are ready for Joan McCalmant’s signature.
There is work being done in almost all 99 counties. Some counties, including those using Fidlar and in-house systems, still have substantive work to do.
Marshall County may be terminating its contract with ACS and may be switching to a different service provider.
Cedar County has submitted a project plan and the Project Manager is reviewing the plan.
Jim Rice is assisting Pottawattamie, Black Hawk and Cerro Gordo counties in completing their in-house plans. Action on these counties is being deferred until project plans are received.
Clinton County has signed a contract with Incode.
Adair County is evaluating their options for an imaging system.
Project Plans
Seven project plans were recommended for approval. Colleen Pearce made a motion to approve the project plans submitted by Ringgold, Story, Union and Jasper Counties. Also, Johnson, Woodbury and Wapello Counties. Joyce Jensen seconded the motion and it was approved.
Communication with Bill Peterson
Joan McCalmant recently answered a lengthy letter with many questions pertaining to CLRIS and its contracts, Project Manager and public funds. She forwarded her signed letter to the Project Manager. Task Force Members will receive copies of Joan’s letter and may distribute as they choose.
Affiliate Discussion
A proposed e-submission letter to the Bar Association addresses two issues; the time a document is legally recorded and the e-submission process. Participants expressed support for a letter addressed to the Bar Association requesting their official endorsement of the CLRIS portal.
As discussed at the December Task Force Meeting, the Auditors Association Executive Committee approved a proposal that Auditors may not require receipt of transfer documents prior to recording.
Department of Natural Resources
The DNR has discussed using CLRIS to provide some services. This could be done in six to twelve months if financing is available. The Task Force Members will discuss this idea at a future meeting.
The participants discussed having a launch activity to acknowledge all of those who have worked to create the Iowa Land Records system. It was suggested this activity be held in conjunction with Spring School, March 16th, 17th, and 18th.
The next meeting of the Task Force is scheduled for Tuesday, February 8th.