Ionia Public Schools
DSICC Minutes
December 1, 2009
The mission of Ionia Public Schools is:
To educate all students in an environment that fosters their preparation as responsible citizens.
Welcome & Introductions: The December 2009 DSICC meeting started at 8:34 a.m. with a brief welcome by Ben Kirby, Associate Superintendent. The next meeting on January 5, 2010 will be at the ISD from 8:30-11:00 a.m. Ben introduced the new high school parent member, Ellen Fitzpatrick.
Approval of minutes: Ben reviewed the minutes of the November 3, 2009. Motion by Tim Blackmer, seconded by Gale Yeomans, to approve the minutes of November 3, 2009. Motion carried. Ben briefly reviewed the DSICC Social Contract.
“Kids Have Rights” program (3rd Grade): Mary McGuire, from the Children’s Assessment Center, presented the “Kids Have Rights” program. The KHR program was started in Kent County at the Children’s Assessment Center. Mary passed out KHR brochures and the Parent Consent Letter for the committee to review. KHR developed a curriculum to teach self-advocacy to their target audience. The goal is to teach children how to handle the feelings associated with touching and who the child can safely talk to regarding touching and possible sexual abuse. In Kent County, the curriculum is taught in 2nd-5th grades. KHR does not deal with sexuality, does not go into detail about STDs or sexual health, it does not conflict with the Health/Sex Education curriculum and each school is allowed to choose the type of parental consent forms to use (two options are provided). Surveys show that 90% of parents are supportive of the program. Grants are available to cover the program costs for Ionia Public Schools. Mary’s phone number is 616-902-0728.
School Improvement Plan update by buildings:
Anne Sharkey-Scott presented the Heartlands School Improvement goals on pretesting students in ELA & math, integrating academics into the CTE programs, and making parent contacts on a regular basis.
Jack Manciu discussed the Welch Education Center parent compact and that Welch is encouraging parents to be more involved in their son/daughter’s education. After completing the first trimester, students are more involved in their education and understand the behavior expectations to attend the Welch Education Center.
Beth Davis shared the most recent School Improvement Team’s discussion on the current 9th grade data showing the academic struggles the 9th graders experience in their transition from the middle school to the high school. The team plans to discuss a 9th grade transition course. Beth shared the H.S. team briefly discussed the necessary changes in their attendance policy as it pertains to a student’s loss of credit due to excessive absences.
Cheri Meier discussed the Ionia Middle School goal of writing. At the present time, the middle school is collecting pieces of evidence in the form of writing samples. In the math area, Cheri gave an update on the Math Coherence Committee. A presentation by the 7th grade Math Coherence Committee representative will occur at their next School Improvement meeting to help focus all math teachers on what the committee has been discussing. The middle school ICT (Instructional Consultation Team) will continue to discuss specific students in need of support. ICT will complete a monthly newsletter to share with staff. Also, Capturing Kids Hearts is a main focus at the middle school. Additional middle school staff has been trained in Capturing Kids Hearts (secretaries, paraeducators, and ISD support staff).
Dayna Ellis: Twin River’s School Improvement focus is on writing and completing “Writing Celebrations” in the classrooms. The quality of the writing from students is outstanding and Dayna stated she is impressed with the stories that students are writing. TR teachers have “I Can” statements posted in the classrooms and students are aware of what they should be learning each day.
Mitch Mercer – Emerson Elementary School Improvement plan provided teacher training in “Making Meanings”. The program uses picture books and has lessons to help students understand more of what they read. The program focuses on improved listening skills and reading comprehension.
Stacey Bovee from Boyce Elementary stated her School Improvement team is in the process of collecting evidence and the building has had several “Writing Celebrations”. She stated it is amazing what students are doing in their writing.
Darin Magley from Rather Elementary discussed their School Improvement focus to complete the On-Site Review guide. Most of the items were ranked at medium or high by the Rather School Improvement team. Documentation and evidence is available for the audit. Darin felt the team had several good discussions related to the review guide. Learning targets are provided to students on a regular basis in the classrooms.
Matt Vogel from Jefferson Elementary stated the On-Site Review was completed by the School Improvement Committee. Evidence is being collected such as teacher lesson plans and other building documents. Writing skills is a goal throughout the building.
On-Site Review Study Guide: Ben reviewed the On-Site Review Study Guide for the upcoming audit. All individuals gave input as to the ratings for each indicator. School Improvement Framework areas: Teaching for Learning; Data and Information Management; Leadership; Teacher and Principal Training and Recruitment; Enhancing Education Through Technology; Neglected/Delinquent; Migrant; Language Acquisition Program; State Small Class Size; and State At-Risk.
Math Coherence Update: Dayna reported that the Committee is on year 2 of their training with the Math Coherence Institute. The Committee is reviewing the procedural and conceptual pieces of math instruction. The Committee is in the process of expanding their membership so all buildings are represented. All buildings have the conceptual portion written into their School Improvement plans. Students in the upper grades (especially high school) are not prepared for conceptual math and it is demonstrated on the ACT/MME. Articles are available for teachers to read on the research available in math instruction.
Reproductive Health Update: This item has been moved to the January 2010 meeting.
Financial Overview for the state of Michigan (Video): Ben showed the DSICC committee the link for the 16-minute school funding video. The link is on the district’s website.
School Improvement Plan/Parent Compact Review: The parent compacts were provided to parents at the Elementary parent/teacher conferences. Ben stated he will forward a flowchart to the DSICC committee members. Ben said he will provide the updated District School Improvement Plan to the members.
Adjournment: Motion by Matt Vogel, seconded by Tim Blackmer, to adjourn at 11:07 a.m. Motion carried.
DSICC Upcoming Meeting Dates for 2009-2010 School Year
January 5, 2010 Flat & Grand River (ISD)
February 2, 2010 Looking Glass Room (ISD)
March 2, 2010 Looking Glass Room (ISD)
April 14, 2010 Flat & Grand River (ISD)
May 4, 2010 8:30-2:30 Grand River & Looking Glass (ISD)