Measurement Species / 1Instrument / [1]Timescale of measurements / Who to contact for data
Ozone / UV Absorption TEI 49C / October 2006-present / Katie Read
Carbon Monoxide / UV Fluorescence, Aerolaser 5001 / October 2006-present / Katie Read
NO, NOx, NOy / Chemiluminescence, Air Quality Design Inc / October 2006-present / James Lee/
Sarah Moller
Meteorological data at 4m, 10m and 30m / Automatic Weather Station / October 2006-present / Katie Read
NMHC, DMS, OVOC / Dual channel GC-FID / October 2006-present / Katie Read
Halocarbons / GC-MS / May 2007-present / Dickon Young
Chemical characterisation of aerosol PM10, PM2.5, PM1 / HiVOL Sampler, Digitel DHA-80 subsequent AAS, PIXE, thermographic methods, CE-MS, GC-MS…. / November 2006-present / Konrad Müller
DMPS (3-900 nm) / November 2006-present / Konrad Müller
Physical characterisation of aerosol / 5 stage Berner impactor / May 2007-present / Alfred Wiedensohler
BrO/IO/NO3/ClO / LP-DOAS / November 2006-June 2007 / Anoop Mahajan
/Hilke Oetjen
BrO/IO/NO3/ClO / MAX-DOAS / December 2006-present / Udo Friess/
Jessica Balbo
JO1D / Radiometer / January-February 2007, May 2007-present / Katie Read
CH4, CO2, N2O, CO, SF6, ratio of O2/N2, and Ar/N2 isotope ratios of 13C/12C and 18O/16O of CO2 and O2 / Flask sampling / January 2007-present / Lena Koslova
Cloud cover / Ceilometer / January 2008-present / Katie Read
Leachable Fe, Mn, Al, NO3, PO4, amino acids, total metal conc / Filters, XRF / Matt Patey
Filter sampler / November 2007-present / Luca Nizzetto
Rosalinda Goia
Solar radiation / Spectral Radiometer / April 2008-present / Mayk Fischer
O2, N2, SF6, CH4, N2O / Gas Chromatograph / June 2008-present / Lena Koslova
CO2 / NDIR / June 2008-present / Lena Koslova
O2 / O2 Paramagnetic instrument / June 2008-present / Lena Koslova
Iron species / Ion Chromatography / January-February 2010 / Konrad Muller
O3 profiles / O3 sondes / Summer 2010? / Gregory Jenkins
During RHaMBLe 4-week (18th May-15th June 2007) Intensive Experiment
OH, HO2, IO / FAGE / May-June 2007 / Lisa Whalley/
Kate Furneaux
Lifetime of OH / Flow tube with FAGE / May-June 2007 / Andy Goddard
Cl2, I2, Br2 / Quadrapole GC-MS / May-June 2007 / Mike Lawler/ Brandon Finley
HCl, Cl* (HOCl+Cl2), HNO3, HCOOH, CH3COOH, HONO / Tandem mist chambers/Ion chromatographs / May-June 2007 / Alex Pszenny
/Bill Keene
Total volatile inorganic Br and I / Filter pack, neutron activation analysis / May-June 2007 / Alex Pszenny
/Bill Keene
Halocarbons / GC / June 2007-present / Louise O’Brien
/Andrew Robinson

Keene and Pszenny


–IO, OIO, I2, BrO, ClO, O3, HCHO, NO2, NO3, SO2 LP and MAX DOAS

HCl, Cl* (HOCl + Cl2), HNO3, NH3, HCOOH, CH3COOH Tandem mist chambers/IC

Total volatile inorganic Br and IFilterpack/NAA

–Halocarbons, C2-C10 NMHCs, C1-C5 alkylnitrates, OVOCsCanister/GC MS, PTRMS

–O3, NO, CO, CO2, CH4 In-situ AIRMAP


Size-resolved organic and inorganic ionic constituents (Cl-) Cascade Impactor/IC

Size-resolved total Br and ICascade Impactor/NAA

–Particle number size distributions (6-800 nm diameter)SMPS/HCPC

Meteorological Conditions

–Actinic flux (photolysis rates for halogen species)Spectroradiameter

–T, P, RH, WD, WS, WD/WS profilesNOAA NWS Met Data + ETL Profiler

Model Calculations

–Large-scale atmospheric transportHYSPLIT, Retroplumes

–Aerosol LWC and pHThermodynamics

–Dry-deposition fluxesValiguera [1995], Hummelshøj et al. [1992]

–1D multiphase photochemistryMISTRA

Seasonal Oxidant Study

Measurement / Technique / Institute / Period of measurement
OH, HO2 / FAGE / Stewart Vaughan and Trevor Ingham, University of Leeds / 4 x 3 week campaigns Feb-March, May, September, November 2009
IO, BrO, NO3 / LP-DOAS / Hilke Oetjen, University of Leeds / Continuously between Feb-Nov 2009
HO2, RO2 / PERCA / Karun Arunasalam, University of Leicester / 4 x 3 week campaigns Feb-March, May, September, November 2009
Photolysis rates / Radiometers / Michael, Roland Leigh, University of Leicester / Continuously between Feb-Nov 2009
MAX-DOAS / Michael, Roland Leigh, University of Leicester / Continuously between Feb-Nov 2009
Ozone Sondes / Roberto Sommariva, Roland Von Glasow, University of East Anglia / May 2009
Dihalogens, HOCl/HOBr / Mass Spectrometry / Mike Lawler, Eric Saltzman, University of California, Irvine / May, September 2009