Bright Stars News

Sunday 1stApril 2018

Dear Parents,

Spring is finally here, the sun is teasing us, so we are praying for some more sunny days as everyone loves being able to go in the garden without getting wet. I would like to take this opportunity to welcome our new childrenwho will be starting in StarlingsStarfish. The Staff and I are looking forward to seeing you grow and develop & hope you will be very happy at our nursery!


Invoices and Payment

Your monthly invoice will be enclosed with this newsletter. Where possible we prefer payment to be made directly by bank transfer. Our bank details are as follows and please always use your child’s name as reference:-

Sort Code: 40-20-23 Account no: 61627759 Account name: Bright Stars Nursery Ltd

Changes to Payment Methods

Please note that we will no longer be accepting credit card payments with effect from 14th January 2018. This has not been a service greatly used by parents and the escalating costs of providing this method has meant that we cannot continue to offer this payment method. We would encourage parents to utilise online and telephone banking to process payments at their convenience or to call head office on 01992 676631 in order to make a debit card payment over the phone from 9am – 5.30pm. If there are any issues or concerns as a result of this change please contact Linda at Head office.

Confirmation of Fees letter to Tax Office and other Government Departments.

Please be advised that all correspondence to the tax office or other Government departments is sent directly to them following requests from parents. To avoid any confusion we always include reference numbers on such correspondence. Please ensure, therefore, that you provide copies of any letters from the Tax Office which require a response from us to be attached to your requests to us. All such requests should be sent

So what have your children been up to in March?

Star Fish and Bright Stars

With lots to fit in, to start the month the children explored weekly themes and activities around Transport: Junk modelling buses, Transport songs such as wheels on the bus, Road safety, small world trains and tracks and exploring the letter ‘T’ to Transport. They also spoke about how we all get to Nursery and what kind of transport we use.

With lots to celebrate too from World Book day, Mother’s day, St. Patricks Day & Easter the children were kept busy creatively all month. World Book day was a great success, the children looked amazing. Thank you to everyone that took part in this. The children had a brilliant day dressed as their favourite characters, they had the opportunity to speak about their costumes during circle time, and act out a scene from their character. Mother’s Day is always special and I hope you all enjoyed receiving your key ring keepsake. From the babies to the older children they all looked fantastic and I know all the children enjoyed doing them!!

The children have been really enjoying out fortnightly books, looking at the range of books each time, speaking about the story, the characters and what is happening and some children are able to recall the story using props and pictures, always relating our books to the theme of the month. We have based a few activities around this story book, including sensory play incorporating areas of learning such as Maths, making it more fun and engaging for the children to learn. We have been counting the number of wheels on each vehicle, and using language such as big and small and round and tall, encouraging the children to use language of size.

Easter was ‘chocolicious’ and the children enjoyed participating in activities such as Easter baskets, making bunnies, painting eggs , cupcakes, chocolate nests, Easter biscuits & egg hunts the children were exhausted and needed that well deserved four day weekend to relax after a very busy month.


Starlings have also been getting very creative this month. ‘That’s not my robot’ is a book all the children love, so why not take their interest and make a display board. So this is what they have been getting up to. They have used a number of different resources, sensory materials, paint, sticking and clueing to create beautiful art work to put up on our displays. They have also been creating a spring board, which is bright and colourful. The children explored paint with their feet to make butterflies, and paint on their hands to make trees. We then used other materials such as paper plates and feathers to make snails, rainbows and sunflowers. Please do some and take a look at our lovely new display boards.

The children have also explored coloured rice and cheerios. We used our hands to feel the different textures and introduced pots, pans and spoons, for some physical skill and hand eye coordination. To extend this the staff added vegetables to the rice to introduce healthy foods for our older children. Encouraging them to imitate words, extending on their language.

We had a brilliant day for World book day dressing up as our favourite characters. Thank you to everyone that took part, the children looking brilliant.

We got very creative for Mothers day, using our handprints for flower pots to make our Mothers day cards. The children then decorated their own heart shaped keying for their mothers day gifts. We hope you liked them.

Easter... who doesn’t like Easter, the children participated in lots of fun activities they made their own chocolate Easter cakes and created a Easter baskets for their eggs to go in.



Please help us recommend our amazing nursery. As we all know the internet has taken over the world and lots of potential parents will view our site, day nurseries websites and more before wanting to view the nursery. All recommendations and views are valuable as I am sure you found when you were originally looking for a special place for your child. We have ‘review us’ recommendation cards in the entrance to the main hall for so please, please pick one up fill it out and simply pop it in the post box. A few minutes of your time are priceless when it comes to helping us build Bright Stars to its full potential.


Nikki HewittMel Gibbons

Nursery Manager Deputy Nursery Manager