Invitation to Tender for Supply, Installation & Maintenance of a Research Information System



Supply, Installation and Maintenance of a

Research Information System


Table of Contents

Section 1: Introduction

Section 2: SOAS, University of London

Section 3: Instructions to Tenderers

Section 4: Tender Evaluation

Section 5: Award of Contract

Section 6: Specification

Section 7: Specification Response Requirements

Section 8: Commercial Response Requirements

Section 9: Questionnaire

Schedule 1: Form of Tender

Schedule 2: Collusive Tendering

Schedule 3: Canvassing


Appendix A:SOAS, University of LondonStandard Terms of Contract

Appendix B: Terms and Conditions For the Procurement of Services

Appendix C: To Be Process covering grant application

Appendix D: Proposed Costing and Price Process

Page 1

Invitation to Tender for Supply, Installation & Maintenance of a Research Information System

Section 1: Introduction

SOAS, University of London is seeking to let a three (3) year contract with the option to extend by a further two (2) for the Supply, Installation and Maintenance of a Research Information System (RIS).

This is a public procurement under The Public Contracts Regulations 2015 (SI 2015/102) utilising the Open Procedure.

The Contract has an anticipated value of £350k over five years.

Bidders may choose to partner other organisations in order to supply their proposed solution and SOAS would accept this approach. However, should such a bid be successful,to ensuresatisfactory performance, SOAS would wish to enter into a single contract. For further details please see Section:9 Questionnaire paragraph 4 of this document.

Section 2: SOAS, University of London

SOAS, University of London (The School of Oriental and African Studies) is the only Higher Education institution in Europe specialising in the study of Asia, Africa and the Near and Middle East. Uniquely combining language scholarship, disciplinary expertise and regional focus, it has the largest concentration in Europe of academic staff concerned with these regions.

The School was founded as the School of Oriental Studies in 1916, relocated to Russell Square in 1941 and took its present title in 2014.

Over the last century SOAS has built a strong academic reputation throughout the world and especially in Asia, Africa and the Middle East. It has outstanding facilities, both scholarly and practical and is a global academic base and a crucial resource for London.

Section 3:Instructions to Tenderers

  1. General
  2. These instructions are designed to ensure that all Tenderers are given equal and fair consideration. It is important therefore that you provide all the information asked for in the format and order specified. If you have any queries, please email
  3. Tenderers should read these instructions carefully before completing the Tender documentation. Failure to comply with these requirements for completion and submission of the Tender Response may result in the rejection of the Tender. Tenderers are advised therefore to acquaint themselves fully with the extent and nature of the services specified and contractual obligations. These instructions constitute the Conditions of Tender. Participation in the tender process automatically signals that the Tenderer accepts these Conditions of Participation.
  4. All material issued in connection with this ITT (Invitation to Tender) shall remain the property of SOAS, University of London and shall be used only for the purpose of this procurement exercise. All Due Diligence Information shall be either returned to SOAS, University of London or securely destroyed by the Tenderer (at SOAS, University of London’s option) at the conclusion of the procurement exercise.
  5. The Tenderer shall ensure that each and every sub-contractor, consortium member and adviser abides by the terms of these instructions and the Conditions of Tender.
  6. The Tenderer shall not make contact with any other employee, agent or consultant of SOAS, University of London who is in any way connected with this procurement exercise during the period of this procurement exercise, unless instructed otherwise by SOAS, University of London.
  7. SOAS, University of London shall not be committed to any course of action as a result of:
  8. Issuing this ITT or any invitation to participate in this procurement exercise.
  9. An invitation to submit any Response in respect of this procurement exercise.
  10. Communicating with a Tenderer or a Tenderer’s representatives or agents in respect of this procurement exercise.
  11. Tenderers shall accept and acknowledge that by issuing this ITT,SOAS, University of London shall not be bound to accept the lowest or any Tender, reserves the right not to conclude a Contract for some or all of the services for which Tenders are invited and shall not be responsible for any costs in connection with the preparation thereof.
  12. SOAS, University of Londonreserves the right to amend, add to or withdraw all or any part of this ITT at any time during the procurement exercise.
  1. Confidentiality
  2. Tenderers shall at all times treat the contents of the ITT and any related material as confidential, save in so far as they are already in the public domain.
  3. Tenderers shall not disclosecopy, reproduce, distribute or pass any of the Information to any other person at any time or allow any of these things to happen.
  4. Tenderers shall not use any of the Information for any purpose other than for the purposes of submitting (or deciding whether to submit) a Tender.
  5. Tenderers shall not undertake any publicity activity within any section of the media.
  6. Tenderers may disclose, distribute or pass any of the Information to the Tenderer’s advisers, sub-contractors or to another person provided that one or more of the following applies:
  7. This is done for the sole purpose of enabling a Tender to be submitted and the person receiving the Information undertakes in writing to keep the Information confidential on the same terms as if that person were the Tenderer.
  8. The Tenderer obtains the prior written consent of SOAS, University of London in relation to such disclosure, distribution or passing of Information.
  9. The disclosure is made for the sole purpose of obtaining legal advice from external lawyers in relation to the procurement.
  10. The Tenderer is legally required to make such a disclosure
  11. In paragraph 2.5, the definition of ‘person’ includes but is not limited to any person, firm, body or association, corporate or incorporate.
  12. SOAS, University of London may disclose detailed information relating to Tenders to its officers, employees, agents or advisers and may make any of the procurement documents available for private inspection by its officers, employees, agents or advisers. SOAS, University of London also reserves the right to disseminate information that is materially relevant to the procurement to all Tenderers, even if the information has only been requested by one Tenderer, subject to the duty to protect each Tenderer's commercial confidentiality in relation to its Tender (unless there is a requirement for disclosure under the Freedom of Information Act).
  13. Freedom of Information
  14. In accordance with the obligations and duties placed upon public authorities by the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (the ‘FoIA’), SOAS, University of London may, acting in accordance with the Secretary of State’s Code of Practice on the Discharge of the Functions of Public Authorities under Part 1 of the said Act, or the EIR be required to disclose information submitted by the Tenderer to SOAS, University of London.
  15. In respect of any information submitted by a Tenderer that it considers to be commercially sensitive the Tenderer should:
  16. Explain the potential implications of disclosure of such information
  17. Clearly identify such information as commercially sensitive.
  18. Provide an estimate of the period of time during which the Tenderer believes that such information will remain commercially sensitive.
  19. Where a Tenderer identifies information as commercially sensitive, SOAS, University of London will endeavour to maintain confidentiality. Tenderers should note, however, that, even where information is identified as commercially sensitive, SOAS, University of London may be required to disclose such information in accordance with the FoIA or the Environmental Information Regulations. In particular, SOAS, University of London is required to form an independent judgment concerning whether the information is exempt from disclosure under the FoIA or the EIR and whether the public interest favours disclosure or not. Accordingly, SOAS, University of London cannot guarantee that any information marked ‘confidential’ or “commercially sensitive” will not be disclosed.
  20. Where a Tenderer receives a request for information under the FoIA or the EIR during the procurement process, this should be immediately passed on to SOAS, University of London and the Tenderer should not attempt to answer the request without first consulting with SOAS, University of London.
  21. Tender Validity

Your Tender should remain open for acceptance for a period of 90 days. A Tender valid for a shorter period may be rejected.

  1. Timetable

Set out below is the proposed procurement timetable. This is intended as a guide and whilst SOAS, University of London does not intend to depart from the timetable it reserves the right to do so at any stage.

Please note that SOAS, University of London will be closed from 23rd December 2015 to 4th January 2016

1st Dec 2015 / Invitation to Tender issued
5th Jan 2016 / Closing date for receipt of bidder clarification questions
15th Jan 2016 / Deadline for Tender responses
8th Feb am, 10th Feb, 11th Feb 2016 / Supplier demonstrations to SOAS
4th March 2016 / Notification of award & commencement of Standstill
17th March 2016 / Award contract
  1. Contact Details

All questions regarding the tender process and SOAS, University of London should be made by email to .

  1. Preparation of Tender
  2. Tenderers must obtain for themselves at their own responsibility and expense all information necessary for the preparation of Tenders. Tenderers are solely responsible for the costs and expenses incurred in connection with the preparation and submission of their Tender and all other stages of the selection and evaluation process. Under no circumstances will SOAS, University of London, or any of their advisers, be liable for any costs or expenses borne by Tenderers, sub-contractors, suppliers or advisers in this process.
  3. Tenderers are required to complete and provide all information required by SOAS, University of London in accordance with the Conditions of Tender and the Invitation to Tender. Failure to comply with the Conditions and the Invitation to Tender may lead SOAS, University of London to reject a Tender Response.
  4. SOAS, University of London relies on Tenderers' own analysis and review of information provided. Consequently, Tenderers are solely responsible for obtaining the information which they consider is necessary in order to make decisions regarding the content of their Tenders and to undertake any investigations they consider necessary in order to verify any information provided to them during the procurement process.
  5. Tenderers must form their own opinions, making such investigations and taking such advice (including professional advice) as is appropriate, regarding the goods and services and their Tenders, without reliance upon any opinion or other information provided by SOAS, University of London or their advisers and representatives. Tenderers should notify SOAS, University of London promptly of any perceived ambiguity, inconsistency or omission in this ITT, any of its associated documents and/or any other information issued to them during the procurement process.
  6. Submission of Tenders
  7. Tenders and any documents accompanying them must be in the English language.
  8. Price and any financial data provided must be submitted in or converted into pounds sterling. Where official documents include financial data in a foreign currency, a sterling equivalent must be provided.
  9. Bidders should submit their Tenders including all requested supplementary information to:

SOAS, University of London

Thornhaugh Street

Russell Square



FAO PervinHussain, Project Manager, Governance and Compliance Directorate Office, Room 115

By:12 Noon on 15th January 2016

8.4.Incomplete tender submissions may result in exclusion from the Process.

8.5.Tenders must be sealed and marked 'RIS Procurement'.

8.6.Any tender received after the due date will not be accepted.

8.7.SOAS, University of London may at its own absolute discretion extend the closing date and the time for receipt of Tenders specified at paragraph 8.3. Any extension granted under paragraph8.3 will apply to all Tenderers.

8.8.Bidders must submit:

8.8.11xoriginal, priced hard copy

8.8.25x further hard copies

8.8.31 x electronic copy on a memory stick


Any Tenderer who directly or indirectly canvasses any officer, member, employee, or agent of SOAS, University of London concerning the letting of this Contract or who directly or indirectly obtains or attempts to obtain information from any such officer, member, employee or agent or concerning any other Tenderer, Tender or proposed Tender will be disqualified.


10.1Whilst the information in this ITT has been prepared in good faith, it does not purport to be comprehensive nor has it been independently verified.

10.2Neither SOAS, University of London, nor their advisors, nor their directors, officers, members, partners, employees, other staff or agents:

10.2.1Makes any representation or warranty (express or implied) as to the accuracy, reasonableness or completeness of the ITT

10.2.2Accepts any responsibility for the information contained in the ITT or for their fairness, accuracy or completeness of that information nor shall any of them be liable for any loss or damage (other than in respect of fraudulent misrepresentation) arising as a result of reliance on such information or any subsequent communication

10.3Any persons considering making a decision to enter into contractual relationships with SOAS, University of London following receipt of the ITT should make their own investigations and their own independent assessment of SOAS, University of London and its requirements for the services and should seek their own professional financial and legal advice.

10.4Any Contract concluded as a result of this ITT shall be governed by English law.

11Collusive Behaviour

Any Tenderer who:

11.1Fixes or adjusts the amount of its Tender by or in accordance with any agreement or arrangement with any other party.

11.2Communicates to any party other than SOAS, University of London the amount or approximate amount of its proposed Tender or information which would enable the amount or approximate amount to be calculated (except where such disclosure is made in confidence in order to obtain quotations necessary for the preparation of the Tender or insurance or any necessary security).

11.3Enters into any agreement or arrangement with any other party that such other party shall refrain from submitting a Tender.

11.4Enters into any agreement or arrangement with any other party as to the amount of any Tender submitted.

11.5Offers or agrees to pay or give or does pay or give any sum or sums of money, inducement or valuable consideration directly or indirectly to any party for doing or having done or causing or having caused to be done in relation to any other Tender or proposed Tender, any act or omissionshall (without prejudice to any other civil remedies available to SOAS, University of London and without prejudice to any criminal liability which such conduct by a Tenderer may attract) be disqualified.

12No Inducement or Incentive

The ITT is issued on the basis that nothing contained in it shall constitute an inducement or incentive nor shall have in any other way persuaded a Tenderer to submit a Tender or enter into a contractual agreement.

13Bidder Clarifications

13.1All requests for clarification about the requirements or the process of this procurement exercise should be made by email close of business on 5th January 2016.

SOAS reserves the right not to answer any clarifications received after this deadline.

13.2Any clarifications should clearly reference the appropriate paragraph in this ITT and, to the extent possible, should be aggregated rather than sent individually. As far as is reasonably possible, SOAS will respond to all reasonable requests for clarification of any aspect of this ITT and supporting documents, if made before the above deadline. SOAS, University of London will endeavour to answer all questions as quickly as possible, but cannot guarantee a minimum response time.

13.3In order to ensure equality of treatment of Tenderers, SOAS, University of London may publish the questions and clarifications raised by Tenderers together with SOAS, University of London’s responses (but not the source of the questions) to all participants.

13.4Clarification questions and their responses will besent directly to those Suppliers (the nominated contact) that have registered for updates.In addition they will be published at Suppliers should therefore be mindful of the content and nature of their clarificationrequests andof the conditions at Section 3. Freedom of Information above before contacting SOAS, University of London.

13.5Tenderers should indicate if a query is of a commercially sensitive nature – where disclosure of such query and the answer would or would be likely to prejudice its commercial interests. However, if SOAS, University of London at its sole discretion does not either; consider the query to be of a commercially confidential nature or one which all Tenderers would potentially benefit from seeing both the query and SOAS, University of London’s response, SOAS, University of London will:

13.5.1Invite the Tenderer submitting the query to either declassify the query and allow the query along with SOAS’ response to be circulated to all Tenderers

13.5.2Ask the Tenderer, if it still considers the query to be of a commercially confidential nature, to withdraw the query.

13.6SOAS, University of London reserves the right not to respond to a request for clarification or to circulate such a request where it considers that the answer to that request would or would be likely to prejudice its commercial interests.

13.7Final enquiries from Bidders should be received at least ten working days before the Tender Deadline. SOAS or its representatives cannot undertake to answer any queries received outside of this time.

14Single Point of Contact

Bidders must nominate a single point of contact with whom the SOAS representative will communicate in respect of all matters throughout the process. Contact details should be entered at 3.1 of Section 9 of the Questionnaire.

15Clarifications about the contents of Tenders

SOAS reserves the right (but is not obliged) to seek clarification of any aspect of a Bidder’s Tender during the evaluation phase where necessary for the purposes of carrying out a fair evaluation. Bidders are asked to respond to such requests promptly. Vague or ambiguous answers are likely to score poorly or render the Tender non-compliant. SOAS may (but is not obliged to) request Bidders to supplement, clarify or complete relevant information or documentation where information appears to be incomplete, erroneous or missing. In the event SOAS receives a Tender containing information which SOAS considers to be an assumption and / or qualification, SOAS reserves the right to contact that Bidder to clarify the basis of such pricing and to invite such Bidder to confirm or correct elements of his Tender. In the event that this amounts to a clarification of this ITT, SOAS may, if it believes the clarification to be relevant to other Bidders in the interest of equal treatment and transparency, invite all Bidders to confirm or correct elements of their Tenders on the basis of the same clarification.