P.O. Box: 16183
NL-2500 BD The Hague



Supply of New Passenger Vehicles including Spare Parts and Provision of Warranty, Maintenanceand Repair Services

issued by:


The Hague

The Netherlands

Table of contents




1.2overview of the required supplies/services

1.3brief description of the required supplies/ services

2.specific tendering information for this procedure



1.6exclusion criteria

1.7selection criteria

1.8technical and professional capacity

1.9economic and financial capacity

1.10legal capacity

1.11award criteria

1.12consortia and subcontracting


1.12.2Subcontracting and applicable thresholds


3.content of the tender

1.14eligibility, capacity and supporting documents (envelope A):

1.15technical proposal (envelope B)

1.16financial proposal (envelope C)

1.17submitting an offer


Annex A -Technical Specifications and Technical Proposal Form

Annex B -Pricing Form

Annex C- Model Contract


We thank you for the interest you have shown in this procurement procedure which consists of the following documentation:

  • The contract notice
  • This invitation to tender and its annexes
  • Instructions to tenderers and conditions applicable to Eurojust tenders
  • Tender administrative forms for Eurojust tenders.

Although the above documents constitute the complete tendering package for this tender, Candidates are invited to check regularly the Eurojust website where any additional information or clarifications concerning this procedure will be made available.

The terms of this invitation to tender and its annexes shall take precedence over the terms of the `Instruction to tenderers and conditions applicable to Eurojust tenders` and `Tender administrative forms for Eurojust tenders`.



The Council Decision 2002/187/JHA of 28 February 2002 setting up Eurojust with a view to reinforcing the fight against serious crime, established Eurojust as a “body of the Union” with legal personality.

Eurojust stimulates and improves the coordination of investigations and prosecutions between the competent authorities in the Member States and improves the cooperation between the competent authorities of the Member States, in particular by facilitating the execution of international mutual legal assistance and the implementation of extradition requests. Eurojust supports in any way possible the competent authorities of the Member States to render their investigations and prosecutions more effective when dealing with cross-border crime.

Further information on Eurojust’s activities is available on its website at the address

1.2overview of the required supplies/services

Title / Supply of New Passenger Vehicles including Spare Parts and Provision of Warranty Maintenance and Repair Services
Procedure / Open
Expected Start / 3rd quarter 2013
Type of contract / Framework
Duration / 4 years for the purchase of new vehicles
8 years + renewable up to 4 times for 1 additional year for the provision of services (warranty, maintenance and repair)
Maximum estimated expenditure / 500,000 euro over complete duration of contract
Main place of delivery / The Hague, The Netherlands
Lots / This tender isnot divided into Lots
Variants / Not permitted
Consortia / Permitted but must be clearly described in the tender.
Subcontracting / Permitted but must be clearly described in the tender.

1.3brief description of the required supplies/services

Supply of new passenger vehicles falling into the categories[1]

  • C (medium cars)
  • D (large cars)
  • E (executive cars)
  • F (luxury cars), and
  • M (multi-purpose cars) and
  • J [sport utility cars (including off-road vehicles)]

including the supply of spare parts and the provision of warranty, maintenance and repair services.

The FWC shall be concluded for a period of:

  • For the purchase of vehicles: a period 4 years with effect from the date on which it enters into force, not renewable.
  • For the purchase of spare parts, maintenance and repair services and, if applicable, for optional warranty and optional fixed price maintenance/repair services: a period 8 years with effect from the date on which it enters into force, renewable automatically up to 4 times each for an additional period of one year.

2.specific tendering information for this procedure


Milestone / Deadline* / Notes
Deadline for sending requests for additional information / 03/10/2013
at 14.00 CET / Seepoint 3 of `Instructions to tenderers and conditions applicable to Eurojust tenders`(IC) for additional information
Deadline for dispatching tenders / 18/10/2013
at 14.00 CET / Seepoint11of IC for additional information
Deadline for registering at the public opening session / 22/10/2013
at 14.00 CET / Seepoint 16 of I&C for additional information
Opening session / 24/10/2013
at 14.00 CET / The public opening session will take place at Eurojust’s premises, Saturnusstraat 9, 2516 AD, The Hague (NL).
First meeting of the evaluation committee / Within 4 weeks following the public opening session / Estimated
Notification of the outcome of the tender to the successful and unsuccessful tenderers / Within 1 week
after the award decision is signed
Signature of the contract for the required services [and/or supplies] / 1st/2nd quarter of 2014 / Estimated

CET =Central European Time

* Please note that Eurojust holidays for the remainder of 2013 are as follows:

1 November. 24-31 December.


This tender is not divided into lots.

1.6exclusion criteria


  • In order to participate in this tender, tenderersmust not be in one of the situations described inpoint 3 of`Instructions to tenderers and conditions applicable to Eurojust tenders`.

Proof of the above is to be provided by:

  • Signed tenderer declaration found in Form 2 of the `tenderer administrative forms for Eurojust tenders.

1.7selection criteria

Tenderersmust have the overall capabilities (technical & professional, economic & financial, and legal) to perform the contract. If any of the selection criteria listed below are not fulfilled, tenders may not be selected for evaluation.

1.8technical and professional capacity


  • Tenderers must have a minimum relevant experience of at least 3 years in providing the supplies and/or services as stated in the technical specifications.
  • Tenderers must be a dealership and workshop authorized by the manufacturer(s) of the vehicles they offer in this call for tender.

Proof of the above is to be provided by:

  • a brief history of the company, including length of time in business, overall size and description of activities relating to the supplies and services of the type required in this invitation to tender;
  • a list of the main contracts achieved in the past three years specifying the value, dates and recipients of the supplies/services provided, covering the same kind and quantity as requested in thisinvitation to tender;
  • Any certificate proofing that the tenderer is a dealer authorized by the manufacturer of the vehicles he offers in this call for tenders.
  • Any certificate proofing that the tenderer is a workshop authorized by the manufacturer of the vehicles he offers in this call for tenders.

1.9economic and financial capacity


  • The tenderer must be in a stable financial position and have the financial capacity to provide the required services/supplies.

Proof of the above is to be provided by:

  • Copies of the balance sheets and economic outturn (profit & loss) statements covering at least the last two years for which accounts have been closed where publication of them is required under the company law of the country in which the economic operator is established. These documents must be produced and/or certified by certified auditors or similar operators or as required by the law of the country where the economic operator is established;
  • Form 6 - Financial Capacity Form of the ‘tender administrative formsfor Eurojust tenders’ duly filled in and signed by a legal representative of the tenderer or its auditors.

If the tenderer is unable to provide the aforementioned documents at the tender stage, e.g. if publication of these is not required under the company law of the country in which the economic operator is established etc., other documentation, proving the stable financial position may be acceptable. Such other proof may be a letter/statement by certified auditors confirming the required financial data or the financial stability of the respective economic operator.

1.10legal capacity


  • The tenderer must prove that they are authorised to perform the contract under national law.

Proof of the above is to be provided by:

  • a certificate of registration in the relevant trade or professional registers in the country of establishment/incorporation. If the tenderer is not required or allowed to register in such a register for reasons related to its statute or legal status, Eurojust shall accept, as satisfactory evidence, a sworn declaration or certificate, membership of a specific organisation, express authorisation, or entry in the VAT register.

1.11award criteria

Tendererswho have proved their eligibility to tender on the grounds of the exclusion criteria and have demonstrated the appropriate capacity to perform the contract on the grounds of selection criteria, will be assessed solely on the basis of the award criteria, which serve to identify the most economically advantageous tender.

The following award criteria will be applied:

# / Qualitative award criteria / Subject of evaluation / Maximum points
1 / Quality of the proposed vehicles / Based on the documentation provided in Annex A.1 the evaluation committee will assess the following sub-criteria: / 100
1.1 / Design/make, aesthetics / The extent to which the offered vehicles meet Eurojust’s needs and match/support Eurojust’s corporate image. / 35
1.2 / Eco-friendliness / The CO2 emissions as stated in Annex A, item 1, position 1 will be aggregated, i.e. emissions as stated for each vehicle will be summed up. The tender offering the the lowest aggregated CO2 emission will be automatically awarded 15 points. All other tenders will be awarded pointsby means of the formula below:
Lowest aggregated CO2 emission
------x 15
Aggregated CO2 emission
under consideration / 15
1.3 / Availability of optional equipment / The extent to which the tender covers the optional equipment listed in Annex A, item 1, position 3. The more options a tender offers the higher it will score. Special emphasis will be given to the availability of light and heavy armour. / 15
1.4 / Duration, terms and conditions of the manufacturer’s warranty / Overall assessment of the duration and terms and conditions of the manufacturer’s warranty will be made, with a view to limitations and exclusion. / 5
1.5 / Delivery Conditions / Based on the delivery conditions given in Annex A, item 1, position 5 an overall assessment will be made taking into account
  • the distance(s) between the dealership(s) and Eurojust’s premises (the closer the better) and
  • any aspect offered in addition to the minimum requirements concerning delivery.
/ 5
1.6 / Maintenance (service) intervals / Based on the service intervals given in Annex A, item 1, position 7 an overall assessment of the maintenance friendliness will be made. Longer servicing intervals are considered to be beneficial for Eurojust and will therefore score higher. / 15
1.7 / Maintenance location / Based on the distance(s)between the maintenance locations and Eurojust premises, as stated by the tenderer in Annex A, item 1, position 7, an overall assessment will be made (the closer to Eurojust’s premises the better) / 10
Maximum qualitative score to be obtained / 100

Tenders scoring less than 70% of the overall quality totalwill be excluded from the rest of the evaluation procedure.

The price will be calculated on the basis of the GRAND TOTAL of the financial scenario indicated in the Financial Proposal.

For this tender the Quality weighting will be 60 and the Price weighting will be 40.

The award will be based on the following formula:

Pmin x 0.4 + Qtender x 0.6

Ptender Qmax


Qtender is the quality score of the tender

Ptender is the price offer of the tender

Qmax is the tender with the highest quality mark

P min is the tender with the lowest price offer

1.12consortia and subcontracting


Consortia of economic operators are authorised to submit tenders in compliance with the terms and conditions provided in point 15 of `Instructions to tenderers and conditions applicable to Eurojust tenders`.

1.12.2Subcontracting and applicable thresholds

The tenderer may subcontract the tasks specified in the technical specifications to other economic operators in compliance with the terms and conditions for subcontracting specified in point 15 of `Instructions to tenderers and conditions applicable to Eurojust tenders`.

If the tenderer intends to subcontract above 50% of the total contract amountto other economic operators, and the subcontractor(s) is/are already identified, the tenderer shall provide the following documentation for each subcontractor as defined in point 2.3 and 2.4 of the invitation to tender:

  • Documentation related to the eligibility to tender of the subcontractor;
  • Documentation related to the technical and professional capacity of the subcontractor (documentation to be provided to the extent of the activities that will be subcontracted);
  • Documentation related to the economic and financial capacity of the subcontractor;
  • Documentation related to thelegal capacity of the subcontractor;
  • A letter of intent, stating the intention of the subcontractor to collaborate with the tenderer if the tenderer is awarded the contract, and the extent of the resources it will place at the tenderer’s disposal for the performance of the contract;


Variations on the requirements of the technical specifications are not allowed.

3.content of the tender

Tenders mustbe comprised of the following three important elements:

1.14eligibility, capacityand supporting documents (envelope A):

Tenderers must complete therelative `tender administrative forms for Eurojust tenders’and attach all additional documents requested under selection criteria in point 2.4 of this document.

1.15technical proposal(envelope B)

The technical proposal must consist of a clear and comprehensive response to all requirements of the technical specifications.

The technical proposal shall be based on the Technical Proposal Form, which can be found in Annex A.

1.16financial proposal (envelope C)

The financial proposal shall be based on the Pricing Form found in Annex B and must be filled in according to the instructions contained therein.

Please note that:

  • Each page of the Pricing Form must be signed by a legal representative of the tenderer.
  • Financial proposals will be compared on the basis of the pricing scenario in ANNEX B.3.
  • ANNEX B.2 will not be taken into account for the evaluation of the financial proposals; however will be considered as future reference for contract prices.
  • Prices must be quoted inclusive of all costs and expenses directly and indirectly connected with the goods and/or services to be supplied.
  • All prices must be quoted in Euro, and where necessary, using the conversion rates published in the C series of the Official Journal of the European Union on the day when the offer is issued. This information is also available on the website of the European Central Bank at the following URL:
  • The financial proposal shall exclude all duties, taxes and other charges (including VAT), as Eurojust is exempt from such charges.
  • For tenderers to which the exemption does not apply under their national law, the financial proposal shall clearly state the prices exclusive of taxes, together with the corresponding tax.
  • The financial proposal should be completely unambiguous and will be disqualified if it contains any statements preventing an accurate and complete comparison of the offers (such as “To be discussed”, “Depending on x”, etc.) or referring to external circumstances (such as an already existing but separate contract).

1.17submitting an offer

Please refer to the document `Instructions to tenderers and conditions applicable to Eurojust tenders`where all instructions on how to submit a tender are contained.

201/PO/EJ/8Page 1 of 34

P.O. Box: 16183
NL-2500 BD The Hague


Contract title:Supply of New Passenger Vehicles including Spare Parts and Provision of Warranty, Maintenance and Repair Services

Publication reference: 2013/PO/EJ/8

NAME OF TENDERER:[……………………………]


Annex A - the Contractor's technical offer

The tenderers are requested to complete the template on the next pages:

  • Column 1 is completed by the Contracting Authority shows the required specifications (not to be modified by the tenderer),
  • Column 2 is to be filled in by the tenderer and must detail what is offered (for example the words “compliant” or “yes” are not sufficient)

The eventual documentation supplied should clearly indicate (highlight, mark) the models offered and the options included, if any, so that the evaluators can see the exact configuration. Offers that do not permit to identify precisely the models and the specifications may be rejected by the evaluation committee.

The offer must be clear enough to allow the evaluators to make an easy comparison between the requested specifications and the offeredspecifications.

Supply of Vehicles including spare parts and provision of warranty and maintenance and repair services (comprising of 2 items)


Purpose of this call for tenders is the award of a framework contract which gives Eurojust the possibility to purchase during a period of four (4) years vehicles of the categories C, D, E, F, M and J (see in this regard section 2.2 of the Invitation to Tender) including manufacturer’s warranty and delivery. The tenderer shall offer in each category one model he deems matching Eurojust’s requirements best.

In addition, the tenderer shall also be able to

  • supply spare parts for the vehicles offered,
  • supply of tires and provision of related services,
  • provide maintenance and repair services for the vehicles offered,
  • provided APK check up services

for a period of up to twelve (12) years after contract signature.

Should during the initial four (4) years of this framework contract one or more vehicles offered be discontinued for whatever reason (i.e. the manufacturer changes/abandons the initially offered model) the contractor shall propose its replacement by a vehicle of at least equivalent characteristics. Only if the proposed replacement vehicle is accepted by Eurojust in writing, the initially offered vehicle is replaced. However, the initially quoted discounts for vehicles and options, meaning the ones offered in this tender procedure, shall continue to apply.

Furthermore, in case of replacement the contractor shall automatically update the

  • offered manufacturer’s warranty,
  • offered maintenance and repair services and

shall ensure the availability of themanufacturer’s original spare parts applicable to the replacement vehicle.

ITEM 1:Supply of new vehicles including manufacturer’s warranty, supply of spare parts and provision of maintenance and repair services

Column 1 / Column 2
Specifications *
Mandatory characteristics / Specifications Offered (incl. brand/model)
Model 1
(cat. C) / Model 2