AnCoimisiún le RincíGaelacha

Oireachtas Rince naCruinne 2017


A mholtóir, a chara,

Please be advised that An Coimisiún is now accepting names for inclusion in the adjudication ballot for O.R. na C 2017, to be held in The Citywest Hotel & Conference Centre. The event will run from Sunday, April 9th to Sunday, April 16th, inclusive.

Attached overleaf are the basic conditions which applicants must fulfil in order to be eligible for inclusion.

Please note that no significant changes to previous contracts are envisaged. The quota of mandated adjudicators has now been completed and the selection of the self-nominated judges will take place at the next meeting of An Coimisiún, scheduled for the weekend of December 10th / 11thnext. Should you have any questions in the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact the Commission office at A full contract, and the rules for adjudication, will be issued to those successful in the ballot.


Applicants, who are SELF-NOMINATING, are advised to note that, following the 2016 AGM, thatthe right of the competitor to compete takes precedence over the right of the adjudicator to adjudicate.

(For those MANDATED ONLY, the right of the adjudicator takes precedence over the right of the competitor to participate).

Please submit the details overleaf, either by email to , or in hard copy, to An Coimisiun le RinciGaelacha, Áras Rince, 68 Amiens Street, Dublin D01 Y3F1, to arrive no later than 6pm Irish time on Friday, December 4th 2016. Successful adjudicators will be contacted in the days following the ballot. Adjudicators, who withdraw after the ballot has taken place, may be debarred from submitting their names for the next two years.

Is mise,

Sean MacDonnchadha

Cathaoirleach, AnCoisteOireachtaisí, C.L.R.G.

DeireadhFómhair, 2015

Basic Criteria

1)Adjudicators must be available to judge the Oireachtas from the start of the competitions on Sunday, April 9th, 2017, until their services are no longer required on Sunday, April 16th2016.

Adjudicators must be available to attend a pre-Oireachtas meeting on the evening of Saturday, April 8th, not before 4 pm, at a venue to be advised, and any other meetings, as requested by either the Chairman of the Oireachtas Committee or the Chairman of An Coimisiún.

2)To be eligible to adjudicate at this event, an adjudicator must not have adjudicated at Oireachtas Rince naCruinne 2014, Oireachtas Rince naCruinne 2015 and Oireachtas Rince an Cruinne 2016, Oireachtas Rince nahÉireann 2014,Oireachtas Rince nahÉireann 2015 and Oireachtas Rince nahÉireann 2016.

Also, please note the motion passed at AGM 2015:

“An adjudicator can only adjudicate at Oireachtas Rince nahEireann and Oireachtas Rince naCruinne ONCE in every 5 years. (Effective 1st January 2015)”.

This means that those selected to adjudicate at Oireachtas Rince nahEireann or Oireachtas Rince naCruinne in 2015 and later, SHOULD NOT submit their names for inclusion in either ballot until 2020 at the earliest. (This does not apply to those who adjudicated at Oireachtas Rince naCruinne in Montreal, as they were selected in December 2014).

3)Your attention is drawn to the ruling of An Coimisiun with regard to the number of “Major Championships” and the definition outlining your eligibility to officiate within a particular time frame. Please note that this applies to all of your associations/relationships. From 1st January 2012, a ruling came into effect whereby adjudicators may not judge more than one “Major” in any year, i.e. during the following year, they are not permitted to judge a “Major” until the one that they have officiated at, in the previous year, has been completed. For adjudication purposes, a “major” is defined as The World Championship 2016, the All-Ireland Championships 2016, and the following secondary qualifying events---The North American Championships 2016 and in the case of the UK, the Great Britain Championships 2016.

4)In order to be eligible to officiate at this event, an adjudicator must be registered with An Coimisiun two years immediately prior to Oireachtas Rince naCruinne 2017. A newly qualified adjudicator must also have judged at least one registered major feis, which included judging as a member of a panel of three or more adjudicators on a championship event.

5)An adjudicator, who agrees to officiate at Oireachtas Rince naCruinne 2017 must, at the time of receiving the written offer, declare his/her agreed engagements to judge and must not accept any further engagements to judge

Please note that as per the motion passed at the AGM 2015:

An adjudicator, employed for Oireachtas Rince naCruinne, is allowed to adjudicate GRADE LEVEL COMPETITIONS at feiseanna in advance of the championship competitions. However, they must not judge any class competitions or officiate at Grade Examinationsor judge any OPEN Championship competitions whatsoever from1stJanuary 2017 until after the Oireachtas, even if invitations to do so have already beenaccepted.

6)As stated above, for those selected through the self-nomination process, the right of the dancer to compete takes precedence over the right of the adjudicator to officiate at Oireachtas Rince naCruinne.

Accordingly, the onus is on a person self-nominating to ensure that he/she has informed all their dancing relationships and associations (if applicable) of their intention to self nominate and has the written agreement of said associations to their self-nomination. A written copy of such agreement should be submitted with this application.

7) As all adjudicators engaged for the Oireachtas must be free to judge all events on the syllabus, an adjudicator cannot request to be left off a competition, so that any dancer whom that adjudicator is not eligible to judge because of any of the provisions outlined above, may take part. Such requests, if received, will not be entertained.

Please complete and return as per the cover letter:

I have read the above criteria and understand that this offer is not an invitation to adjudicate. It is simply an offer to be included in the ballot. This document does not form part of a contract and is simply for information purposes, etc.

I have informed all my dancing relationships and associations of my intention to self nominate as an adjudicator for Oireachtas Rince na Cruinne 2017 and have the necessary agreement. I enclose a written copy of same. (Applications submitted without this written notification and agreement will be returned).

I, ______, (BLOCK CAPITALS, please) would like to be included in the ballot for adjudicators for Oireachtas Rince Cruinne 2016. I have read the basic criteria and certify that I meet with the requirements.

Please, if applicable, list all your relationships and/or your associations as per your most recent annual registration form and any other relationships/associations formed since registration date.



Email address: ______

Telephone/Contact number : ______

CLRG registration number: ______.

Date: ______.