
  1. Invitation MUST be completed for EVERY meeting: Annuals, Specials and Amendments.
  1. Always finalize your invitation once you have printed it for the parent. You can always go back and unfinalize it to make any necessary changes.
  1. When assigning team members on either the invitation or the signature page if you change the Diagnostician to Assessment Personnel and change Administrator to District Representative they will appear at the top portion of the signature page and not at the bottom.
  1. Problem: No school name, grade or home campus on the invitation.

Quick fix: Placements are probably incorrect. You can correct this two ways.

  1. Go to the ARD Summary page, look at the bottom of the left hand side, go to placements and make sure the placements are correct. (If there is a gap in the placement dates this information will not appear.) Finally, refresh the invitation and the ARD.
  2. Go into the ARD, go to the Placement Determination page, and finally make sure the Current Placement, Recommended Placement, and Next Recommended Placements are all correct. You must now refresh the invitation and the ARD so the information will appear.

Annual ARD

  1. Make sure your ARD dates are correct when creating the ARD:

Recommended dates: Day after the ARD to 6/2/2016

Next recommended dates:8/22/2016 to Day of the ARD one year later

  1. When completing an ARD you should always start with Form Information, then Schedule of Services page, Placement Determination page and then start at the beginning and work your way down.
  2. Instructional accommodations: Grade level needs to be increased or changed.

What we are looking at:

What the clerks are looking at:

When the clerks are correcting the meeting they are looking at the print preview screen so they are seeing a mistake but we are not. This will be corrected if the placements on the Placement Determination page are correct.

  1. When copying goals and objectives from the recommended to the next recommended you must update the objective dates manually. Only the goal dates will change automatically and if you do not change the objective dates, they will stay the same. The following error will appear and is informing you that objective dates have not been changed.

Again, this can only be seen on the print preview screen and not on the screen we see when we are working on the meeting.

  1. Transition page error: In order to put a form in ready to review this page must be addressed in order to bypass the error.

Check the YES box:

Then scroll down and place a period in each of the following 3 boxes and save:

Once you’ve saved this you must now select NO and save again.

This should allow you to put the meeting in review or finalize. This is a glitch that will hopefully be resolved soon.

  1. When adding instructional or related services you can create the service for the recommended placement and then choose copy and next recommended to create an identical service for the coming year.

This can also be done for Goals and objectives. Goal dates will be correct but objective dates must be manually updated.

  1. When entering instructional or related services they should all be entered in the following format:

____ sessions per ____ weeks

____ minutes per session.

Content mastery should be entered as follows:

____ minutes per week/minimum

Transportation should be entered as follows:

2 times per day

5 days per week

Transportation must also look as follows:

The service type and service must both say transportation. If the student needs a wheelchair bus you will then make a second line for transportation and then change the Service section to wheel chair bus. It should look as follows:

  1. Placement on the schedule of services page needs to be changed from Special Education Program to

The correct placement. These 2 must match.

  1. Be sure to finalize any PWNs, BIPs or any other linked forms when finalizing the ARD. Many of these forms must be finalized separately from the ARD.

Special ARDs/Amendments

  1. When creating a special ARD or Amendment ARD you must simply follow the instructions on the special services website.
  1. Be sure to link a new PWN to this meeting or any other necessary forms. PWN can be linked on the signature page.
  1. When completing a special or amendment meeting a new meeting is NEVER created, you will simply work off of the annual ARD and make any corrections necessary.

Here you can see that multiple meeting have been held by the title of the meeting.