Capital District

Transportation Committee January 8, 2015

Format for Funding Portion

Of a TIP Amendment Request


Below is a template for the funding portion of TIP amendment requests. It should be included in a letter to CDTC staff requesting the amendment. In general, letters should be received by CDTC at least 10 days before the planning committee meeting at which the amendment will be considered. If CDTC receives the letter in advance of that date, it would provide CDTC staff an opportunity to assist the sponsor in refining the request if necessary.

The sponsor should use the below format for each project, incrementing the number on the left (shown in the first example as "1") for each amendment request. If more than one project is affected by an amendment, they should all be shown under the same request.

Each project element should be shown on its own line. "NA" should be put in any of the eight place-holders that would properly contain no data. For example, if a request is for a new project, then it would have no current funding, and all four of the place-holders for current project data would have "NA".

Construction inspection and supervision (CI) should be shown as its own element. This will enable CDTC to combine it with construction for simplicity in the TIP, and show it separate from construction in the STIP. The appropriate box below the project data should be checked.

The “Year” of funding is the federal fiscal year (FFY), such as 13-14 or 14-15, in which obligation of funds occurs. Funds expected to be obligated or already obligated in any of the FFY’s shown in the TIP should be included, even for FFY’s that are in the past.

The “Phase” for each element is limited to those which show in the TIP and CI (construction inspection and supervision). The ones that show in the TIP are C (Construction), R (right-of-way), I (right-of-way incidentals), D (detailed design), P (preliminary engineering), F (facilities) and V (vehicles). Funding for all phases of the project for which funds will be or have been spent should be included, even if they are not funded with federal funds.

Below is a generic example.

Funding Template

1. TIP # (PIN): Partial Project Description

(Please put an explanation for the amendment request here.)

Current TIP Data Proposed TIP Data

Fund Fund

TIP Project Amount Source Phase Year Amount Source Phase Year



Construction funding for this project includes inspection (supervision):

yes no NA (please check one).

An offset is being provided: yes no NA (please check one).

Real-World Examples

1. A199 (1460.37): NY 32 over D&H Railroad, Menands

The cost of this project has increased for two reasons. First, to prevent flooding, a new culvert would be installed underneath NY 32 just north of the bridge. Second, the design incorporates recommendations of the Linkage study of the NY 32 corridor for the Village of Menands. The total increase is $2.020M.

Current TIP Data Proposed TIP Data

Fund Fund

TIP Project Amount Source Phase Year Amount Source Phase Year

A199: NY 32 Bridge $0.220M HBRR D 01-02 $0.220M HBRR D 01-02 Over D&H 0.015 HBRR R 01-02 0.165 STP-Flex R 01-02

3.300 HBRR C 01-02 2.640 HBRR C 02-03

0 NA NA NA 2.530 STP-Flex C 02-03

Construction funding for this project includes inspection (supervision):

X yes no NA (please check one).

An offset is being provided: yes X no NA (please check one).

2. R227 (1806.70), Intelligent Transportation Systems Integration Component, Rensselaer County

The FFY '02 Appropriations Bill included a total of $2.068M in earmarked ITS funds for the I-90 Connector Test Bed. The project will increase speed and efficiency in responding to transportation incidents. The project will be overmatched (matched with more than the required 20%) by the NYS Police.

Current TIP Data Proposed TIP Data

Fund Fund

TIP Project Amount Source Phase Year Amount Source Phase Year

R227: ITS Integ- NA NA NA NA $2.068M FA P 01-02 ration Component: NA NA NA NA 0.252 State P 01-02

Incident Management

Construction funding for this project includes inspection (supervision):

yes no X NA (please check one).

An offset is being provided: yes X no NA (please check one).