Invitation for Proposals to Support Sign up to Safety Campaign 2014/15

Invitation for Proposals to Support Sign up to Safety Campaign 2014/15

Invitation for proposals to support Sign up to Safety campaign 2014/15

NHS Portsmouth CCG is supporting the national Sign Up to Safety campaign to help halve avoidable harm in the NHS over the next 3 years and save 6,000 lives as a result. The five Sign Up to safety pledges are:

  1. Put safety first
  2. Continually learn – make our organisation more resilient to risks by acting on feedback from patients
  3. Honesty – be transparent with people about our progress to tackle patient safety issues and support staff to be candid with patients and their families if something goes wrong
  4. Collaborate – take a leading role in supporting collaborative learning
  5. Support people to understand why things go wrong and celebrate improvement

Thesefive pledges mirror Portsmouth CCG’s guiding principles in our Strategic Quality Framework:

  • We will listen to our patients, their families and friends and hear what they are telling us
  • We will act quickly when we know that something is not right
  • We will be honest if things go wrong
  • We will strive for continuous improvement & learning
  • We will not rely on tick boxes to assure ourselves of quality

and support one of our five year strategic priorities:

Priority 2: We want to ensure that when people receive health services they are treated with compassion, respect and dignity and that health services are safe, effective and excellent quality

As part of our commitment to the Sign Up to Safety campaignPortsmouth CCG is making available non recurrent funding for organisations commissioned to provide NHS care todevelop and implementpatient safety initiatives.

Guidance Notes for the Application Process

  • Organisations providing NHS care are eligible to apply:

Solent NHS Trust

Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust

Portsmouth GP Practices

Primary Care Alliance/Federations

Portsmouth Nursing Homes

Care UK


  • Applications from Solent NHS Trust and Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust should be at ward / team level rather than organisational
  • Safety initiatives must clearly link to the delivery of one or more of the five Sign Up to Safety pledges (see above). The table below gives an indication of the type of areas which could be targeted

  • Submit your completed application form to Soraya Saeed, NHS Portsmouth CCG (email ) by Friday 10th October 2014.
  • Any individual bid should not exceed £20,000. There is no lower limit.
  • An organisation may submit more than one safety initiative, but a separate application form will be required for each.
  • NHS Portsmouth CCG has a limited financial sum available for investment at this time, and may need to prioritise between bids if there is significant interest. Not all bids will be successful. A total of up to £400,000 is expected to be invested by NHS Portsmouth CCG at this time (with no single bid exceeding £20,000). Bids will be evaluated against 6 criteria: - guiding principles of Strategic Quality Framework; need; innovation; exit strategy; value for money and evaluation of outcomes.
  • Representatives from the city’s Patient Participation Groups, GP Executives and CCG senior officers will be involved in evaluating applications and awarding funding.
  • Any conflicts of interest in this decision making process will be identified and managed in accordance with the CCG’s ‘Standards of Business Conduct’ policy.
  • Funding is time limited and consideration must be given to what will happen when the funding ends to ensure patient safety is not compromised.
  • Successful bidders will be required to submit a short report on their safety initiative i.e. what happened, what were the outcomes. A standardised template will be issued for this. Applicants should note that key findings from their safety initiative may be shared with other organisations so that best practice can be widely shared and used for the benefit of all patients.
  • Please ensure that completed application forms (excluding guidance notes) do not exceed four A4 pages in total.
  • The outcome of all bids will be confirmed to submitting applicants by 30 November 2014. For all approved bids, invoices must be submitted to NHS Portsmouth CCG by the end December 2014.

Please complete each section below as fully as possible and attach any essential accompanying information, ensuring that application form submissiondoes not exceed four A4 pages. Please submit by Friday 10 October 2014 to
Name of Safety Initiative
Proposed Start and End Date of Safety Initiative
Name of Organisation
Name of Ward / Team (if applicable)
Applicants Name (authorised representative of the organisation and accountable for ensuring delivery of initiative, if approved), position in organisation and contact details
Please describe your safety initiative (what will it do, how and when will it happen?)
Why is this safety initiative needed? Describe what the problems are now and provide evidence if available.
Which of the five Sign Up to Safety pledges does your safety initiative support and how?
Who will benefit from your safety initiative (how many patients and which patients)? What outcomes are you expecting and how will you evaluate these? How will you involve patients in your evaluation?
What will happen to your safety initiative when the funding comes to an end? How will you ensure that patient safety is not compromised? How will the project lead to sustainable improvements once the funding is no longer available?
Have patients, their carers and staff been involved in the development of this safety initiative and if so how?
How much funding do you require and what will the money be spent on (bids should not exceed £20,000)?
Any other information you wish to provide?

Sign Up to Safety funding application form final1

Appendix 1

Criteria (all criteria have equal weighting) / The proposal scores HIGH (scores 3) / The proposal scores MEDIUM (scores 2) / The proposal scores LOW (scores 1) / The proposal scores NONE (scores 0)
STRATEGIC FIT / The initiative supports the CCGs strategic quality framework guiding principles, the Sign Up to Safety pledges and the NHS outcome framework, improvement areas and / or other major sources of death or severe harm and /or supports vulnerable groups for whom improving safety is a priority / The initiative supports the CCGs strategic quality framework guiding principles and the Sign Up to Safety pledges and clearly identifies the harm it will address / The initiative supports the CCG’s strategic quality framework guiding principles or the Sign Up to Safety pledges / The initiative does not support the CCG’s strategic quality framework guiding principles or the Sign Up to Safety pledges
NEED / Need has been quantified and well evidenced / Need has been extrapolated on national prevalence data / Need has been based on soft intelligence / There is no evidence of need
INNOVATION / The initiative seeks to deliver something new which is not currently commissioned / The initiative seeks to expand / extend existing commissioned service provision / N/A / The initiative is a replacement of existing commissioned service provision
VALUE FOR MONEY / Can be implemented within 1 month.
Leads to improvement for most of the patients in the ward / service area / nursing home
Learning can be shared/rolled out to benefit many others
No exit costs / Can be implemented within 3 months.
Leads to improvement for many of the patients in the ward / service area / nursing home
Learning can be shared/rolled out to benefit others
No exit costs / Long time to implement
Leads to improvement for a few patients in the ward / service area / nursing home
Learning unlikely to be easily shared
Exit costs unclear / Unable to determine benefit derived from funding
EXIT STRATEGY / There is evidence of a planned exit strategy for when the funding ends / N/A / There is some evidence of an exit strategy / There is no clear exit strategy
EVALUATION OF OUTCOMES / The initiative has clear outcomes and SMART evaluation criteria
Benefits can be measured / N/A / The initiative has some evaluation criteria
Benefits can be partly measured / No evaluation criteria.
Benefits cannot be measured

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