invitation for chemicals bid collective 7000147047

Issued: 11/15/2017

Bid Submission Deadline: 11/21/2017 by 10:15 a.m. (Central Time)

CPSEnergy Procurement Analyst: Belia Rodriguez

Procurement Analyst, Supply Chain

Award Evaluation Criteria:

Price Delivery Best Value[1] Other:

The City of San Antonio, acting by and through City Public Service Board (“CPSEnergy”), is interested in acquiring Goods and/or Services, as independent contractors, on a per-assignment basis according to the attached Master Agreement, Terms and Conditions, and/or Specifications. This document serves as a guide to bidders for use in formulating their bids.

Invitation for Bid 2

1.  Questions Permitted. YES NO

Bidders shall be permitted to submit questions regarding this Invitation for Bid according to the above designation. All such correspondence, including technical questions, should be emailed to the CPSEnergy Procurement Analyst specified above no later than 11/19/2017, 3:00 p.m. cst prior to the bid submission deadline. Questions will NOT be answered over the telephone.

2.  Submission of Bid. Bidder must submit its bid in text readable PDF (portable document format, non-zipped) together with requested information contained herein and supporting documentation to the CPSEnergy Procurement Analyst’s email address specified above on or before the bid submission deadline.

3.  Data Size Limit. Please do not submit any single email containing more than 40MB of data. If the bid and supporting documentation contain more than 40MB of data, please contact the CPSEnergy Procurement Analyst. CPSEnergy cannot accept zipped files.

4.  Further Clarification / Negotiations. After initial evaluation of all bids, CPSEnergy may select a short list of potential bidders to enter into discussions to further clarify bidder’s bid in order to aide CPSEnergy. After such discussion and clarification, if any, CPSEnergy may select one or more potential bidders to enter into negotiations with on their bid. The selected bidder(s) may be required to prepare and submit a “best and final” offer on the bid for evaluation by CPSEnergy.

5.  Evaluation Criteria / Rejection of Bids. Bids not meeting the minimum qualifications, if applicable, are subject to rejection. CPSEnergy reserves not only the right to reject any and all bids and to waive minor formalities and irregularities, but also the right to evaluate the bids to determine which, in its sole judgment, represents the best bid.

Respondent’s offer or bid may potentially result in a ten (10) percent addition attributable to Economic Development to non-small business or non-local concerns. Respondents offers or bids will be added with a five (5) percent adder for not for being classified with CPSEnergy as a small disadvantaged, service-disabled veteran owned, HUBZone and/or women-owned businesses. Respondents offers or bids will also be added with an additional five (5) percent for not being classified with CPSEnergy as a local business in accordance to the zip codes defined within the San Antonio Metropolitan Area (SAMA).

6.  Bidder Solely Responsible for Bidding Costs. CPSEnergy assumes no liability or responsibility for the costs incurred by the bidders for any materials, efforts or expenses required in the preparation of bids or in connection with presentations or demonstrations prior to the award, if any, of a contract.

7.  Execution of Purchase Order Required. Submission of a bid does not create a binding enforceable agreement with CPSEnergy. A Purchase Order including all terms, conditions, exhibits, and attachments must be executed by CPSEnergy in order to create a binding enforceable agreement with CPSEnergy. No bidder may rely upon any written or oral statement(s) or representation(s) as to the award of a contract or intention to enter an agreement made by any CPSEnergy personnel.

8.  Controlling Document. The terms and conditions of CPSEnergy shall govern and control the working relationship of CPSEnergy and supplier in providing the Goods and/or performing the Services under the awarded purchase order. Supplier terms and conditions shall not be considered effective unless expressly agreed to and accepted by CPSEnergy in writing.

9.  Minimum Insurance Requirements. Company agrees to carry and keep insurance in full force during the Term of the contract sufficient to fully protect CPSEnergy from all damages, claims, suits and/or judgments including, but not limited to, errors, omissions, violations, fees and penalties caused or claimed to have been caused by, or in connection with the performance or failure to perform under the Agreement by Company, Company’s agents or employees, a Company Subcontractor, or its agents or employees. The minimum amount of insurance as required shall be in accordance with Addendum B titled “Minimum Insurance Requirements.” Company’s insurance shall be primary to and non-contributory with any self-insurance and/or insurance maintained by CPSEnergy. Should the Minimum Insurance Requirements of CPSEnergy change, Company shall be notified in writing and Company shall have sixty (60) days to meet the new requirements. Should the new requirements add materially to Company’s cost, Company should notify CPSEnergy and request adjustment in Company’s compensation.

10.  Information Submitted Binding. CPSEnergy reserves the right to make any and all information submitted by bidder part of the final agreement if the bidder’s bid is accepted. Any changes or substitutions shall be made only with the written acceptance of CPSEnergy, and such change or substitution shall not be cause for additional financial compensation.

11.  Firm Bid. Each bid shall be firm, not subject to price escalation, and binding for a minimum of 120 days from the bid submission deadline, unless otherwise specified in the Master Agreement, Terms and Conditions, Purchase Order, or Specifications.

12.  Tax-Exempt. CPSEnergy, a municipally owned electric and gas utility, is a TAX-EXEMPT ORGANIZATION. CPSEnergy is exempt from certain sales and use taxes with respect to the purchase price of materials, supplies, equipment and consumables purchased under a separate contract. CPSEnergy will provide a Sales Tax-Exemption Certificate upon request.

13.  Existing Master Agreement/Terms and Conditions. If Bidder has a current, non-expired Master Agreement or Terms and Conditions with CPSEnergy, either: (1) provide a copy of the relevant Master Agreement or Terms and Conditions, or (2) reference the CPSEnergy Purchase Order related to the relevant Master Agreement or Terms and Conditions. CPS Energy reserves the right to negotiate a new Master Agreement or Terms and Conditions other than that provided by or referenced by Bidder.

14.  Exceptions to Terms. Unless a Master Agreement or Terms and Conditions are provided in accordance with Section 12 herein, any exception to the Master Agreement, Terms and Conditions, or Specifications, as attached, must be clearly acknowledged and inserted in tracked-change (red-lined) format to a soft copy and must accompany the bid. If there are no exceptions, the words, “NO EXCEPTIONS,” must be stated on the bid.

15.  Conflict of Interest

Respondent shall complete and submit the Conflict of Interest Attestation attached as Exhibit C.

16.  Business Questionnaire. The Respondent shall submit a completed Business Questionnaire with the submission if (i) Respondent does not have an up-to-date Business Questionnaire on record with CPSEnergy, or (ii) Respondent is not listed within the CPSEnergy’s supplier database. Business Questionnaires shall only be considered valid for one (1) year from classification date and must be updated with a new Business Questionnaire beyond such one (1) year period.

Invitation for Bid 2

Addenda. The following selected addenda shall be attached hereto, if applicable, and incorporated by reference:

Exhibit A Materials Specifications

Exhibit B Pricing

Exhibit C Conflicts of Interest

CPS Energy Business Questionnaire


Terms and Conditions. The following selected terms and conditions apply to this Invitation for Bid:

Standard Terms and Conditions

Exhibit A


Four (4) Year term Contract for Liquid Propane Cylinder Refill

Term Period beginning January 01, 2018 and ending December 31, 2021

Company will provide materials in various amounts, such as various size of cylinders and miscellaneous parts and services.

LP refill, 5 gal/20lb cylinder
LP refill, 7 gal/30lb cylinder
LP refill, 8 gal/33-1/2 lb forklift cylinder
LP refill, 10 gal/40 lb cylinder
LP refill, 25 gal/100 lb cylinder
Cylinder, new, empty, 5 gal/20 lb w/OPD
Cylinder, new, empty, 7 gal/30 lb W/OPD
Cylinder, new, empty, 8 gal/33-1/2 lb forklift
Cylinder, new, empty, 10 gal/40 lb forklift w/OPD
Cylinder, new, empty, 25 gal/100 lb w/OPD
Over Protection Devise (OPD) valve
Regulator for cylinder
Put on left (POL) fitting

New liquid propane cylinder specifications:

·  Steel construction

·  Protective collar

·  Root ring

·  Free of bulges and dents

·  Overfill Protection Device valve

CPS Energy Power Station Locations:

Supplier will invoice per storeroom on a monthly basis. Invoices must reference service performed, product purchased, CPS Energy Purchase Order number and Originating Storeroom number. (Storeroom listing attached)

Shipping Requirements:

CPS Energy will be taking cylinders to refill at the vendor’s location. At this time a receipt acknowledging the size and quantity of refill will be required.

Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) sheets will be required for all deliveries.

Hazard Communication Program Requirements:

To meet Hazard Communication program requirements, there are requirements for the purchases of chemicals.

A chemical is any liquid, solid in powder or granular form, or any compressed gas.


CPS Energy would like a monthly billing to include all proof of deliveries attached.

QUANTITIES ARE ESTIMATED based upon the best information available and is provided as a generalization. City of San Antonio, acting by and through City Public Service Board ("CPS Energy") SHALL NOT BE LIMITED TO, NOR SHALL BE REQUIRED TO TAKE, THE TOTAL ESTIMATED AMOUNT.

Supplier must have Railroad Commission of Texas certification and licenses to perform activities related to liquefied petroleum gas. Supplier must have facilities and equipment to refill LP cylinders on site.



Transportation charge (If applicable)

Special Handling fees (If applicable)

LP cylinder will be refilled on site within 30 minutes of refill request. CPS Energy owned cylinders will be refilled and returned to CPS Energy. No CPS Energy owned cylinders will be issued to any company other than CPS Energy.

Supplier must have ability to measure and bill for only of the amount of product needed to refill the container.

Exhibit C

Conflict of Interest Attestation

In order to fulfill reporting requirements to the CPS Energy Board of Trustees, Company must check one box for each of the following questions:

1.  Is a current or former member of the CPS Energy Board of Trustees employed by, or otherwise on the payroll, of Company?

Yes □ No □

2.  Is a current or former member of the CPS Energy Citizens Advisory Committee employed by, or otherwise on the payroll, of Company?

Yes □ No □

3.  Is a former CPS Energy employee who was at the executive level or higher immediately prior to their departure from CPS Energy employed by, or otherwise on the payroll, of Company?

Yes □ No □

In accordance with CPS Energy procurement policies and procedures, CPS Energy shall enter into agreements based on “best value,” which is the consideration of pricing together with several other factors, including, but not limited to, financial stability and economic development.

No Current or Prior Conflict of Interest. Company represents that it has/had no current or prior material business, professional, personal, or other interest, including, but not limited to, the representation of other clients, that would be inconsistent or incompatible with Company’s obligations to CPS Energy under any resulting agreement.

Notice of Conflict. If any actual or potential conflict of interest arises under this Agreement, Company shall immediately inform CPS Energy in writing of such conflict.

Termination for Material Conflict. Notwithstanding the representations made above, if CPSEnergy becomes aware of any conflict of interest, through Company's disclosure or otherwise, CPSEnergy may terminate any resulting agreement without further liability to Company.

Verification / Declaration. I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of Texas that the foregoing declaration is true, correct and accurate and that I am the Respondent’s Official Representative.

Executed ______, 20__.


Print Name:


Checklist for Submission of Bid

Bidder may use the following checklist to ensure its bid is complete, however, the checklist is provided for convenience only and Bidder shall not rely on it for completeness of its bid. Bidder is responsible for reviewing the entire Invitation for Bid and ensuring Bidder’s bid meets all requirements set forth therein.

For Goods:
Text-searchable PDF
Business Questionnaire and W-9
Standard Terms and Conditions
Conflicts of Interest

Invitation for Bid 2

[1] Best Value is determined considering the relative importance of price and other evaluation factors.