• Invest in NJ: Fund Housing and Community Development

Assembly Ask: Advocate for a budget that includes our concerns. VOTE YES to restore $10 million for the Lead Hazard Control Assistance Fund when it is posted in Committee and comes to the full Assembly.

Senate Ask:Advocate for a budget that includes our concerns. VOTE YES to restore $10 million for the Lead Hazard Control Assistance Fund when it comes to the full Senate.

Background: TheGovernor’s proposed budget does not invest the resources needed to create strong communities and affordable homes. The FY2016 budget should include $10 million for the Lead Hazard Control Assistance Fund. (S1279/A2325). Also, $31 million for the State Rental Assistance Program (SRAP) should come from general revenues instead of coming from the NJ Affordable Housing Trust Fund. This would preserve $21 million of the Trust Fund for housing production and preserve $10 million to fund an additional 1,000 vouchers to maintain available voucher numbers. The budget should increase funding to the Neighborhood Revitalization Tax Credit Program (NRTC) from $10 million/year to $30 million/year. This is a tax credit that works for NJ, leveraging $7 in financing for revitalization efforts for every $1 from the state.

  • Increase Efficiency Transparency of Superstorm Sandy Aid(S2825/A4316)

Assembly Ask: VOTE YES when this bill comes before the full Assembly.

Senate Ask:THANK Senators for unanimously passing the bill on May 18, 2015.

Background: Sponsored by Assemblyman Mazzeo and Senators Sweeney and Gordon. Requires DCA to establish a timeline that sets forth a general estimate of the time an applicant can expect to receive assistance through a Sandy recovery and rebuilding program. Requires DCA to establish quarterly goals for distributing Superstorm Sandy aid. The department’s targets must provide for all eligible applicants to receive 100 percent of their RREM funding by September 30, 2017. Requires DCA to publish its timeline and funding goals on a website so that progress can be tracked.

  • Expanding Land Banking Opportunities (A4248/S2865)

Assembly Ask: VOTE YES when this bill comes before the full Assembly.

Senate Ask: VOTEYES when this bill when it comes before the full Senate.

Background: Sponsored by Assembly members Jasey, Wilson, Sumter, VainieriHuttle, Green, Holley and Senators Ruiz and Pou. Under this bill, towns could designate redevelopment entities (redevelopment authorities, housing authorities or county improvement authorities) and non-profits to act as a land bank on behalf of the municipality. The town could convey city-owned properties to that entity, which could also acquire properties for the land bank through gift or purchase, and could act as the municipality’s agent to carry out lien foreclosures and spot blight takings. This bill was amended from last year to address concerns in the governor’s veto. It now requires the land bank entity to develop and maintain an online database of land bank properties that is accessible to the public, and that provides comprehensive information on the ownership and sales prices of those properties.

  • Fund foreclosure prevention(A1994/S2081)

Assembly Ask: VOTEYES when this bill comes before the full Assembly.

Senate Ask: THANK Senators for passage by the full Senate last June.

Background: Sponsored by sponsored by Asm. Green/Asw. Sumter and Senators Rice and Ruizto create a Foreclosure Prevention and Neighborhood Stabilization Revolving Trust Fund. Financed through a temporary $1,200 surcharge placed on each foreclosure complaint filed in the State. The funds would be used to enable DCA to provide training to entities undertaking neighborhood stabilization efforts and to collect and disseminate foreclosure data. Most of the anticipated $10 million collected, would be allocated to qualified non-profit entities for the purpose of maintaining or expanding their foreclosure prevention programs.

  • Protect Sandy-impacted homeowners from foreclosure(S2577/A4139)

Assembly Ask: UrgeAssembly State and Local Government Committee members to VOTEYES to bring the bill out of committee; other Assembly members can vote YES when it comes to the full Assembly; they can also become co-sponsors.

Senate Ask: VOTE YES when the bill comes before the full Senate.

Background: Sponsored by Assembly Members. Schaer, Mazzeo, Andrzeiczak, Mukherji and Quijano and Senators Van Drew and Stack. A homeownerwhose property was damaged by Superstorm Sandy and is waiting for assistance from RREM or other programs, is protected from foreclosure action for up to three years from enactment of the bill.

  • Maintain theinterior of residential propertiesin foreclosure(A4173/S2702)

Assembly Ask: UrgeAssembly State and Local Government Committee members to VOTEYES to bring the bill out of committee; other Assembly members can VOTE YES when it comes to the full Assembly; they can also become co-sponsors.

Senate Ask: Urge Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee members to VOTEYES to bring the bill out of committee; other Senators can VOTE YES when it comes to the full Assembly; they can also become co-sponsors.

Background: Sponsored by Assembly members Andrzejczak, Lagana, Eustace, Benson, Gove, Rumpf and Senators Van Drew and Connors. Requires creditors to maintain interior of vacant and abandoned residential property under foreclosure

  • Maintain non-residential property in foreclosure (A4172/S2701)

Assembly Ask: UrgeAssembly State and Local Government Committee members to VOTEYES to bring the bill out of committee; other Assembly members can VOTE YES when it comes to the full Assembly; they can also become co-sponsors.

Senate Ask: Urge Senate Community and Urban Affairs Committee members to VOTEYES to bring the bill out of committee; other Senators can VOTE YES when it comes to the full Assembly; they can also become co-sponsors.

Background: Sponsored by Assembly members Andrzejczak, Lagana, Eustace, Benson, and Senator Van Drew. Requires creditors to maintain vacant and abandoned non-residential property under foreclosure