1. Course leader/contact person:
Name: / Maria Kahlert
Address: / Erken Laboratory, Dep. of Limnology, EBC, Uppsala University,
Norr Malma 4200, SE-76173 Norrtälje, Sweden
Tel: / +46(0)176-229000 / Fax: / +46(0)176-229315 / E-mail: /
2. Course title: / Freshwater benthic algae – Taxonomy and ecology.
Part 3: Diatoms
3. Course period: / 29.07.- 06.08.2004
4. Location: / Norr Malma field station of the Dep. of Limnology, EBC, Uppsala University, Sweden
5. Course objective and content:
The course ‘Freshwater benthic algae – Taxonomy and ecology. Part 3: Diatoms’ will deal with freshwater benthic diatoms with an emphasis on the practical skills required to identify the organisms to the species level, the diatom community found under different ecological conditions, sampling and monitoring, and on the autecology of different species.
The course is divided in an introduction part for beginners (29.07.-01.08.) and a second part with emphasis on monitoring and diatom ecology (01.08.-06.08.). The first part includes information on the diatom cell, the taxonomical system to genus level, and practical information on how to sample, to prepare permanent slides, and a first introduction in diatom identification.
The second part will give an in-depth introduction to techniques and literature used for freshwater benthic algae identification to species level. There will be information about special characteristics (including REM), information about the ecological role of certain species, and general ecology of algal communities. Lecture topics will include the European Water Framework Directive including the monitoring of freshwater with the help of diatoms with standard methods and software (OMNIDIA), multivariate statistics, the use of databases, paleoecology and more.
Hands-on lab work will introduce participants to the techniques essential for algal identification to species level using mainly permanent diatom slides from different ecological conditions. We encourage the students to bring own material (fresh and preserved or slides), and we will furthermore sample fresh material The students will also be introduced to recent taxonomical questions and to methods investigating algal communities.
We will follow the modern classification of diatoms by Krammer and Lange-Bertalot (e.g. ‘Diatoms of Europé’, ‘Suesswasserflora’). Teachers will be Professor Luc Ector, Luxembourg, and Dr. Bart Van de Vijver, the Netherlands.
6. Credits: / 2 points
7. Deadline for application: / 15.04.2004
9. Web-address: / www.ebc.uu.se/norr.malma/
10. Further information: The course is funded by NorFA. Travel and lodging are free. There is no course fee. Send application (maximum one page) to the address above. Application must include CV and some words on why you would like to participate in the course. Please write if you want to participate in the first or second course part only, or in both.