Introductory Psychology
Fremont High School 2014-2015
Ms. Aimee Sauvageau

Course Objective
The aim of this course is to introduce students to the subject of psychology by giving students an understanding of the theories and key concepts of psychology and its subfields, to familiarize students to the many contributing psychologist and research studies, train students on how to apply psychological principals, research design and ethical procedures. It is also a goal that after this intro class students will continue on to Psych 1010 or AP Psychology.
The following are the content areas and concepts we will focus on:
History and approaches, research methods, biological bases of behavior, sensation and perception, states of consciousness, learning, cognition, motivation and emotion, developmental psychology, personality, testing and individual differences, abnormal psychology, treatment of psychological disorders, and social psychology.

Core Standards and Objectives
The state of Utah does not have its own standards and objectives for psychology, so the class follows the National Standards for high school psychology that was developed by the American Psychological Association.

Daily Work
Each day students will take a bell quiz, have daily reading and then engage in a class lesson/activity. The bell quiz cannot be made up and if a student is late they will not be permitted to take the quiz. The quiz will be worth 10 points each day, 2 points for each question answered correctly. Late or absent students can’t make up the quizzes. For the daily reading students will be reading a book the first quarter and then reading selected articles the second quarter to help open up their understanding to all aspects of psychology. At the end of the readings students will have assignments to complete in relation to the readings. The class lessons each day will vary in length, type and content.

Students will be graded on the following items; bell quizzes, vocabulary, class participation, assignments, group projects, tests, notes, and other items that will come up throughout the semester. Each student will be given a folder to hold their assignments and quizzes for each unit and will be kept in the classroom. All late work will automatically have 50% taken off, if the assignment is late because of an absence or school excused event the student will have one class hour to make it up and still receive full points. In an event of extended absences special arrangements can be made but it is the responsibility of the student to get with the teacher. If a student is found copying or cheating in any way (plagiarizing, getting answers from an neighbor, unfair use of electronic devises etc.) will be counted as zero and cannot be made up.
The following is the grading scale which will be used:
A 93-100B- 80-82D+65-69
A- 90-92C+77-79D60-64
B83-86C-70-72F49 & Below

Tests will be given at the end of each unit. The point value for each test will vary. Students will often be given test reviews for the exam but it’s the student’s responsibility to fill them out and study. There are NO test make ups.

There will be multiple projects throughout the semester. Some the projects will be done on an individual basis while others will be done in groups. Students are expected to be active participants in their groups and not social loafers. Projects will be related to items such as mental illness, research design, book readings and personality.

Extra Credit
The main option for extra credit is taking the online quizzes through the textbook company and then printing the results to hand in with your unit assignments. For each quiz that the student get 85% or higher on the student will receive 5 extra credit points. These quizzes must be completed two weeks before the end of the semester (I will not take ANY late extra credit) and have to be taken on students own time and alone. There will also be other options throughout the semester.

Class Behavior/Expectations
The following are expected classroom behavior:
Respect self, other students, teacher and the classroom.
Follow all instructions and expectations of the teacher.
Participate in class (activities, assignments, readings, projects, discussions etc.)
Be on time each day (In your assigned seat).
Follow all school policies.
Cell phone should be in designated area, no exceptions.
Use class time wisely.
Only two hall passes per quarter.
Have a binder/notebook specific to this class.

Website Help
Many assignments, notes and instructions will be posted on my blog, so it is highly encouraged that students check this blog regularly. If students do not have access to the internet at home they are able to use the schools computers before or after school or in the library during lunch, but it is encourage to make the teacher aware of the lack of internet at home so some help/handouts can be given to those students. The textbook website will also be a key to this course, the link to this site is below.

Course Changes
The teacher has the right to make changes to the way the classroom/assignments/tests are being managed throughout the semester. Students will be told of these changes and it is the student’s responsibility to inform parents. There is also an understanding that each student is different and individual changes and accommodations may be made. If you as the parent/guardian have individual needs or concerns please contact Ms. Sauvageau within the first two weeks of school so she can help meet those needs of you or your student.

Introductory Psychology
Ms. Sauvageau Class
Fall 2014

I (parent/Guardian) ______have read the class disclosure with my child ______and agree to the expectations of this course.

Please sign below:

Parent/Guardian: ______Date: ______

Student: ______Date: ______

Questions or concerns:______




We will be watching the following movies, which are rated PG/PG-13. Please sign below next to the movies you agree that your student may watch:

Homeless to Harvard: ______

A Beautiful Mind: ______

What about Bob: ______