Meeting Minutes

05/21/15 8:00 a.m.-9:00 a.m.

Watertown Senior and Community Center

Introductions and review of agenda by Ashley and Susan

·  Attendance -Don Christensen, Dorothy Degnitz, Susan Wollin, Ashley Nelson, Eric Weiss, Abbey Frye, Cindi Braasch, Lynn Gilbert, Andrea Turke, and Gary Fisk.

Review of events and resources

·  Children’s Health Fair—Susan

o  Extremely successful this year

o  Over 600+ individuals stopped by booth

·  Community Wellness Expo – Eric (Thank you for organizing!)

o  Partnered with Rock the River/Tour de Goose

o  Date and Time: Saturday, June 27, 2015, 10 a.m.-2 p.m.

o  Events include beer tent, magician, Main Street shops

o  Booths: WRMC, Harvest Market, Wellness Works, Health Department, Get Healthy Watertown, Curves, Maranatha, Health Nut, Facilitated Healing, Library, YMCA—obstacle course/bounce house

§  Sidewalk to Fire Department

§  Electricity available for booths that needed it

§  Health Department booth is primarily for promoting GHW

·  Info about walks

·  Flavored water

·  Community Bike Ride Info

Community Health Priorities

·  Access to Care – Andrea

o  109 visits (down from April)

o  20% of visits were for mental health followed by musculoskeletal

·  Active Community Environments—Don and Gary

o  50 locations have Walk on Saturday

o  Don shared maps of starting points

o  Interest in WUSD distributing maps via email to parents, teachers, etc.

·  Park and Recreation Center- Cindi

o  Spring sports are in full swing

§  Baseball, swim, swim lessons, soccer, girl’s fast pitch softball, men’s softball

§  Fitness classes are doing very well

§  Lunchtime walks have not been taking off due to weather

·  Only about 4-5 individuals

§  Community bike rides are also slow moving

§  New fishing pier/kayak dock was installed at Riverside Park

§  89 girls were part of Girls on the Run

·  Food Systems/ Schools/ Eat Here Eat Well – No report

·  Facebook – Abbey

o  Reports 135 “likes”

o  Posted the walk on a Wednesday and Friday, got 283 views.

o  Highest viewed post for May was the post on Wednesday, May 13, 2015

o  Reminder to group to like our page and like our posts. Make sure to share our post to your personal pages and professional pages if able to do so!

·  Garden Program

o  Discussion about interest in seeing if Carla (Master Gardener) would be interested in presenting again.

Our next meeting is scheduled for 8:00 a.m. on June 18, 2015 at the Watertown Senior and Community Center.