Introduction to Visual Basic .NETPage 1


Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Course Outcome Summary


Project Title / Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Course Number / 10-107-146
Credits / 3
Potential Hours / 63
Organization / FoxValleyTechnicalCollege
Developers / Terri Keane
Development Date / 05/27/2003
Revision Date / 05/28/2004

Types of Instruction

Type of Instruction / Contact Hours / Outside Hours / Credits
Classroom Presentation / 63 / 63 / 3
Totals / 63 / 3


Primarily for students with little or no programming background. Provides exposure to programming and logic principles which apply to both traditional and Windows programming. Uses Visual Basic to apply the principles by developing simple Windows applications.

Target Population

This class is required for the following programs:
CIS Microcomputer Specialist
CIS Network Specialist
CIS Programmer/Analyst


1. / Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Beginning Computer Concepts (107-126) or Computer Concepts and Careers (107-100)
2. / Completion of or concurrent enrollment in Microcomputer Applications (107-150)


Diane Zak. Programming with Microsoft Visual Basic.NET. Publisher: Course Technology. Year: 2002. ISBN: 0-619-03359-2. Pages: 780. Required

Core Abilities

* / Demonstrate adaptation to change.
* / Use critical and creative thinking to solve problems, resolve conflicts, make decisions and complete tasks.
* / Work cooperatively in a team environment.
* / Communicate in ways that honor diversity.
* / Demonstrate personal integrity through ethical and responsible behaviors.
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Learning Plan 1
Project 1 - Introduction to Visual Basic.NET


In this section of the course students will gain an overview of application development, user interface design, program development methodology, structured programming, object-oriented programming and the Visual Basic.NET development environment. Project 1 introduces students to the major elements of Visual Basic. The process of building the application consists of three steps: creating the interface, setting properties, and writing code. Topics include starting Visual Basic, designing a form and adding a picture box, button and timer controls, changing the properties of controls, coding an event procedure, running and saving a solution, and documenting code.

Target Competency

1. / Recognize and describe the basic concepts of programming using appropriate IT terminology.

Performance Standards

You will demonstrate your competence

o with an objective exam.

Your performance will be successful when

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on an objective exam.

Learning Objectives

This learning plan addresses the following learning objectives to help you master the competency:

a. Define program, programming, programming language, applications and application development.

b. Describe general characteristics of machine languages, assembly languages, and high-level procedural languages.

c. Define structured programming.

d. Describe Object-Oriented/Event-Driven High-Level Languages.

e. Use OOP terminology.

f. Discuss the application development process.

g. Discuss debugging.

h. Distinguish between procedural programming languages and event driven programming languages.

Target Competency

2. / Apply Visual Basic programming concepts by using VB.NET Development Environment to build and run a VB application.

Performance Standards

You will demonstrate your competence:

o with assignments completed outside of class applying skills learned.

o with an objective exam.

o with an in-class independent exercise applying skills learned.

Your performance will be successful when

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on assignment applications.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on an objective exam.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on independent in-class exercise.

Learning Objectives

This learning plan addresses the following learning objectives to help you master the competency:

a. Start Visual Basic.NET and identify standard component windows.

b. Start a new Visual Basic solution.

c. Discuss the solution organization as saved on disk.

d. Work with the Solution Explorer window, Properties Window and autohide feature.

e. Work with Form properties (Name, Text, StartPosition, BackgroundImage, Size, Location).

f. Save a Solution.

g. Open an Existing Solution.

h. Add a control to a form (label, picture box, button).

i. Apply Visual Basic naming conventions to controls.

j. Modify control properties for individual controls and the form (consider inheritance).

k. Select and use multiple controls.

l. Center controls on the form.

m. Set the properties of a project.

n. Start and end an application (may have to change start-up form).

o. Identify default (Windows generated) code included in the Code window.

p. Enter code for an event procedure.

q. Add timer control to application.

r. Terminate an application using the End statement.

s. Document code with comment statements.

t. Print application form and code.

u. Use Visual Basic Help.

Learning Activities

_____1. / Read Overview chapter.
_____2. / Attend lectures and participate in discussions on Introduction material
_____3. / Complete Review questions on page VB 10-13.
_____4. / Read and complete Tutorial 1 -- An Introduction to Visual Basic.NET -- Creating a Copyright Screen.
_____5. / Attend lectures and participate in discussion on Project 1 material.
_____6. / Complete Review questions on page VB 41-43.
_____7. / Complete Exercises 1, 2, 3 on page VB 43-44.
_____8. / Complete Review questions on page VB 66-69.
_____9. / Complete Exercises 1, 2 on page VB 69-70.
_____10. / Complete Review questions on page VB 78 - 79.
_____11. / Complete Exercise 1 on page 80.

Assessment Activities

_____1. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 1.
_____2. / Complete objective exam.
_____3. / Complete in-class exercise 1.
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Learning Plan 2
Project 2 - Designing Applications


Project 2 presents the process of planning and building the User Interface using graphics, fonts and color. The student will use the Development Environment to code, test and debug the application using arithmetic expressions, the Val function and the Format function. The student will code a Clear Screen button and a Calculate Order button event.

Target Competency

4. / Build and Debug a VB.NET application using variables, constants and basic string manipulation.

Performance Standards

You will demonstrate your competence:

o with assignments completed outside of class applying skills learned.

o with an objective exam.

o with an in-class independent exercise applying skills learned.

Your performance will be successful when:

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on assignment applications.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on an objective exam.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on independent in-class exercise.

Learning Objectives

This learning plan addresses the following learning objectives to help you master the competency:

a. Identify data types available in VB.NET.

b. Compare and contrast variable data types.

c. Define variable.

d. Declare a variable.

e. Assign data to an existing variable and use variables in code.

f. Discuss scope of a variable.

g. Declare and use a named constant.

h. Concatenate strings.

i. Use InputBox function.

j. Use Object Browser.

k. Create a default button.

l. Declare and use a static variable.

m. Code and test the TextChanged event.

n. Create a procedure that handles multiple events.

Learning Activities

_____1. / Read and complete Tutorial 2 -- Designing Applications -- Creating an Order Screen.
_____2. / Attend lectures and participate in discussion on Project 2 material.
_____3. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 99-101.
_____4. / Complete Exercise 1, 2 on page VB 103.
_____5. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 120-121.
_____6. / Complete Exercise 1 on page VB 123.
_____7. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 141 - 142.
_____8. / Complete Exercise 1 on page VB 145.

Assessment Activities

_____1. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 2.
_____2. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 3.
_____3. / Complete objective exam.
_____4. / Complete in-class exercise 2.
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Learning Plan 3
Project 3 - Using Variables and Constants


Project 3 extends the basics of building applications by adding the concept of variables and constants. Students will code events with procedures that concatenate strings, use inputBox function, and handle multiple events.

Target Competency

4. / Build and Debug a VB.NET application using variables, constants and basic string manipulation.

Performance Standards

You will demonstrate your competence:

o with assignments completed outside of class applying skills learned.

o with an objective exam.

o with an in-class independent exercise applying skills learned.

Your performance will be successful when:

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on assignment applications.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on an objective exam.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on independent in-class exercise.

Learning Objectives

This learning plan addresses the following learning objectives to help you master the competency:

a. Identify data types available in VB.NET.

b. Compare and contrast variable data types.

c. Define variable.

d. Declare a variable.

e. Assign data to an existing variable and use variables in code.

f. Discuss scope of a variable.

g. Declare and use a named constant.

h. Concatenate strings.

i. Use InputBox function.

j. Use Object Browser.

k. Create a default button.

l. Declare and use a static variable.

m. Code and test the TextChanged event.

n. Create a procedure that handles multiple events.

Learning Activities

_____1. / Read and complete Tutorial 3 -- Using Variables and Constants -- Revising the Skate-Away Sales Application.
_____2. / Attend lectures and participate in discussion on Project 3 material.
_____3. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 171 - 172.
_____4. / Complete Exercise 1-14 on page VB 172-173.
_____5. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 195 - 196.
_____6. / Complete Exercise 2, page VB 196-197.
_____7. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 210.
_____8. / Complete Exercise 1, 2 on page VB 213.

Assessment Activities

_____1. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 4.
_____2. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 5.
_____3. / Complete objective exam.
_____4. / Complete in-class exercise 3.
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Learning Plan 4
Project 4 - The Selection Structure


Project 4 introduces the students to the selection structure. Students will learn to write pseudocode for an if... else structure, diagram a flowchart for an if ... else structure, and write code using comparison operators in an if...Then ... Else statement.

Target Competency

5. / Build and Debug a VB.NET application using the If... Then ... Else statement.

Performance Standards

You will demonstrate your competence:

o with assignments completed outside of class applying skills learned.

o with an objective exam.

o with an in-class independent exercise applying skills learned.

Your performance will be successful when:

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on assignment applications.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on an objective exam.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on independent in-class exercise.

Learning Objectives

This learning plan addresses the following learning objectives to help you master the competency:

a. Discuss logic for selection structure.

b. Write pseudocode for selection structure.

c. Create flowchart for application logic.

d. Write code that uses comparison and logical operators using If ... Then ... Else.

e. Use UCase and LCase functions.

f. Use IsNumeric function.

g. Group objects using GroupBox control.

h. Calculate periodic payment using the Pmt function.

i. Create message box msgbox procedure and method.

j. Determine the value returned by a message box.

k. Specify keys that a text box will accept.

l. Code and test a KeyPress event.

m. Align text in textbox and label controls.

Learning Activities

_____1. / Read and complete Tutorial 4 -- The Selection Structure -- Creating a Monthly Payment Calculator Application.
_____2. / Attend lectures and participate in discussion on Project 4 material.
_____3. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 240-243.
_____4. / Complete Exercise 1-5 on page VB 243.
_____5. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 263-264.
_____6. / Complete Exercise 1, 2 on page VB 265.
_____7. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 273-274.
_____8. / Complete Exercise 3, 4 on page VB 277-278.

Assessment Activities

_____1. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 6.
_____2. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 7.
_____3. / Complete objective exam.
_____4. / Complete in-class exercise 4.
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Learning Plan 5
Project 5 - More on the Selection Structure


Project 5 expands on the concepts of the selection structure by using nested If...Else and Select Case structures in code. The student continues to use pseudocode and flowcharts to develop conditional logic.

Target Competency

6. / Build and Debug a VB.NET application using nested If... Then ... Else statements and Select Case structures.

Performance Standards

You will demonstrate your competence

o with assignments completed outside of class applying skills learned.

o with an objective exam.

o with an in-class independent exercise applying skills learned.

Your performance will be successful when:

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on assignment applications.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on an objective exam.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on independent in-class exercise.

Learning Objectives

This learning plan addresses the following learning objectives to help you master the competency:

a. Include a nested selection structure in pseudocode and in a flowchart.

b. Code a nested selection (If .. Else .. ) structure.

c. Recognize common logic errors in selection structures.

d. Code an If..ElseIf..Else selection structure.

e. Include a Case selection structure in pseudocode and in a flowchart.

f. Code a Case selection structure.

g. Write code using the Is, TypeOf.. Is and Like comparison operators.

h. Include a group of radio buttons in an interface.

i. Designate a default radio button.

j. Include a check box in an interface.

k. Create a user-defined Sub procedure.

l. Generate random numbers using the Random object.

m. Call a user-defined Sub procedure.

n. Code and test a Click event for a radio button.

o. Code and test a form load event.

p. Code and test a Click event for a check box.

q. Use code to select existing text in a textbox control.

r. Display and hide a control.

Learning Activities

_____1. / Read and complete Tutorial 5 -- More on the Selection Structure -- Creating a Math Practice Application.
_____2. / Attend lectures and participate in discussion on Project 5 material.
_____3. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 306-309.
_____4. / Complete Exercise 1, 2, 3 on page VB 309.
_____5. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 335-337.
_____6. / Complete Exercise 3 on page VB 338.
_____7. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 348.
_____8. / Complete Exercise 5 on page VB 353.

Assessment Activities

_____1. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 8.
_____2. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 9.
_____3. / Complete objective exam.
_____4. / Complete in-class exercise 5.
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Learning Plan 6
Project 6 -- The Repetition Structure


Project 6 Introduces the student to loops in a VB application. The For...Next statement and the Do...Loop statement are investigated in a variety of situations.

Target Competency

7. / Build and Debug a VB.NET application using repetition structures (For...Next, Do...Loop) and Collections.

Performance Standards

You will demonstrate your competence:

o with assignments completed outside of class applying skills learned.

o with an objective exam.

o with an in-class independent exercise applying skills learned.

Your performance will be successful when

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on assignment applications.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on an objective exam.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on independent in-class exercise.

Learning Objectives

This learning plan addresses the following learning objectives to help you master the competency:

a. Write pseudocode for the repetition structures (For...Next and Do..Loop).

b. Create a flowchart for the repetition structure.

c. Code and test a For...Next loop.

d. Code and test a Do ... Loop (pretest and posttest, while, until).

e. Initialize and update counters and accumulators.

f. Access the controls in the Controls collection.

g. Code and test the repetition structure using the For Each ... Next statement with collections.

h. Create an object variable.

i. Create a collection.

j. Enable and disable a control.

k. Select the existing text when the user tabs to a textbox.

Learning Activities

_____1. / Read and complete Tutorial 6 -- The Repetition Structure -- Creating a Grade Calculator Application.
_____2. / Attend lectures and participate in discussion on Project 6 material.
_____3. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 385-389.
_____4. / Complete Exercise 1, 2, 5, 6, 17-22.
_____5. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 413-415.
_____6. / Complete Exercise 1 on VB 415-416.
_____7. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 425.

Assessment Activities

_____1. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 10.
_____2. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 11.
_____3. / Complete objective exam.
_____4. / Complete in-class exercise 6.
Introduction to Visual Basic .NET
Learning Plan 7
Project 7 -- Sub and Function Procedures


Project 7 builds on the student's base of building VB.NET applications by creating user defined Sub and Function procedures. The student is also exposed to the Sub Main procedure, and the capability of creating an instance of a form, and showing that newly created form.

Target Competency

8. / Build and Debug a VB.NET application using Sub and Function Procedures and using the Sub Main Procedure.

Performance Standards

You will demonstrate your competence:

o with assignments completed outside of class applying skills learned.

o with an objective exam.

o with an in-class independent exercise applying skills learned.

Your performance will be successful when:

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on assignment applications.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on an objective exam.

o you achieve a minimum of 70% on independent in-class exercise.

Learning Objectives

This learning plan addresses the following learning objectives to help you master the competency:

a. Compare and contrast a Sub procedure and a Function procedure.

b. Code and test a procedure that receives information passed to it.

c. Differentiate between passing data by value and passing data by reference.

d. Code and test a Function procedure.

e. Add a list box to a form.

f. Add items to a list box (in properties and in code).

g. Sort the contents of a list box.

h. Select a list box item in code.

i. Determine the selected item in a list box.

j. Round a number.

k. Code and test a list box's SelectedValueChanged event.

l. Add an existing form to a solution.

m. Add a new module to a solution.

n. Code and test the Sub Main procedure.

o. Create an instance of a form.

p. Display a form using the Show and ShowDialog methods.

Learning Activities

_____1. / Read and complete Tutorial 7 -- Sub and Function Procedures -- Creating a Payroll Application.
_____2. / Attend lectures and participate in discussion on Project 7 material.
_____3. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 446 - 449.
_____4. / Complete Exercise 1-4 on page VB 449.
_____5. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 473 - 474.
_____6. / Complete Exercise 2 on page VB 475.
_____7. / Complete Review Questions on page VB 484.

Assessment Activities

_____1. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 12.
_____2. / Complete and demonstrate Assignment 13.
_____3. / Complete objective exam.
_____4. / Complete in-class exercise 7.

FoxValleyTechnicalCollege—May 2004