Introduction to Spanish Leadership Prep School D. Burke



(in addition to regular school supplies)

One Inch Three Ring Binder

College ruled spiral notebook (to be used in this class only)

Dividers for binder

Colored Pencils



This class will cover basic vocabulary including colors, numbers, classroom items, family members, house terms, foods, clothing, and travel terms. Grammar will include articles, be verbs, likes and dislikes, back to back verbs, gender and number agreement, and time. Culture will include countries and capitals, formal vs. informal structures, education systems, quiceñera, meals and mealtimes, art, music, soccer, holidays, currencies, and map skills.


The students will

●  engage in oral and written exchanges of learned material to socialize and to provide and obtain information.

●  demonstrate understanding of simple spoken and written language such as simple stories, high frequency commands, and brief instructions when dealing with familiar topics.

●  present information using familiar words, phrases, and sentences to listeners and readers.

●  demonstrate an understanding of perspectives and products of the culture.

●  use the language to obtain, reinforce, or expand knowledge of other subject areas.


A 90-100
B 80-89
C 70-79
F 69 and below / Class Work/Projects 35%
Daily Participation 5%
Quizzes/Tests 60%


1.  Follow directions quickly

2.  Raise your hand for permission to speak.

3.  Raise your hand for permission to leave your seat.

4.  Make smart choices.

5.  Keep your dear teacher happy.


Students are expected to abide by the Student Code of Conduct at all times. Failure to comply will result in disciplinary action as follows: / 1st offense – Warning
2nd offense – Parent contact
3rd offense – Detention after school for 15-30 minutes, parent contact
4th offense – Detention after school for 30-60 minutes, referral to administration, parent contact


Electronic devices may only be used for educational purposes at designated times under the guidance and direction of the teachers. Devices must remain on silent during the instructional day. Parents must not call or send text messages to their children that they expect to be answered during the school day. If a school employee observes a student using any electronic device (including a mobile phone) inappropriately during the school day:

On the first offense, the employee will collect the item, contact the parent, and return the item to the student at the end of the day.

On the second offense, the item will be collected and given to the Principal to be returned to the parents. On the third offense, the student may lose the privilege of using the item altogether.


Students will be allowed to have WATER ONLY in class as long as it has a SCREW ON LID. No Styrofoam or paper cups will be permitted. There will be NO SNACKS OR FOOD unless given permission by the teacher.


Academic dishonesty includes cheating or copying the work of another student, plagiarism, and unauthorized communication between students during an examination. The determination that a student has engaged in academic dishonesty shall be based on the judgment of the classroom teacher or other supervising professional employee, taking into consideration written materials, observation, or information from students. Students found to have engaged in academic dishonesty shall be subject to grade penalties on assignments or tests and disciplinary penalties in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct. Students caught cheating on an assignment will receive a zero.


If students feel driven to cheat, they need to have communicated with the teacher that they are struggling and need extra help. Struggling students or those who wish to get extra help with material need to tell the teacher so that the teacher can plan for time to help them. If enough students need or want extra instruction and guidance, regular time can be planned for tutoring after school. Do NOT be afraid to ask for help.


If students know in advance that they will be gone, please let the teacher know. There is an “Absent Student” notebook which will contain student work that was missed while the student was gone. They will also be able to find Bell Ringers and other materials on the Google Classroom. For each day a student misses, they will receive one day to make up the work assigned on the day they missed. For work that is due the day they are absent, it is due the day they return.


In 5th-9th grades, work that is one day late may receive a maximum of 70% and zero credit after that unless arrangements have been made with the individual teacher. See ATTENDANCE/ABSENCES.


Learning a foreign language involves much studying, speaking, and memorization. Students may or may not be good at this; regardless, they will walk out of this class with better memorization and speaking skills. The more time one spends using Spanish, the better it stays in their head and the less it feels like memorization. Students may have certain study habits or tricks that help them learn things. Here are a few helpful with studying languages.

●  Using flash cards

●  Saying the material aloud

●  Teaching the material to someone else

●  Forming study groups

●  Make a game out of the material

RESOURCES (Some of these links take you right to a page with Spanish resources; for others, you will need to search for Spanish specific pages within sites.)