RI SeniorSeminarfor B.A Studio Arts

RI Senior Seminar for B.A. Studio Arts

Fall 2017

ART 4954 Sec1: 4 Credit hours

Classroom: ED112

Meeting time: W, F 12:00-1:50pm

Professor Julie Ward


Office Hours: W 2:00-3:00pm or by appointment

Office Address: VA107A

Phone Number: 561-297-3870

Prerequisites: Departmental permission. Students must be in their final semester of their senior year. Prerequisites vary by studio concentration. Please check individual major worksheets to determine your eligibility for this course.


This is a research intensive (RI) course that prepares studentfor careers inthe arts throughwritingassignments, presentations,examinationof currentopportunitiesand directions inthe artfield,andthe assemblingofaneffective portfolio representativeofthestudent's work.Requiredfor all B.A. Artmajors.


-Developaportfolioof professional work andrelevantmaterials

-Developadvancedtechnical,conceptual andaestheticskill inyour chosenmedium

-Producewell written artiststatements

-Build professional practiceskills

-Enhanceknowledgeofcritical theory

-Build experiencedevelopingahigh-qualitybody ofwork

-Developanunderstandthe role ofartinsocietyandplacepersonal work inalarger context


-BAOnlineStudent Exhibition located at

-Professional Packet-this will include:artiststatement,cover letter,résumé,portfolio

-Art Presentation-learnthebasics ofdiscussingyour professional practiceandresearch

-KnowledgeofCritical Theory ThroughHistory-Weeklyassignedreadingspairedwithwritten responseandclassdiscussion

-ExhibitionApplications-Learn aboutandcompleteapplicationfor exhibitions

-Body ofWork-ContinueDevelopingacohesivebodyofartwork

-Critical Writing-Completeresearchpaper

-Museums,GalleriesandArtistTalks- Attendaselection ofthempairedwithwrittenresponse

Methodsfor LearningOutcomes

-Groupandindividual critiques ofstudiowork withpeers, professors and graduatestudents

-Writing projects toimprovecommunicationskills andasacomponentofthecreative process

-Oral presentations toimproveverbal communicationand public speakingskills

Research Intensive Course Content

This course contains an assignment or multiple assignments designed to help students conduct research and inquiry at an intensive level. If this class is selected to participate in the university-wide assessment program, students will be asked to complete a consent form and submit electronically some of their research assignments for review. Visit the Office of Undergraduate Research and Inquiry (OURI) for additional opportunities and information at

StudentLearningOutcomes and Research Intensive Criteria

The Bachelor of Arts (BA) Senior Seminar serves a cohort of students that have taken part in a formal portfolio review, generally between the sophomore and junior stages of their undergraduate academic careers, and it is distinct from the Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) Senior Seminar. The BA Senior Seminar also serves as the department’s primary vehicle for student assessment in the major for this cohort, and it satisfies the four components of the state’s learning compacts – content knowledge, skill in oral presentation, skill in writing, and collaborative work process.

The BA Senior Seminar is the culminating course in the sequence that requires students to work on creative projects individually and together to compose an online public exhibition towards the end of the semester, which showcases the work of the student artists and also provides potential employers an opportunity to survey promising talent in the visual arts.

Research and creative activity takes place at several levels. First students create new artwork that is presented in the online exhibition (SLO 1 - Knowledge). Generally this includes work created during the semester of enrollment in the BA Senior Seminar, but it can include work that the student has created in prior semesters. Awareness of the theoretical contextualization of the work is developed through classroom discussion and selected readings. Work selected for the online exhibition is vetted and sponsored by qualified instructional faculty, and no work involves the reproduction of prior artwork or artwork by other individuals (SLO 5 – Ethical Conduct; n.b., issues of ethics in the arts are addressed also in classroom sessions during the course of the semester, including discussion of larger issues of the artist's role in our culture, the responsibilities an artist has to the viewers, and the impact (positive or negative) of individual works of art; on a more pragmatic level, discussion covers, also, copyright, appropriation, authorship, group work, reproduction, and even the question of whether or not to serve alcohol at an exhibition opening). Each student must compose two artist’s statements that address larger themes of the creative work and the student’s artistic enterprise (SLO 4 – Critical Thinking). This document is a synthetic often poetic overview that reflects the student’s internal maturity as an artist, and it is reviewed both by the instructor of the course and by the group of students and revised in a series of drafts (SLO 2 – Formulate Questions). Students also produce a packet for state compacts, which includes a curriculum vitae, a letter to a prospective employer, a corrected writing sample from a previous course, and an unofficial academic transcript. Students work together to compose a professional website and participate in the online exhibition, which includes each student’s display area and the design of the show overall (SLO 3 – Plan of Action). This in itself constitutes research and creative activity, and the publicity surrounding the on-line show is also the responsibility of the students (SLO 6 – Communication).

Requirements andIndividual Assignments

1. StudioProject(Artwork aday for 2weeks=10 pieces) DueWeek3

2. 1stOral Presentation

3. 1,000wordArtist Statement

4. Short ArtistStatement

5.CoverLetter andC.V.

6. Artist Presentation--2ndOral Assignment

7.ResearchandCreateProfessional Webpagewithminimum of 10images

8. Submissionto2JuriedExhibitions-printoutproof

9.DocumentationofSeniorWork andprofessionalpackage

10.Critical Theory ReadingandDiscussion(throughoutthesemester)



Written assignments including: ArtistStatement,CoverLetter,C.V.—10

Artist Presentations/Lectures---10

Studio Work andBAOnlineExhibitionParticipation---40

Critical Essay---10

Online ExhibitionCommittee---20



A A- B+
B B- C+ C
C- / (93-100) (90-92) (87-89)
(83-86) (80-82) (77-79) (73-76) (70-72) / workofexceptionalquality:student excelsatverbalizing ideas, assignmentsareof exceptionalquality
workofveryhighquality: student excelsatverbalizing ideas, assignmentsareof veryhigh quality
workofhighquality, whichreflectshigher than average abilities: studenthasa high levelof participation duringdiscussion, assignmentsareof high quality
verygoodworkthatsatisfiesgoalsofthe course:student hasa verygood levelofparticipation duringdiscussion, assignments
are of verygoodquality
slightlyabove averageworkthatsatisfiesthe goalsof thecourse: studenthasaverygood levelof participation duringdiscussion, assignmentsareof good quality
average work,which reflectsan understanding of coursematerial:
studenthasanaverage levelof participation duringdiscussion, assignmentsareof an average quality
adequate work; passable:studenthasa lessthan average levelof participation during discussion, assignmentsare of an adequate quality
passingworkbutbelowgoodacademic standing: student hasa
lessthan average levelofparticipationduring discussion, assignmentsareof a lessthan adequate quality
D+ D
F / (67-69) (60-66) / belowaverage work:student hasabelowaverage levelof participation during discussion, assignmentsare belowaverage quality
wellbelowaverage work:studenthasa wellbelowaverage level of participation duringdiscussion,assignmentsare wellbelow averagequality


Week 1: Course intro and Project-a-day intro

Week 2: Reading discussion: Artist statements

Week 3: Project-a-day critique. Topics for oral presentations discussed

Week 4: introduction to professional practices. Web site discussion

Week 5: Artist Statement draft due. Website wireframes discussed

Week 6: First oral presentation

Week 7: Website mockups due. Photographing artwork demo

Week 8: Exploring exhibition calls and application best practices

Week 9: Reading discussion. Website selection,

Week 10: Website construction committee formed.

Week 11: Reduced artist statements due. Critical documents for professionals

Week 12: Second Oral Presentation: Artist presentation

Week 13: Cover letters/CV/statements due. reading discussion

Week 14: Class website uploaded. Show application proof due (copy of submission receipt)

Week 15: Professional packets due. Class website live and functional

Academic Integrity

StudentsatFlorida AtlanticUniversity are expectedto maintainthehighestethicalstandards. Academic dishonesty is consideredaseriousbreachoftheseethical standards,becauseit interferes withtheuniversity missiontoprovidea high quality educationinwhichnostudentenjoys anunfair advantageover any other. Academic dishonesty is alsodestructiveoftheuniversity community,whichisgroundedinasystemofmutual trust and places highvalueonpersonal integrity andindividual responsibility.Harshpenaltiesare associatedwith academic dishonesty.

For moreinformation,seeUniversity Regulation4

StudentAccessibility Services

Incompliancewiththe Americans withDisabilities ActAmendments Act(ADAAA),students whorequirereasonableaccommodations duetoadisability to properly executecoursework mustregister withStudentAccessibility Services (SAS)—in BocaRaton, SU133 (561-297-

3880);inDavie, LA131(954-236-1222); or inJupiter,SR 110(561-799-8585) —andfollowall


AttendanceandClass AssignmentPolicies

Attendanceis required, all absences arerecordedandthereis no distinctionmadebetween “excused”and“unexcused”absences.Missingmorethan2classes will resultinhavingyour final gradereducedby halfaletter gradeforeachsubsequentabsence. Arrivingtoclass late3times will equal oneabsence.

Perfectattendanceor missingzeroclasses will be rewardedwith2pointsaddedtoyour final gradeandahigher participation grade.

Specialexceptions,includingreligiousobservancesandother exceptionsthatareofficially recognized bytheUniversity,mustbe discussedand accommodatedinadvance on an individualbasis withme. Only properly documenteduniversity approvedactivities,cases of documentedillness,andobservanceofreligious holidays will be accommodated.Inthe event

ofany absence,you are responsibleforall material coveredduringthemissedclass periodand any assignments that are givenduringyour absence.Itis your responsibility to readover the assignments/projects thoroughly (projectsheets will bepostedonCanvas),researchthe artists noted,andask any questions youhaveaboutthe assignmentinatimely manner.

Assignmentsaredue atthebeginningofclass.Lateassignmentsarepenalizedafull letter grade for eachday lateandwill not beacceptedafter threedays havepassed.Thefinal projectwill

notbeacceptedlate.Ifyourassignmentis not prepared,youarestill requiredtobepresentfor thegroupcritique.Failingtobepresentonaduedatewill hurt bothyour projectgradeandyour participation grade.Critiquedaysprovideanopportunity for youtogainfeedback andinsight from your classmates andinstructor.Likewiseitdeniesyour peers your valuablevoiceand opinionifyou areabsent.

•Pleasenote:Missing6classes (threeweeks) throughoutthesemester will resultinautomatic failure ofthecourse.

Classroom Etiquette

•Phonesneedtobeshutoffor onvibratefor theduration oftheclass period.

•Beconsiderateofyour neighbors, andrespectother’s property–this includes their work

I expectyoutobesensitiveto other students,awareofyour voicelevel,andrespectful ofthe classroom atmosphere. Participationand attendanceask thatyour mindis presentas well as your physical self;doingwork forother classesor producinglittlework duringclass will affectyour grade negatively.


•Youwill need an8½ by11”unlinedsketchbook.

•Bringyour sketchbook to all class meetings.An artist’ssketchbook canbeher/hismostimportant tool.Thesketchbook is whereideasarerecordedandhavetheopportunitytogrow.

•Write downall ideasandsketchanythingyoufindinteresting,collectimages frommagazines,the

Internet,etc.Thisactivity will inform theworks youcreate andhelpyoubuildanindispensable resourceas well asbeinganintegral part ofthecreative process.

•Use anymedium youfeelmostcomfortableworkingwith–pencil,marker,charcoal, etc.

•Syllabus,handouts,sketches,ideas,researchedinformation,notes from demonstrations,slide talks,workshops,gallery visits/reports andlecturesas well as writtenassignmentsaretobe maintainedinyour sketchbook.

Other policies

Studentparticipationinclass must beinteractive.Tothis end,Iencourageanopen atmosphere whereback-and-forthcommunicationis thenorm. Students arefreetospeakupwhentheyneed clarification or wishtomakeobservations.Always let meknow ifyouarehaving difficulties masteringatechniquepresentedinclassandIwill endeavor tohelpyou.Plus,youwill be expectedtowork several hours outsideofclass timeeachweek.


Why ArtCannotBeTaught:AHandbook for Art Students by JamesElkins

101ThingstoLearnin ArtSchoolby KitWhite

Letters toaYoung Artisteditedby Peter Nesbett,SarahAndressandShelly Bancroft Diaries ofaYoungArtisteditedby Peter Nesbett,SarahAndressandShelly Bancroft TakingtheLeap byCay Lang

SevenDays intheArtWorld by SarahThornton

ART/WORK: EverythingYouNeedtoKnow (andDo) As YouPursueYour ArtCareer by Heather


Bhandari andJonathanMelber

LivingandSustainingaCreative Life: Essays by40Working Artists TheCritiqueHandbook byKendall Buster andPaulaCrawford Researchbooksapplicableto projects


Studentmust providepersonal memory card8GBor higher, flashdrive and/orexternal hard

drive, andajournal/notebook dedicatedsolely tothis course.Other supplies will berequiredbased onthepathyouchoosetotakewiththeassignedprojects.Thereis norequiredtext;readings will beuploadedtoour class Canvas site.


Syllabusandcalendar is subjecttochange atinstructor’s discretion.

** The BA does not have a formal exhibition, but instead, hosts an online exhibition and attendant social media. The exhibition will be housed in a URL maintained by the department which will also maintain an archive of previous exhibitions.