Internet Exercise #1
As you know, a company’s return on investment (or ROI) is the product of its margin and turnover. Financial analysts often compute and analyze a company’s ROI by obtaining the required data from its annual report. Unfortunately, the analyst is usually unable to determine the precise amounts of the company’s operating and nonoperating assets. Although this obstacle is a limitation, the information is still useful to some extent.
Search the Securities and Exchange Commission’s EDGAR corporate filings data base at for the annual report on Form 10-K of each of the two companies listed below.
- Google Inc. (choose the one with the Standard Industrial Code (SIC) of 7370)
- Yahoo Inc. (choose the one with the SIC of 7373)
Using data from the two most recent annual reports of these two companies, compute the margin, turnover, and ROI for each company for the two most recent fiscal years. After reviewing the ratios, briefly discuss each company’s performance, and then compare and contrast the performances of the two companies.
Internet Exercise #2
Determine which thirty stocks comprise the Dow-Jones Industrial Average by completing an Internet search. Choose three of the companies included in the average and perform the following for each of the three companies:
- Locate the company’s most recent annual report.
(Note: For most of the companies listed in the Dow-Jones Industrial Average, the website for the company will often be the company's name followed by ".com"—for instance, Alcoa's website can be found at Once in the company's website you can often access financial information by looking for the Annual Report, often listed in the Investor Relations or Investor Info section. If you cannot find the information needed, try getting the financial information filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission by going to the SEC's information website at - Calculate the company's return on investment (ROI) for the last two years, using a fairly simple calculation such as operating income divided by total assets. (Show your work.) Try to determine, by reference to the Form 10-K, why the company’s ROI has recently changed significantly, if appropriate.
- Compare and contrast your findings (among the three companies).
Internet Exercise #3
The Balanced Scorecard Institute includes client testimonials and success stories on its website at The Institute helps a diverse range of commercial, government and nonprofit organizations develop balanced scorecard and performance management systems. It also recognizes best practices in balanced scorecard (BSC), strategic performance management and measurement, and transformation and change management. Mecklenburg County was awarded the Institute’s highest award for Excellence in 2008. To learn how, scroll down the Client Testimonials navigation bar in the right-hand navigation bar and click on the Mecklenburg County logo. Then, click on the Read the Case Study link in the box that pops us. Read about how this county’s customer focus positioned it for a tough economy. Write a brief paper (3 - 5 paragraphs) that summarizes this success story.
Internet Exercise #4
Perform an Internet search using the term, economic value added, and locate an article (less than one year old) from the results of your search. (Make sure that you do not select an instructor’s lecture notes or a class assignment from the results of your search.) After reading the article, write a brief paper (3 – 5 paragraphs) that summarizes and comments on the article. (Your paper should provide the appropriate citation(s). If necessary, you may wish to refer to the following website, which includes information about citations: