ENM 102
Course Syllabus - Fall 2016
END-4, Wed14:00-16:00 PM
Instructor:Assist. Prof.Dr.Ilgin Acar
Department of Industrial Engineering
Office: ENM-207
Office Hours: M 14:00 PM -15:00 PM or by appointment
2015-2016 Catalog Description:
IEngineer; Industrial Engineering, definition of task, development of task. industrial engineering, Topics include Manpower,Capital, Technology Relations, Mutual interaction, Goodsand Service Production, Company, Company types,Industrial company; Productivity: Productivitymanagement, Labor study, Time study, Labor evaluation,Labor and Wage; Statistics; Quality and Quality Control;Ergonomics; Facility Planning; Operation Research; usecomputers in Industrial Engineering.
At the end of this course a student will be able to,
- Explain basic Industrial Engineering concepts
- Make Industrial Engineering definition..
- Know different definition of IE given by various resources.
- Depict the history and development of the Industrial Engineering.
- Explain IE chronology.
- Explain IE activities.
- Know important events and people in the IE chronology.
- Understand the Industrial and Systems Engineering concepts,
- Know system concept. .
- Know ISE classification and explain with examples.
- Know ISE activities.
- Know system components.
- Explain facility location and planning topics.
- Explain facility location and planning definitions.
- Show flow charts with the symbols.
- Use analytical techniques for facility layouts.
- Explain work measurement topics.
- Use work measurement techniques.
- Calculate standard time.
- Depict IE topics basically.
- Explain IE topics with the examples.
- Associate IE with its field of study.
- Prepare theoretical or practical project related to IE topics in groups.
- Prepare a project report suitable for ethical rules and format.
- Present in a class.
Textbook:* W.C. Turner, J.H. Mize, K.E. Case ve J.W. Nazemetz, “Introduction to Industrial and Systems Engineering”, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, Inc., New Jersey 1993.
Reading Lists:
*James L. Adams, “Bir Mühendisin Dünyası”, 14. Basım, TÜBİTAK Popüler Bilim Kitapları 13, Ankara 2004.
* Jane Gaboury, Cliff Cary ve Richard J. Nolan, "30 ways to be a better IE", IIE Solutions, Vol. 31/1, p28, 8p, January 1999.
* "Endüstri ve İşletme Mühendisliğinin Geleceği", Makina Mühendisleri Odası V. EİM Kurultayı, 9-10 Aralık 2005, Zonguldak,
* Learn about IE,
* Philip A. Leinbach ve Timothy Stansfield, "Living up to expectations", IIE Solutions, Vol. 34/11, p24, 7p., November 2002.
* Allen Allnoch, "Assessing the direction and image of industrial engineering", IIE Solutions, Vol. 29/5, p44, 8p, May 1997.
* IIE Solutions Staff, "Role of the IE continues to EVOLVE", IIE Solutions, Vol. 28/12, p18, 5p, December 1996.
- U. Kula, O. Torkul ve H. Taşkın, “Endüstri ve Sistem Mühendisliğine Giriş”, Prentice Hall 3. Baskıdan Türkçe Çeviri, Değişim Yayınları, İstanbul 2006.
- M. Tanyaş, “Endüstri Mühendisliğine Giriş Cilt I”, İrfan Yayımcılık ve Tanıtım Ltd. Şti, İstanbul 2000.
- P.E. Hicks, “Industrial Engineering and Management A New Perspective”, 2nd Edition, McGraw-Hill, Inc. 1994.
Evaluation: Your final grade will be based on the following:
(1) Assignments
(2) Test 30%
(3) Quiz (3) 20 %
(4) Final Exam 50%
Assignments: Assignments are not to be turned in but you will be responsible in exams.
Mid-Terms and Final Exam : The semester test will be administered during the lecture period on theday indicated in the schedule. You are responsible for the material up tothe day of the test. During the FINAL EXAM you are allowed to use a calculator andtwo sided 8½" x 11" sheet of paper with anything you want written on the paper(you can use both sides of the sheet of paper).
Please note that the topic schedule is only a guide, sometimes we will spend more time on onetopic and less on another. The tests and final exam times will occur on the dates listed, however,content of these exams may be altered based on the material covered prior to exam time.
Date Topics Chapter
September28Course description, Methodology and Introduction of department
October 5History of Engineering and Development of Industrial Engineering1
12History of Engineering and Development of Industrial Engineering1
19Industrial and Systems Engineering2
25Quiz 1/ Industrial and Systems Engineering2November 2 Mid Term (I) Exam Week
9Facilities Location and Layout4
16Work Design and Organizational Performance6
23Quality Control8
30Quiz 2 / Financial Compensation9
December 7Mid Term (II) Exam Week
14Human Factors11
21Deterministic Operations Research14
28Quiz 3/ Simulation / Project Management16,17
January 3FINAL EXAM WEEK (Comprehensive)