SU871.501 1
Introduction to Children and Youth with Exceptionalities
FINAL EXAM 30 Points
Respond to each item based on course readings, class presentations, discussions, and your own research.
Part 1 Multiple Choice (1 point each)
- _____Which federal provision requires school systems to provide a free and appropriate education toall children with disabilities.
- Fourteenth Amendment
- Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Civil Rights Act
- _____Rosa’s Law refers to:
- Free and Appropriate Education for students who are deaf
- A continuum of placement options
- Access to the general education curriculum
- Change in terminology
- _____Speech therapy, Occupational therapy, Physical therapy, and Counseling are all examples of:
- Medical Services
- Services only received by students with multiple disabilities
- Related Services
- Private Services
- _____The term low-incidence disability refers to:
- Disabilities that occur relatively infrequently and require extensive support in more than one life activity
- Disabilities that require low levels of support and services
- Disabilities that only impact students in educational settings.
- Disabilities that are typically diagnosed using IQ tests.
- _____Diagnostic criteria for students with autism include:
- Deficits in social communication; restrictive, repetitive patterns of behavior; and symptoms must be present in the early developmental period
- Deficits in expressive language; intellectual disability; and symptoms must be present in the early developmental period
- Deficits in social communication; difficulty making eye contact; and symptoms must be present in the early developmental period
- Deficits in social communication; displays savant like characteristics; and symptoms must be present in the early developmental period
- _____The most important characteristic of exceptional learners is:
- Their physical limitations
- Their diagnosed disabilities
- Their abilities
- Their behavior concerns
Part II Apply Your Knowledge (Choose 6 - 3 points each)
- A parent emails you to ask for advice regarding whether he should refer his son Eli for eligibility to receive special education services. He knows that the school is providing a secondary intervention but he does not see any improvement in Eli’s achievement. How would you respond to this email in your current/future role? In your response, explain the IEP process to the parent.
- A colleague approaches you for advice knowing that you recently took a course on learners with exceptionality. Your colleague is a general educator who found out one of his incoming students has an IEP for multiple disabilities that include mobility, communication, and fine motor needs. He is concerned that he will not be able to meet the needs of this student and the needs of the other 20 students in his classroom. How would you respond to your colleague?
- Describe how you wouldapply three strategies to promote family-school partnershipsfor students with exceptionality in your current or future role? What challenges might you anticipate and how will you overcome these?
- Analyze two ways in which students can be diagnosed with a learning disability. (LD is one of the 13 eligibility categories under the IDEA). What are benefits and challenges (or criticisms) for each identification method?
- True or False? All students who are eligible for special education services under the IDEA category of deafness are entitled to a sign language interpreter in the classroom. Briefly explain why or why not using examples from course sessions.
- How do the three principles of Universal Design for Learning apply to students who are gifted? Provide an example for one of the principles; OR, consider how UDL might help teachers recognize the special gifts and talents in students who may have been overlooked.
- You are preparing for a meeting with a family who has a child who currently receives services through Part C of the IDEA. The child is 30 months old and the parent needs to make a decision regarding transition. Please explain the differences between Parts C and B so that the parent to help the parents made an informed decision and to facilitate a smooth transition.
- A student, Paul, will be turning 16 before the end of the school year. The IEP team has scheduled a meeting to discuss transition and to modify the IEP accordingly. Paul has a Learning Disability which impacts his ability to decode text and read fluently. He meets grade level standards when provided with reading and writing accommodations and direct instruction in strategies to aide comprehension. Apply your knowledge of the IDEA and best practices for transition to describe what should transpire at the IEP meeting. What types of transition services and supports might be helpful to prepare Paul for a positive post-secondary outcome?
Part 3 Analysis (6 Points)
- Select ONE (1) topic from the following list:
Inclusion, Early Intervention, Professional Language (ex., person first, changes in terminology), Universal Design for Learning (UDL), Cultural Competence, or Response to Intervention (RTI)
Based on your selection, discuss the following using information from course sessions, your personal experience, and other resources. Please note that personal experience alone is not sufficient to respond to this question, particularly for parts (a) through (d).
(a)Why is this trend/issue significant?
(b)What social and/or historical events have influenced this trend/issue?
(c)Briefly describe how this trend/issue and the related issues affect children with disabilities and their families.
(d)What are some of the potential long-term consequences of this trend/issue?
(e)How does (or will) this affect your professional role?