AGRI 1100

FALL 2008

The Agriculture Department is one of nine departments within the College of Applied Sciences and Technology. Four programs culminating in the B.S. Degree are offered by the Department. these are:

A. Agricultural Business

B. Agricultural Economics

C. Agricultural Education

D. Agriculture Technology

1. Animal Science

2. Horticulture

3. Agronomy

4. Agricultural Mechanics

INSTRUCTORS: Mr. Dave Ewing Dr. Jason Scales

Office: Ag Mech 102 Ag Mech 101

Office Phone: 543-4240 543-4519

Home Phone: 747-5548 429-5579


Hackers, Diana. The Bedford Handbook for Writers. Boston: Bedford Books of St. Martins Press, 4th Edition. 1991.

UCM General Catalog

UCM Class Schedule

UCM Student Calendar/Handbook

UCM Agricultural Department- An Aggie’s Guide to Success


AGRI 1100, Introduction to Agriculture, seeks to provide entering freshmen with background knowledge about the University, Department, course offerings and course scheduling. In addition, departmental and national normed examinations will be administered to determine student's "problem areas." This procedure allows students time to correct deficiencies at an early stage in their academic careers. This course will also be used to advise students if they encounter problems during their first semester.


Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:

1. Interpret course requirements for various programs from the UCM general catalog.

2. Describe the programs available in the department and discuss career opportunities within the program.

3. Select a tentative degree and major, and develop a written plan of study for that program.

4. Identify and state the general purpose of the student organizations in the Agriculture Department.

5. Identify location of selected campus resources available to assist agriculture students.

6. Distinguish and state the function of various administrators, academic advisors and faculty members.

7. Be aware of what constitutes an adequate resume, thank you and cover letter.

8. Discuss the requirements of the department's assessment program.

9. Appreciate the necessity for achieving adequate writing and speaking skills.

10. Use standard term paper procedures required by the Agricultural Department.

11. Distinguish between appropriately cited material and plagiarized material.

12. Be able to locate agricultural resources in the library.


I. UCM Administration

II. College Organization

III. Agriculture Faculty

IV. Library Resources

V. Departmental Student Organizations

VI. Career Choices

A. Degree programs offered by department.

B. Careers available in agriculture.

VII. Course Schedules

VIII. Assessments

A. Departmental Writing Assessments.

B. University Studies Assessments.

IX. Descriptive Tests of Learning Skills

X. Term Paper Preparation

A. Types of term papers.

B. Proper resource citations and plagiarism.

XI. Resumes, Cover Letters and Thank You Letters


·  Ag Thang

·  Student Organization Meeting (Ag Club)

·  Theme writing

·  4 Year Plan

·  Resume, Cover Letter, Thank You Letter


Quizzes ...... ………………...... ???

Final Exam 80

Major Selection and Course Sequencing 40

Visitation to Selected Campus Areas 30

Theme 40

An average for the course of 90% will earn an A, 80% a B, 70% a C and 60% a D. Grade breaking points may be lowered, but in no case will they be raised. These breaking points will be evaluated only after final numerical grades have been calculated. A failing grade will be assigned if a student does not complete required nationally normed examinations!!

The Department requires a written exercise and assigns participation in the Writing Lab for poor performance on this exercise. You must successfully complete the program or your final grade will be reduced by five percent until I receive proof of satisfactory completion of the Writing Lab program.


Regular attendance in class is expected. In accordance with university policy, I will take attendance and it will be a factor in your final grade. More than two unexcused absences will result in your final grade being lowered by 10 points per absence over two. To be able to participate effectively you will have to read the assignments before class. Plan not only to show up, but to ask questions, take notes, to think and to speak.


You should be aware of what actions violate the standards of academic honesty which have been established at this University. Please refer to the 2000-2001 Student Calendar/Handbook. I will follow through with the disciplinary process which has been established when I am certain a violation has occurred.


The above procedures are subject to change in the event of extenuating circumstances.


TOPIC: Who I am and what I want!

LENGTH: Two pages.

MODE: 12 pt Times Roman or Arial font.

SPACING: Double spaced.

MARGINS: One inch margins.


The paper should contain the following: Who you are, your background of where you come from, expectations of the department and university, and career goals and asprations.


Organization (15 points)

A. Unified and coherent.

B. Main and subordinate points distinguished and related.

C. Purposeful paragraphing and transitions.

Grammar (45 points)

A. Command of sentence structure.

B. Mastery of conventions of grammar usage, punctuation and spelling.

C. Avoidance of slang, low level language or short choppy sentences.