introduction Getting Acquainted ^.ules and Contract
Who I Am Videotaping
I Feelings Meeting Handouts:
Vocational Inventory, Interests and Abilities
Who I Am Video Discussion
iandouts: Time Logs Who I Am
Who I Am View and Discussion
Members Meeting
kelson Reading Test
Self Exploration (9 minute video)
Time Budget due
Feelings Meeting: Obstacles to Employment
5DS Administratio/ Discussion
Job Information Resources Workshop Research assignment/3 jobs/info interviews
Members Meeting
DAT: Verbal
Needs andValues
(14 minute video)
Feelings Meeting Topic: Needs and Values
6 Personality Factor
Why People Work Discussion
Members Meeting
Vocational Inventory
Vocational Inventory due
Communication Skills Workshop
Feelings Meeting Topic: How'm I Doing?
elf Sabotage Workshop
Barriers to Employment
Members Meeting Research and Interviews due
iaking Career Decisions Vorkshop
Identifying Marketable Skills
Feehngs Meeting Topic: Vocational Planing
ob Vs. Career
Vocational Options VESID Discussion/ handout
Members Meeting
tan For Action ext Step/Plan
Who I Am Taping
Feelings Meeting Topic Open
an For Action Group Feedback
Who I Am View and Discussion
Members Meeting Graduation
Goals ; Clients will introduce themselves to each other and to
counselors, and to express their expectations of E.P.R.A.
Clients will interview and be interviewed by peers and present partner to group
Clients will achieve a sense of identification with peers related to substance abuse and career development
Clients will become oriented to accepted conduct and procedures in D.V.E.
Clients will understand role of counselors in D.V.E. Clients will receive and discuss rules and regulations Clients will receive and discuss membership contract Clients will verbalize their expectations of D.V.E. Procedure ;
Welcome new members to E.P.R.A.. Explain role of Rehabilitation Counselor
Explain purpose of exercise: to "get acquainted" and disclose information that each individual feels is appropriate to the group. Describe exercise, letting clients know that counselors will leave room for 10 minutes while interviews take place. Participants will interview person sitting next to them for 5 minutes, then changes roles, and be interviewed by partner. Based on this information, participants will introduce partner to group and discuss their expectations
Handout rules, discuss
Handout E.P.R.A. contract, discuss. Ask clients to sign contract. Collect contract, make copies for clients (during break).
Handout and discuss "Clients Rights"
Let clients know they will be assigned a counselor after break (11:00)
Materials ; Client's Rights
Membership Contract Welcome to E.P.R.A. Map of AA meetings in the area
The following are some requirements you need to know about: Ai iENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY
Hours are 9am to approximately 12pm, Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday. You may be asked to come in for individual appointments on Tuesdays and Fridays. Attendance is required for every group.
As an EPRA member, we ask that you take your commitment to this process very seriously. Your commitment to yourself and the group can be demonstrated by showing up on time for all sessions (group and individual).
Our hope is to provide a comprehensive vocational experience for all of our members. Your presence for all sessions can help this to occur. Your presence will also contribute to the experience of all other group members in their own vocational recovery.
We recognize that chronic lateness and absenteeism are among the biggest obstacles many recovering people face in returning to productive employment. Many of our alumni have said that EPRA's attendance and punctuality policy was instrumental in helping them to successfully achieve their vocational goals.
With this in mind, please review our attendance and punctuality policy carefully:
If you are late or absent more than twice, you will be asked to leave this phase of EPRA. You may be eligible to return in the next group if space is available.
Mandated public assistance appointments, unemployment insurance appointments, and court appearances will not count as absences. However, we urge you to make every effort to schedule these appointments, as well as any medical appointments you may have in a way that will not interfere with attendance at EPRA.
Also, it is your responsibility to provide documentation for any appointments that affect your attendance to your EPRA counselor in advance.
Classes start at 9:3Oam. You are expected to be in your seat at 9:3Oam. Arrival after 9:3Oam or after other group starting times is a lateness and will count. There are no exceptions. Coming back late for a coffee break is considered a lateness and will count.
In the event that illness or any other reason prevents you from attending EPRA, you must contact your EPRA counselor between 9:00 and 9:30am.
There is no smoking in or directly in front of the building. Eating and drinking are permitted in the members' lounge only.
Please remain within the office of EPRA. Do not congregate in the elevator area.
Please respect the confidentiality of the group and keep whatever is said by others in trust.
Your active participation in groups and workshops is necessary for a thorough evaluation. Participation will be voluntary whenever possible. In the absence of voluntary participation, you may be called on.
Will be given during the six weeks. Completion is necessary before going on to the next phase of the program.
While there is no formal dress code, please begin to think of yourself as a worker and dress accordingly as iar as your present budget will allow.
Proper hygiene is a good starting point. No shorts, hats, skin tight leggings, jogging suits or very short and tight skirts allowed.
A telephone is provided for emergency use only near the receptionist's desk. Please make sure any phone calls are kept as brief as possible.
The following professional conduct is expected of all EPRA members while groups are in session:
~ To facilitate communication, please raise your hand when you wish to share and a counselor will recognize you. All members must give their full attention to the individual speaking.
-- You must remain in the room for the duration of the group. (In case of an emergency, raise your hand for counselor's permission to leave.)
~ Food beverages, candy and/or gum, are not permitted in classrooms.
—Supporting fellow group members
~Sharing knowledge, experience, and feelings
~Trusting the group and not violating their trust
—Offering constructive criticism to the group
--Not giving up
The following are some requirements you need to know about: A i TENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY
Hours are 1pm to approximately 4pm, Tuesdays and Wednesdays. Thursdays are from 9am to 12pm. You may be asked to come in for individual appointments on Mondays and Fridays. Attendance is required for every group.
As an EPRA member, we ask that you take your commitment to this process very seriously. Your commitment to yourself and the group can be demonstrated by showing up on time for all sessions (group and individual).
Our hope is to provide a comprehensive vocational experience for all of our members. Your presence for all sessions can help this to occur. Your presence will also contribute to the experience of all other group members in their own vocational recovery.
We recognize that chronic lateness and absenteeism are among the biggest obstacles many recovering people face in returning to productive employment. Many of our alumni have said that EPRA's attendance and punctuality policy was instrumental in helping them to successfully achieve their vocational goals.
With this in mind, please review our attendance and punctuality policy carefully:
If you are late or absent more than twice, you will be asked to leave this phase of EPRA. You may be eligible to return in the next group if space is available.
Mandated public assistance appointments, unemployment insurance appointments, and court appearances will not count as absences. However, we urge you to make every effort to schedule these appointments, as well as any medical appointments you may have in a way that will not interfere with attendance at EPRA.
Also, it is your responsibility to provide documentation for any appointments that affect your attendance to your EPRA counselor in advance.
Classes start at 1:00pm. You are expected to be in your seat at 1:00pm. Arrival after 1:00pm or after other group starting times is a lateness and will count. There are no exceptions. Coming back late for a coffee break is considered a lateness and will count.
In the event that illness or any other reason prevents you from attending EPRA, you must contact your EPRA counselor between 9:00 and 9:30am.
There is no smoking in or directly in front of the building. Eating and drinking are permitted in the members' lounge only.
Please remain within the office of EPRA. Do not congregate in the elevator area.
Please respect the confidentiality of the group and keep whatever is said by others in trust.
Your active participation in groups and workshops is necessary for a thorough evaluation. Participation will be voluntary whenever possible. In the absence of voluntary participation, you may be called on.
Will be given during the six weeks. Completion is necessary before going on to the next phase of the program.
While there is no formal dress code, please begin to think of yourself as a worker and dress accordingly as far as your present budget will allow.
Proper hygiene is a good starting point. No shorts, hats, skin tight leggings, jogging suits or very short and tight skirts allowed.
A telephone is provided for emergency use only near the receptionist's desk. Please make sure any phone calls are kept as brief as possible.
The following professional conduct is expected of all EPRA members while groups are in session:
-- To facilitate communication, please raise your hand when you wish to share and a counselor will recognize you. All members must give their full attention to the individual speaking.
—You must remain in the room for the duration of the group. (In case of an emergency, raise your
hand for counselor's permission to leave.)
~ Food beverages, candy and/or gum, are not permitted in classrooms.
~Supporting fellow group members
—Sharing knowledge, experience, and feelings
—Trusting the group and not violating their trust
—Offering constructive criticism to the group
~Not giving up
Employment Program for Recovered Alcoholics, Inc.
225 West 34th Street, New York, NY. 10122 • Telephone (212) 947-1471
As a member in EPRA you will be given help in preparing yourself to go back to work. To be a part of our program as a member in good standing you must meet certain conditions. Every member must meet the following requirements:
1.When you enter the program, you will have been sober and totally drug free for at least 90 days,
and presently unemployed.
2.You must be committed to a program of recovery through a licensed alcoholism/ substance abuse
treatment program or other approved therapy.
3.You must stay sober while in the program. Anyone who has a slip on either alcohol or drugs will
be asked to leave the program until he or she has once again met the requirement to 90 days
sobriety. If anyone tries to deceive us about their sobriety, he or she will give up all membership
rights for six (6) months.
4.NO ALCOHOLIC beverages or unprescribed drugs will be allowed in the building at any time.
5.Violence of any kind, physical or verbal, must be avoided.
(Any member who does not obey rules #4 and #5 will be immediately expelled from the program.
6.Your honest desire to work is necessary to EPRA membership. You must take part in all of the
EPRA activities and groups. If you do not take part in activities you may be asked to drop out of
the program.
7.The program is open to members during these hours:
Monday through Friday - 8:45am to 4:45pm, unless you are told otherwise.
8.When you come to EPRA, you must be:
-Appropriately dressed.
-On time for all appointments and classes.
9.Attendance will be taken daily and at meetings.
Employment Program for Recovered Alcoholics, Inc.
225 West 34th Street, New York, NY. 10122 • Telephone (212) 947-1471
Clients have the right to a full explanation of the services provided.
Client's objection to his/her plan for services shall not in and of itself result in the client's termination from the program, but this does not mean non-compliance with the plan would be acceptable.
The confidentiality of clients' clinical record shall be maintained.
Clients have the right to receive services in such a manner as to assure non-discrimination.
Clients have the right to be treated in a way which acknowledges and respects their cultural environment.
Clients have the right to a maximum amount of privacy consistent with the effective delivery of services.
Clients have the right to freedom from abuse and mistreatment by employees. Clients are informed of the agency's client grievance policies and procedures.
The following are the name, address, and telephone numbers of the appropriate State and City regulatory agencies and advocacy group:
New York State
Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services
1633 Broadway 21st Floor
New York, NY 10019
(212) 399-8715
New York City
Bureau of Alcoholism Services
93 Worth Street
New York, NY 10013
Legal Action Center 153 Waverly Place New York, NY 10014 (212)243-1313
Employment Program for Recovered Alcoholics, Inc.
225 West 34th Street, New York, N.Y. 10122 • Telephone (212) 947-1471
If a client has a grievance pertaining to the program or their rights — the client should go to their primary counselor.
If a client has a grievance against the primary counselor and has not been able to reconcile with the counselor the counselor shall refer the matter to the Clinical Supervisor for disposition.
If a client has a grievance against an administrative person the client shall go to their primary counselor. If in the event that the client feels their grievance is not being recognized the counselor shall refer the matter to the Clinical Supervisor for disposition.
If after following the above procedures and the grievance has not been recognized the client can submit a written statement to the Clinical Supervisor regarding the matter.
Once written documentation has been submitted to the Clinical Supervisor the Clinical Supervisor will complete the attached documentation form.
The client grievances shall be reviewed, within 48 hours of the Clinical Supervisor's written documentation, by the primary counselor, the Clinical Supervisor and the Administration when necessary.
Resolution of client's grievance shall take place within one week of the grievance, whenever possible. If more time is needed documentation of that will be filed.
Revised 11/95
- OVER -
Who I Am
Goals ; Clients will explore and understand their vocational
interests abilities, personal characteristics, and experience as they apply to vocational decision making
Procedure :
Show stimulus tape "Who I AM" and discuss (2 or 3 vignettes, 45 min.) Discuss reactions to tape in group
Give out "Who I Am" assignment for presentation next day. Explain each person will have 3 minutes to present relevant information to group and view themselves on tape. Explain this exercise will be repeated in the last week of D.V.E.
Materials: "Who I Am" video stimulus tape (Adkins Life Skills Program) "Who I Am" outline for presentation
I grew up
Some of the most important things I remember about my earlylife are
My main interests are
The things I do best are______
My Abilities continued_
Some of the thingsI'm going to have to change in order to better
myself are______
The one job I'mthinking about most seriously is_
Thisjob is a good choice for me because
Who I Am Video and Discussions
Goal; Clients will share information they feel is important to
their present life and career stage development in 3 minute videotaped presentation.
Procedure ;
Ask for a volunteer to keep track of time. Each participant has 3 minutes in which to present themselves to the group. Counselor operates camera.
View videotapes with group, and discuss
Materials ; Videotape Video camera Television
Time Budget Assignment
Goal ; Clients will become aware of their time management skills, and how this will affect their ability to seek, gain, and keep employment.
Clients will complete a time budget form for one week.
Distribute time budget form to participants. Explain purpose of assignment. Emphasize importance of being non-judgmental, (a way to prioritize tasks; look at how to balance time; budget in time for leisure, relaxation; how do you structure your time?; how do you deal with unstructured time? etc.) Inform clients this assignment will be collected the following Wednesday, and may be discussed with their counselor in individual sessions.
Time budget form
Vocational Inventory/Interests and Abilities
("..."4 Goals ; Clients will develop insight about the impact of substance abuse on career development
Clients will develop insight about interests and abilities as they relate to career development
Clients will write vocational inventory to be discussed in group and individual sessions in 3rd week of D.V.E.
Clients will write vocational interests and abilities inventory
Procedure ;
Distribute Vocational Inventory and Interests and Abilities outlines. Explain assignment is due Wednesday of 3rd week. Discuss importance of fully completing this assignment and handing it in on time. Encourage clients to be as thorough and specific as possible, keeping in mind that their perspective on the past may change in their sober development. (If participant has periods of unemployment, they may describe activities during that time.)