Introducing the Palliative Approach Toolkit for Racfs

Introducing the Palliative Approach Toolkit for RACFs

Workshop Evaluation

Date, Venue

1.  Which of the following best describes your main work role? (please tick one box only)

q RACF Manager q Registered Nurse q Enrolled Nurse

q Other (please specify) ______

2.  Which of the following best describes your main work setting? (please tick one box only)

q RACF q Specialist Palliative Care Service

q Other (please specify) ______

3.  How long have you worked in residential aged care? (please tick one box only)

q Not applicable q Less than 12 months q 1 year to less than 5 years q 5 years to less than 10 years q More than 10 years

Questions 4 to 13

Please tick the box that corresponds to your extent of agreement with each of the following statements:

/ Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither disagree nor agree / Agree / Strongly agree /
4.  The workshop increased my understanding of the benefits of implementing the PA Toolkit at my RACF / q / q / q / q / q
5.  The workshop increased my understanding about how to implement the PA Toolkit at my RACF / q / q / q / q / q
6.  The workshop increased my awareness of my specific role in implementing the PA Toolkit at my RACF / q / q / q / q / q
7.  The workshop increased my awareness of how the resources in the PA Toolkit support the implementation of a palliative approach in RACFs / q / q / q / q / q
8.  The workshop increased my knowledge about the three key processes highlighted in the PA Toolkit / q / q / q / q / q
9.  I feel confident that one or more of the key processes discussed at the workshop can be implemented at my RACF / q / q / q / q / q

Please turn over

/ Strongly disagree / Disagree / Neither disagree nor agree / Agree / Strongly agree /
10.  The PowerPoint slides, handouts and other resources used during the workshop assisted my learning / q / q / q / q / q
11.  The topics covered at the workshop were relevant to my work role / q / q / q / q / q
12.  The workshop content was delivered at an appropriate level to support my learning / q / q / q / q / q
13.  The workshop content and associated resources will contribute to sustained use of the PA Toolkit in my RACF / q / q / q / q / q
14.  Was the overall length of the workshop (please tick one box only)
q Too long
q Just right
q Too short
15.  What were the most useful topics covered at the workshop? (please tick as many boxes as applicable)
q Advance care planning q Trajectories and prognostication
q Palliative care case conferences q 10 steps to implement a palliative approach
q End of life care pathway q PA Toolkit resources
16.  We will be providing follow-up information in newsletters and online webinars. Which of these topics would you like further information on? (please tick as many boxes as applicable)
q Advance care planning
q Palliative care case conferences
q End of life care pathway
q Trajectories and prognostication
q Implementing a palliative approach
q Pain
q Nutrition and hydration
q Dyspnoea
q Oral care
q Delirium
q Other (please specify) ______
Other Comments:

Thank you