Introducing English Linguistics (Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics) By
- Introducing English Linguistics (Cambridge Introductions to Language and Linguistics) by Charles F. Meyer (Paperback - June 22, 2009)
- Socio-Historical Linguistics: Its Status and Methodology (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics) by Suzanne Romaine (Paperback - June 4, 2009)
- The Fruits of Empirical Linguistics 1: Process (Studies in Generative Grammar) by Susanne Winkler, Sam Featherston, Sam Featherston, and Susanne Winkler (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- Metaphor and Reconciliation (Routledge Studies in Linguistics) by Lynne Cameron (Hardcover - June 1, 2009)
- Languages, Myths and History: An Introduction to the Linguistic and Literary Background of J. R. R. Tolkien's Fiction by Elizabeth Solopova (Paperback - June 30, 2009)
- Indian Linguistic Families Of America. by J. W. POWELL (Kindle Edition - June 1, 2009)
- Ideologies across Nations: The Construction of Linguistic Minorities at the United Nations (Language, Power and Social Process) by Alexandre Duchêne (Paperback - June 15, 2009)
- Introduction to Linguistic Annotation and Text Analytics (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies) by Graham Wilcock (Paperback - June 30, 2009)
- Cognitive Linguistics and Language Teaching by Randal Holme (Hardcover - June 9, 2009)
- Testing Linguistic Relativity: A Comparison between English and Italian in the Domain of Manner of Motion by Filippo-Enrico Cardini (Paperback - June 9, 2009)
- The Fruits of Empirical Linguistics 2: Product (Studies in Generative Grammar) by Susanne Winkler, Sam Featherston, Susanne Winkler, and Sam Featherston (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- Reduplication: Doubling in Morphology (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics) by Inkelas Sharon and Zoll Cheryl (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- Style and Ideology in Translation: Latin American Writing in English (Routledge Studies in Linguistics) by Jeremy Munday (Paperback - June 16, 2009)
- The Role of Prosody in Affective Speech (Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication) by Hancil Sylvie (Paperback - June 30, 2009)
- Spontaneous Spoken Language: Syntax and Discourse (Oxford Linguistics) by Jim Miller and Regina Weinert (Paperback - June 15, 2009)
- Principles of Dependency Phonology (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics) by John Mathieson Anderson and Colin J. Ewen (Paperback - June 18, 2009)
- The Sentence in Written English: A Syntactic Study Based on an Analysis of Scientific Texts (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics) by Rodney D. Huddleston (Paperback - June 18, 2009)
- How We Speak Shapes How We Learn: A Linguistic and Psychological Theory of Education by Sayyed Mohsen Fatemi and Carl Leggo (Hardcover - June 30, 2009)
- The Bill Question: Contributions to the Study of Linguistics And Languages in Honor Of Bill J. Darden on the Occasion of His Sixty-Sixth Birthday by Howard I. Aronson, Donald L. Dyer, Victor A. Friedman, and Daniela S. Hristova (Paperback - June 30, 2009)
- Essays of an Americanist: I. Ethnologic and Archaeologic. Ii. Mythology and Folk Lore. Iii. Graphic Systems and Literature. Iv. Linguistic (1890) by Daniel Garrison Brinton (Paperback - June 1, 2009)
- Linguistic and Oriental Essays: Written From the Year 1840 to 1903 (V.2 ) (1880-1904) by Robert Needham Cust (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- Using Corpora to Learn About Language and Discourse (Linguistic Insights. Studies in Language and Communication) by Lombardo Linda (Paperback - June 30, 2009)
- Syntax of the Sentence (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs) by Philip Baldi and Pierluigi Cuzzolin (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- Modality in English: Theory and Description (Topics in English Linguistics) by Johan van der Auwera, Pierre Busuttil, and Raphael Salkie (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- Word Frequency Studies (Quantitative Linguistics) by Ioan-IoviPopescu (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- New Challenges in Typology: Transcending the Borders and Refining the Distinctions (Trends in Linguistics. Studies and Monographs) by Patience Epps, Alexandre Arkhipov, Patience Epps, and Alexandre Arkhipov (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- Rules and Exemplars in Inflectional Morphology: Connectionist, Behavioural and Cross-linguistic Studies in In?ectional Morphology: Comparing German and English past tense and plural production by Stephan Bandelow (Paperback - June 3, 2009)
- Turning the Noose that Binds into a Rope to Climb: A Textual Search for Rhetorical and Linguistic Gender-Markings in Speech Samples of Three Contemporary Female Orators by Angela Wallington Zimmann (Paperback - June 4, 2009)
- English Particles, Russian Prefixes and Prepositional Phrases: Slavic Linguistics by Nina Rojina (Paperback - June 5, 2009)
- Arabic Dialectology (Studies in Semitic Languages and Linguistics) by Enam Al-Wer and Rudolf de Jong (Hardcover - June 30, 2009)
- Introducing Maltese Linguistics: Selected papers from the 1st International Conference on Maltese Linguistics, Bremen, 18-20 October, 2007 (Studies in Language Companion Series) by Bernard Comrie, Ray Fabri, Elizabeth Hume, and Manwel Mifsud (Hardcover - June 24, 2009)
- English Phonology and Phonological Theory: Synchronic and Diachronic Studies (Cambridge Studies in Linguistics) by Roger Lass (Paperback - June 18, 2009)
- Introduction to English Phonetics and Phonology (Textbooks in English Language and Linguistics (Tell)) by Gut Ulrike (Paperback - June 4, 2009)
- Logos: Heraclitus, Sophism, Aristotle, Stoicism, Hellenistic Judaism, Philo, Energeia, Semantic field, Meaning (linguistics), Reason, Modes of persuasion, ... classical logic, Christ the Logos, Logocracy by John McBrewster, Frederic P. Miller, and Agnes F. Vandome (Paperback - June 10, 2009)
- The Buchenwald Child: Truth, Fiction, and Propaganda (Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture) by William John Niven (Paperback - June 1, 2009)
- New Directions in Cognitive Linguistics (Human Cognitive Processing) by Vyvyan Evans and Stephanie Pourcel (Hardcover - June 24, 2009)
- Spanish Phonology: A Syl-lab-ic Per-spect-tive (Georgetown Studies in Spanish Linguistics) by Sonia Colina (Paperback - June 15, 2009)
- Language Allegiances and Bilingualism in the US (Linguistic Diversity and Language Rights) by M. Rafael Salaberry (Paperback - June 15, 2009)
- Lexicon Grammaticorum: A bio-bibliographical companion to the history of linguistics by Harro Stammerjohann and Harro Stammerjohann (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- Trends in Cognitive Linguistics: Theoretical and Applied Models (Duisburger Arbeiten Zur Sprach- Und Kulturwissenschaft. Duisburg Papers on Research in Language and Culture) by Valenzuela. Javier, Rojo Ana, and Cristina Soriano (Paperback - June 26, 2009)
- The Derivation of Anaphoric Relations (Linguistik Aktuell / Linguistics Today) by Glyn Hicks (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- Corpora: Pragmatics and Discourse: Papers from the 29th International Conference on English Language Research on Computerized Corpora (ICAME 29). Ascona, ... Computers: Studies in Practical Linguistics) by Andreas H. Jucker, Daniel Schreier, and Marianne Hundt (Hardcover - June 1, 2009)
- Corpus Linguistics: Recent Developments in the Use of Computer Corpora in English Language Research (Costerus) by Jan Aarts and Willem Meijs (Paperback - June 15, 2009)
- The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL).(NEWS FROM SPONSORING ORGANIZATIONS): An article from: Language, Learning & Technology by Unavailable (Digital - June 22, 2009)
- Building on the cultural and linguistic capital of English learner (EL) students.(Promising Practices)(Report): An article from: Multicultural Education by Katie Brooks and Katya Karathanos (Digital - Nov. 4, 2009)
- Send in the clown: H.C. Branner's (non)linguistic endeavors.(Critical essay): An article from: Scandinavian Studies by Mark Mussari (Digital - Jan. 21, 2010)
- Psyche and the Literary Muses: The contribution of literary content to scientific psychology (Linguistic Approaches to Literature) by Martin S. Lindauer (Hardcover - June 11, 2009)
- Current Issues in Late Modern English (Linguistic Insights) by Ingrid Tieken-boon Van Ostade and Wim Van Der Wurff (Paperback - June 30, 2009)
- Book of Mormon Anachronisms: Archaeology and the Book of Mormon, Linguistics and the Book of Mormon, Limited geography model, Quaternary extinction even by John McBrewster, Frederic P. Miller, and Agnes F. Vandome (Paperback - June 17, 2009)
- Inventing Arguments, Brief, 2009 MLA Update Edition by John Mauk and John Metz (Paperback - June 10, 2009)
- Academic Writing, Philosophy and Genre (Educational Philosophy and Theory Special Issues) by Michael A. Peters (Paperback - June 9, 2009)
- Implicit and Explicit Knowledge in Second Language Learning, Testing and Teaching (Second Language Acquisition) by Rod Ellis, Shawn Loewen, Catherine Elder, and Rosemary Erlam (Paperback - June 15, 2009)
- A Mechanical Translation of the Book of Exodus by Jeff A. Benner (Hardcover - June 16, 2009)
- Encyclopedia of Arabic Language and Linguistics by C. H. M. Versteegh, M. Eid, and A. Elgibali (Hardcover - June 30, 2009)
- The Cradle of Language (Studies in the Evolution of Language) by Rudolf Botha and Chris Knight (Paperback - June 22, 2009)
- LB Brief, MLA Update Edition (3rd Edition) by Jane E. Aaron (Spiral-bound - June 20, 2009)
- The St. Martin's Handbook 6e paper & Documenting Sources in MLA Style: 2009 Update by Andrea A. Lunsford (Paperback - June 1, 2009)
- The Prehistory of Language (Studies in the Evolution of Language) by Rudolf Botha and Chris Knight (Paperback - June 22, 2009)
- Think You Know Your Vocabulary?: Specialized Words Everyone Needs to Know by LearningExpress (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- Exploring English Grammar: From formal to functional by Caroline Coffin, Jim Donohue, and Sarah North (Paperback - June 19, 2009)
- Interviewing for Journalists (Media Skills) by Sally Adams and Wynford Hicks (Paperback - June 5, 2009)
- Professional Discourse (Continuum Discourse Series) by Britt-Louise Gunnarsson (Paperback - June 8, 2009)
- The Life and Growth of Language: An Outline of Linguistic Science (1875) by William Dwight Whitney (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- Language, and the Study of Language: Twelve Lectures on the Principles of Linguistic Science (1867) by William Dwight Whitney (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- Manual of Linguistics: A Concise Account of General and English Phonology, With Supplementary Chapters on Kindred Topics (1893) by John Clark (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- A Migration Legend of the Creek Indians: With a Linguistic, Historic and Ethnographic Introduction (V.1 ) (1884-1888) by Albert S. (Albert Samuel) Gatschet (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- Linguistic and Oriental Essays: Written From the Year 1840 to 1903 (V.7 ) (1880-1904) by Robert Needham Cust (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- Manual of Linguistics: A Concise Account of General and English Phonology, With Supplementary Chapters on Kindred Topics (1893) by John Clark (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- Stance: Sociolinguistic Perspectives (Oxford Studies in Sociolinguistics) by Alexandra Jaffe (Hardcover - June 4, 2009)
- The Use of Definite and Indefinite Reference in Young Children: An Experimental Study of Semantic Acquisition by Michael P. Maratsos (Paperback - June 18, 2009)
- Inventing Arguments (with 2009 MLA Update Card) by John Mauk and John Metz (Paperback - June 11, 2009)
- From Critical Thinking to Argument 2e & Writing about Literature with 2009 MLA Update by Sylvan Barnet, Hugo Bedau, and Janet E. Gardner (Paperback - June 19, 2009)
- Words and Thoughts: Subsentences, Ellipsis, and the Philosophy of Language by Robert Stainton (Paperback - June 22, 2009)
- Just A Phrase I'm Going Through: My Life in Language by David Crystal (Hardcover - June 9, 2009)
- The Art of Syntax: Rhythm of Thought, Rhythm of Song (Art of...) by Ellen Bryant Voigt (Paperback - June 23, 2009)
- Pocket Muse 2: Endless Inspiration for Writers by Monica Wood (Paperback - June 29, 2009)
- Little, Brown Essential Handbook, MLA Update Edition (6th Edition) by Jane E. Aaron (Spiral-bound - June 11, 2009)
- The Curious Researcher, MLA Update Edition (6th Edition) by Bruce Ballenger (Paperback - June 5, 2009)
- THE PREACHING MOMENT: A GUIDE TO SERMON DELIVERY by Charles L. Bartow (Paperback - June 17, 2009)
- A Writer's Reference with Extra Help for ESL Writers & Documenting Sources in MLA Style: 2009 Update by Diana Hacker (Paperback - June 1, 2009)
- The Sundance Writer: A Rhetoric, Reader, Handbook, 2009 MLA Update Edition by Mark Connelly (Paperback - June 19, 2009)
- Semantic Variation: Meaning in Society and in Sociolinguistics (The Collected Works of Ruqaiya Hasan) by Ruqaiya Hasan and Jonathan J. Webster (Paperback - June 1, 2009)
- Introducing Sociolinguistics by Rajend Mesthrie, Joan Swann, Ana Deumert, and William L. Leap (Paperback - June 15, 2009)
- Current Issues and Enduring Questions 8e & Documenting Sources in MLA Style: 2009 Update by Sylvan Barnet and Hugo Bedau (Paperback - June 1, 2009)
- The Associated Press Stylebook 2009 (Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law) by Associated Press (Paperback - June 9, 2009)
- Painless Writing (Barron's Painless Series) by Jeffrey Strausser (Paperback - June 12, 2009)
- Envision In Depth: Reading, Writing and Researching Arguments, MLA Update by Christine Alfano and Alyssa O'Brien (Paperback - June 15, 2009)
- One on One with Second Language Writers: A Guide for Writing Tutors, Teachers, and Consultants by Dudley W. Reynolds (Paperback - June 2, 2009)
- Technical Communication 9e & e-Book by Mike Markel and Roger Munger (Paperback - June 16, 2009)
- Print Is Dead: Books in Our Digital Age by Jeff Gomez (Paperback - July 7, 2009)
- Routledge Handbook of Applied Communication Research (Routledge Communication Series) by Lawrence R. Frey and Kenneth N. Cissna (Paperback - June 10, 2009)
- St. Martin's Guide to Writing Short Edition & Documenting Sources in MLA Style: 2009 Update by Rise B. Axelrod and Charles R. Cooper (Paperback - June 1, 2009)
- Writing Successful Science Proposals, Second Edition by Professor Andrew J. Friedland and Professor Carol L Folt (Paperback - June 9, 2009)
- Key Terms in Translation Studies by Giuseppe Palumbo (Paperback - June 8, 2009)
- Rules for Writers 6e with 2009 MLA Update & Developmental Exercises by Diana Hacker (Paperback - June 22, 2009)
- Everything's an Argument 4e & Documenting Sources in MLA Style: 2009 Update by Andrea A. Lunsford, John J. Ruszkiewicz, and Keith Walters (Paperback - June 1, 2009)
- Modality and Structure in Signed and Spoken Languages by Richard P. Meier, Kearsy Cormier, and David Quinto-Pozos (Paperback - June 4, 2009)
- The TurnKey Publisher's Audio Publishing Handbook: How to Create & Self-Publish Profitable Audio Books & Audio Programs Without Any Help From Publishers or Recording Studios! by Matthew S. Chan (Paperback - June 24, 2009)
- Bedford Handbook 7e cloth with 2009 MLA Update & Research Pack by Diana Hacker, Douglas P. Downs, and Barbara Fister (Hardcover - June 17, 2009)
- Exploring English With Online Corpora: An Introduction (0) by Wendy Anderson and John Corbett (Paperback - May 12, 2009)
- Spanish as an International Language: Implications for Teachers and Learners (New Perspectives on Language and Education) by Deborah Arteaga and LucÃa Llorente (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- Humboldt, Worldview, and Language by James W. Underhill (Hardcover - June 29, 2009)
- Natick Dictionary: A New England Indian Lexicon by James Hammond Trumbull, Edward Everett Hale, Robert D. Madison, and Karen Lentz Madison (Paperback - June 1, 2009)
- The Hindi Public Sphere (1920-1940): Language and Literature in the Age of Nationalism (Oxford India Collection) by Francesca Orsini (Paperback - June 22, 2009)
- Talking Young Femininities by Pia Pichler (Hardcover - July 21, 2009)
- Formulaic Genres by Koenraad Kuiper (Hardcover - May 26, 2009)
- The Dialectical Tradition in South Africa (Studies in Philosophy) by Andrew Nash (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- Infinitival Complement Clauses in English: A Study of Syntax in Discourse (Studies in English Language) by Christian Mair (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- Rhetoric and Centers of Power in the Greco-Roman World: From Homer to the Fall of Rome by John E. Tapia (Paperback - June 16, 2009)
- Learning from Language (Pitt Comp Literacy Culture) by Walter H. Beale (Paperback - June 28, 2009)
- Studies in Canadian English: Lexical Variation in Toronto by Adam Bednarek (Hardcover - June 1, 2009)
- Advances in Discourse Approaches by Marta Dynel (Hardcover - June 1, 2009)
- Strength Relations in Phonology (Studies in Generative Grammar) by Kuniya Nasukawa, Phillip Backley, Kuniya Nasukawa, and Phillip Backley (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- The Neo-Mandaic Dialect of Khorramshahr (Semitica Viva) by Charles G Haberl (Hardcover - June 30, 2009)
- Content Area Literacy Strategies: Case Studies of Successful English Language Learners at Post Secondary Levels by Elizabeth Bifuh-Ambe (Paperback - June 28, 2009)
- Aspect, Aspect Hypothesis, Prototype Theory: Present Perfect Acquisition by Polish Learners of English as Foreign Language by Monika Dziag (Paperback - June 3, 2009)
- A Metalexicographic Investigation into Modern Greek Complex Verbs: A Comparison of Existing Dictionary Entries with Corpus Evidence by Marianna N. Christou (Paperback - June 7, 2009)
- A Minimalist Model of Language Acquisition: Economical Parameter Setting in SLA: Japanese Speaking Learners of English by Hyun Kyung Bong (Paperback - June 17, 2009)
- How to Read the 2003 Invasion of Iraq: Critical Discourse Analysis of News Reports Covering the 2003 Invasion of Iraq by 'The New York Times' and 'The Daily Star' by Farah Sabbah (Paperback - June 11, 2009)
- Computer Assisted Language Learning:: The case of EFL instruction in Saudi higher Education by Saad Al-Kahtani (Paperback - June 5, 2009)
- European Landscape and American Experience: A Study of Henry James's Last Three Major Novels by Mei-ling Chao (Paperback - June 14, 2009)
- Particle Semantics in English Phrasal and Prepositional Verbs: The Case of IN and ON by Antonio José Silvestre López (Paperback - June 14, 2009)
- Beyond Words and Phrases: A Unified Theory of Predicate Composition by Karine Megerdoomian (Paperback - June 10, 2009)
- The Japanese Dative: A Cognitive Analysis by Tomoko Okazaki Hansen (Paperback - June 14, 2009)
- Conversational Storytelling: A Study of Oral Narratives in Japanese by Shoko Kojima (Paperback - June 14, 2009)
- Model of a Yipunu-French Dictionary by Ludwine MABIKA MBOKOU epouse MBINDI (Paperback - June 24, 2009)
- A discursive analysis of a struggle for hegemony in Mexico: The Zapatista movement versus President Salinas de Gortari by Nicolina Montesano Montessori (Paperback - June 14, 2009)
- The Catastrophe Remembered by the Non-Traumatic: Counternarratives on the Cultural Revolution in Chinese Literature of the 1990s by Yue Ma (Paperback - June 14, 2009)
- Metalinguistic Knowledge and Language Proficiency: A Study of MT English Learners of Japanese by Simon Kinzley (Paperback - June 14, 2009)
- Performing the Trauma of History: the War and the Politics of Memory in the Works of Sigmund Freud, D.H. Lawrence, Virginia Woolf, and Malcolm Lowry by Mei-Yu Tsai (Paperback - June 23, 2009)
- From Physical to Mental Acquisition: A Corpus-Based Study of Verbs by Marie Nordlund (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- AN ACOUSTIC ANALYSIS OF A PATHOLOGICAL SPEECH: The case of an Amharic speaking person with Flaccid Dysarthria by Abebayehu Messele (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- An acoustic study of Spanish voiceless stops: Differences in three speaking styles: conversation, sentence and read text by Pilar Munday (Paperback - June 28, 2009)
- Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 22nd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Canadian AI 2009, Kelowna, Canada, May 25-27, 2009 Proceedings ... / Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence) by Yong Gao and Nathalie Japkowicz (Paperback - June 18, 2009)
- The Role of Semantic, Pragmatic, and Discourse Factors in the Development of Case (Studies in Language Companion Series) by Jóhanna Barddal and Shobhana L. Chelliah (Hardcover - June 15, 2009)
- Phraseology: An Interdisciplinary Perspective (Not in Series) by Sylviane Granger and Fanny Meunier (Paperback - June 15, 2009)
- Meaning, Reference and Necessity: New Studies in Semantics by Simon Blackburn (Paperback - June 18, 2009)
- Memory-Based Language Processing (Studies in Natural Language Processing) by Walter Daelemans and Antal van den Bosch (Paperback - June 25, 2009)
- The Organism of the Letter: Structure Failure in Virginia Woolf's The Waves by Einav Ketraro (Paperback - June 9, 2009)
- Truth and Words by Gary Ebbs (Hardcover - June 1, 2009)
- Translation Under State Control: Books for Young People in the German Democratic Republic (Children's Literature and Culture) by Gaby Thomson-Wohlgemuth (Hardcover - June 11, 2009)
- Latin Grammar by Dirk G. J. Panhuis (Paperback - June 29, 2009)
- Fearless Confessions: A Writer's Guide to Memoir by Sue William Silverman (Paperback - June 1, 2009)
- Elements of Argument 9e & Documenting Sources in MLA Style: 2009 Update by Annette T.