·  Introduce self and service

·  Stress independence of service, no role decision making therefore unable to change decisions made by local Authority.

·  Purpose of service – support , advice, information.

·  Offer confidentiality with proviso – Safeguarding and safety issues

·  Not one off visit – other visits offered.

·  Discuss open recording policy

·  If birth parent not consenting and visit made prior to panel, acknowledge their views and that decisions not yet made by Court

·  Check solicitor engaged

·  Check their ability to understand information – how information is explained to them, language, reading/writing etc – what they understand about what is happening and the potential implications

·  Discuss process of adoption up to Panel date – how decisions made –outcome of LAC review

·  Check information received – Notification letters / Information for birth parents (Explanatory Memorandum)

·  Check that information has been gone through and their understanding. If feel necessary, go through again with particular relevance to consent/ placement orders and panel. Emphasise importance of parental involvement in information sharing.

·  Explain the requirement for a Placement order if birth parent not consenting. LA can only place a child for adoption with either the consent of the parents or with a PO. It is likely that this will be applied for at the same time as the Care Order.

·  The implication of a Placement Order means that parents can no longer automatically object when an adoption order is being sought, The Court will contact them to seek their views when an Adoption Order application is made. They will need to be granted permission ( leave) from the Court to object.

·  If Parent is consenting, explain role of CAFCASS and process/implications of giving consent.

·  Adoption Panel – explain its three functions , their role in making recommendations only– Agency decision maker in local authority being the person to make the decision.

·  Discuss Child Permanence Report (CPR) Importance of parental involvement in report. The need for medical and social information for the child. – way of informing the child about birth family should adoption remain the plan.

·  Check whether they have seen the section in relation to themselves in the CPR and their right to do so- opportunity to complete the section about their wishes on adoption.

·  Parental input to matching criteria in relation to family finding - acknowledge that this is hard to do when they are contesting adoption.

·  Check they are aware of what is being proposed with regard to post adoption contact.

·  Inform that they are able to write to the Adoption Panel themselves, whether they wish this to do this and what help they may need. Check social worker has informed them of the panel date.

The above tends to form the basis of an initial visit when birth parents/relatives are contesting and it is prior to the final hearing. The priority at this point is to listen and to share the information necessary at this point in the process.

Sometimes however people do ask about contact, letterbox, tracing, contact at 18, access to records etc.

Adoption Procedures – Section 9 – Appendix A

September 2011