Unit 1 Outline

Essential Questions:

Intro to the Human Body:

What are the major directional terms and planes we use to define locations in the human body?

How do we explain directions on the human body using medical directional terms?
What are the major body cavities and what organ systems reside within them?
What is the importance of learning medical terminology vocabulary?

Cellular Biology:

What are all the major organelles found within a Eukaryote and what jobs does each one fulfill for the cell?
What is mitosis and why is it important in understanding cellular biology?
What is meiosis and why is it important in understanding cellular biology?
What is the difference between transcription and translation and why is it important to the survival of a cell?

Vocabulary for the Unit:

Chromatin Chromosomes Chromatid Centromere Histones Nuclear Membrane Nuclear Pores Nucleoli Cytoplastm Cytoskeleton Golgi Apparatus Plasma Membrane Smooth ER Lysosomes Rough ER Peroxisomes Mitochondria Centrioles Ribosomes Microvilli Cilia Flagella Transcription Translation Mitosis Meiosis mRNA rRNA

tRNA Superior Inferior Dorsal Ventral Anterior Posterior

Deep Superficial Lateral Medial Cranial Caudal Ventral Cavity

Dorsal Cavity Spinal Cavity Cranial Cavity Thoracic Cavity Abdominal Cavity Pelvic Cavity

Skeletal System Outline

Essential Questions:

Skeletal System

What is the importance of our skeletal system within the framework of the human body?
What are bone markings and the importance of them?
What is the basic anatomy to a human bone and how are those parts important?
What are all the bones found throughout the human body and specific bone markings found on each of them?
How are joints important to the human body and what are similarities and differences between the 3 major kinds?

What are the different types of fractures that can occur to our bones?
How does a bone repair itself from various types of fractures?

Vocabulary for the Unit:

Axial Skeleton Appendicular Skeleton Compact Bone Spongy Bone

Epiphysis Diaphysis Epiphyseal Line Medullary Cavity

Periosteum Articular Cartilage Closed Reduction Open Reduction

Hematoma Fibrocartilage Callus Bony Callus Synarthroses

Amphiarthroses Diarthroses Fibrous Joints Cartilaginous Joints

Synovial Joints Monaxial Biaxial Multiaxial

Gomphosis Suture Symphysis Syndesmosis

Synchondrosis Synostosis

Muscular System Outline

Essential Questions:

Muscular System

What are the three types muscle tissues found in the body and what are some similarities/differences we find between them?
What are the basic anatomical features of a skeletal muscle?
Where do we find the major muscles and muscle groups throughout the human body?
What are the various body movements skeletal muscles make and what is their importance in studying the muscular system?
What are the different shapes skeletal muscles arrange themselves in and how do they compare to each other?

Vocabulary for the Unit:

Origin Insertion Belly Tendon Epimysium

Fascicle Perimysium Muscle Fiber Endomysium Major

Maximus Minor Minimus Longus Brevis

Vastus Pectoralis Intercostal Abdominis Lumborum

Peroneus Tibialis Brachii Carpi Digitorum

Superficialis Profundus Biceps Triceps Quadriceps

Rectus Oblique Circular Convergent Parallel

Fusiform Pennate Bipennate Unipennate Multipennate

Sarcolemma Myofibril Z-line Sarcomere Actin


Respiratory System Outline

Essential Questions:

Respiratory System

What is the importance of the upper respiratory tract in the overall function of this system?
How does the lower respiratory tract play a role in the overall function of this system?
What is the importance and location of the basic anatomy within this system?
How does the respiratory system closely interact with the cardiovascular system?
What is the basic physiology of a human breath?

Vocabulary for the Unit:

Uvula Soft Palate Hard Palate Tongue Hyoid Bone

Vocal Folds Esophagus Trachea Epiglottis Sphenoidal Sinus

External Nares Larynx Pharynx Frontal Sinus Tonsils

Trachea Primary Bronchi Secondary Bronchi Tertiary Bronchi Pleural Fluid

Bronchioles Terminal Bronchioles Alveoli Diaphragm Apex

Intercostal Muscles Visceral Pleura Parietal Pleura Pleural Cavity Base

Tidal Volume Inspiration Reserve Expiration Reserve Vital Capacity Dead Space Volume

Pulmonary Ventilation External Respiration Resp. Gas Exchange Internal Respiration

Cardiovascular System Outline

Essential Questions:

Cardiovascular System

What is the basic anatomy of the human heart? (both internal and external)
How do the chambers of the heart work together to successfully complete a full cardiac cycle?
How do the valves and chambers work together on a functional human heart?
What are possible problems that can occur within the heart that can cause cardiac complications?
How do surgeons repair heart problems?
How do the electrical signals within the heart work?
How is blood pressure important in heart health and how can someone monitor and control their bp?

What are some seminaries and differences between arteries and veins?

Where do we find some of the larger veins and arteries in the human body?

Vocabulary for the Unit:

Epicardium Myocardium Endocardium Visceral Pericardium

Atrium Ventricle Aorta Parietal Pericardium

AV Valves Semilunar Valves Angina Pectoris Myocardial Infarction

Systole Diastole Cardiac Cycle Electrocardiogram

Coronary Arteries Angiogram Angioplasty Surgical Stent

Bypass Surgery Chordae Tendineae Arteries Veins

Arterioles Venules Capillaries Mid-to-Late Diastole

Ventricular Systole Early Diastole Heart Murmur Valve Replacement

Ventricular Assist Devices Artificial Hearts Heart in a Box Blood Pressure

Hypertension Coronary Artery Disease Systolic Pressure Diastolic Pressure

Male Heart Rate Female Heart Rate Fetal Heart Rate Purkinje System

SA Node AV Node Bundle of His Bundle Branches

Purkinje Fibers Tachycardia Bradycardia Fibrillation

P-wave QRS-complex T-wave Atherosclerosis

Tunica Intima Tunica Media Tunica Externa Aneurysm

Saccular Aneurysm Fusiform Aneurysm

Nervous System /Special Sense Outline

Essential Questions:

Nervous System/Special Sense System

1)  What are the basic divisions of our central and peripheral nervous system?

2)  How does the human body protect this important system?

3)  What is the structural and functional classifications of the nervous system?

4)  What is the basic anatomy of a neuron and how is it unique?

5)  How do we compare and contrast sensory vs. motor neurons?

6)  What are the major parts to a synapse and how does a synapse work?

7)  How do we compare and contrast Sympathetic vs. the Parasympathetic nervous system?

8)  What are the different types and shapes of neurons? What is the specific purpose of each one?

9)  When provided with a model or diagram, can you identify the structures of the eye, ear, nasal cavity and tongue?

Vocabulary for the Unit:

Dendrite Axon Cell Body Nucleus Schwann Cells Axon Terminals Node of Ranvier Myelin Sheath CNS

PNS Brain Spinal Cord Somatic NS Autonomic NS

Sympathetic NS Parasympathetic NS Biplaror Unipolar Multipolar

Sensory (Afferent) Motor (Efferent) Association Concussion Contusion

Cerebal Edemema Stroke (CVA) Alcheimers Reflex Arc Lens

Iris Cornea Lacrimal Gland Sclera Retina

Pupil Meibomian Gland Papillae Taste Buds Gustatory Cells

Gustatory Hairs Taste Pore Olfactory Cells Cilia Olfactory Bulb

Olfactory Tract Outer Ear Middle Ear Inner Ear

Digestive System Outline

Essential Questions:

1)  Can you name the organs of the alimentary canal and accessory digestive organs along with identify each on an appropriate diagram or model?

2)  Can you identify the overall function of the digestive system as digestion and absorption of foodstuffs, and describe the general activities of each digestive organ?

3)  What is the composition and function of saliva?

4)  What is the basic anatomy of a tooth?

5)  How do the villi aid digestive process in the small intestine?

6)  Can you describe the mechanisms of swallowing, vomiting and defecation?

7)  How do we describe the process of how food stuffs in the digestive tract are mixed and moved along the tract?

8)  What is the function of bile in the digestive process?

Vocabulary for the Unit:

Alimentary Canal Gastrointestinal Tract Oral Cavity Hard Palate

Soft Palate Uvula Fernulum Tongue

Pharynx Esophagus Mucosa Submucosa

Muscularis Externa Serosa Stomach Ileum

Pyloric Sphincter Fundus Body Pylorus

Gastric Juice Chyme Small Intestine Duodenum

Jejunum Cardioesophageal Sphincter Bile Microvilli

Villi Ileocecal Valve Large Intestine Cecum

Colon Rectum Anal Canal Anus

Pancreas Mechanical Digestion Gallbladder Salivary Gland

Teeth Crown Neck Root

Enamal Dentin Pulp Cavity Ingestion

Propulsion Peristalsis Segmentation Liver

Chemical Digestion Absorption Defecation


Integumentary System Outline

Essential Questions:

1)  Can you list the general functions of each membrane type – cutaneous, mucous, serous and synovial- and give the location in the body?

2)  How does the structure of the major membrane types compare and contrast to each other?

3)  Can you list the important functions of the integumentary system and explain how these functions are accomplished?

4)  When provided with a model or diagram of the skin can you recognize and name the following skin structures: epidermis, dermis (papillary and reticular layers), hair and hair follicle, sebaceous gland, and sweat gland?

5)  Can you name the layers of the epidermis and describe the characteristics of each?

6)  Can you describe the distribution and function of epidermal derivatives such as the sebaceous glands, sweat glands and hair?

7)  Can you name the factors that determine skin color and describe the function of melanin?

8)  Can you differentiate between 1st, 2nd and 3rd degree burns?

9)  How do we explain the “Rule of Nines”?

10)  Can you summarize the characteristics of basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and malignant melanoma?

Vocabulary for the Unit:

Epithelial Membrane Cutaneous Membrane Mucous Membrane

Serous Membrane Visceral Layer Pleural Layer

Synovial Membrane Integumentary System Epidermis

Keratinizing Dermis Subcutaneous Tissue

Hypodermis Keratinocytes Melanin

Melanocytes Papillary Layer Dermal Papillae

Reticular Layer Cutaneous Glands Exocrine Glands

Sebaceous Glands Sebum Sweat Glands

Eccrine Glands Sweat Pore

Apocrine Sweat Glands Hair Root

Shaft Hair Bulb Matrix Hair Follicle

Arrector Pili Nail Nail Bed

Nail Matrix Nail Folds Rule of 9’s

1st Degree Burns 2nd Degree Burns 3rd Degree Burns

Basal Cell Carcinoma Squamous Cell Carcinoma Malignant Melanoma