By Michael Finley

Grade Level: 9th

National Health Standards: 1,2,3,6

QCC: Standard: Determines how adolescent’s use of alcohol and other drugs contributes to accidents, crimes, and suicide.

Georgia Technology Standards: 8.3, 1.2

Goal Statement: The student will be able to recognize the effects that alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs have on one when it comes to accidents, crimes, and suicide.

Anticipatory Set: The class will be broken into five groups with four or five in a group. Each group will be given a list of different drugs. The groups are to chose one drug off of the sheet and do research on that drug and determine how that drug affects ones abilities. In this assignment you have five minutes to find everything you can about the drug that you chose on the sheet. Each group will receive one point for every good fact they come up with about the drug they chose.

Teach Section

Lesson Concepts: To understand the consequences of using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs you need to know the statistics of drunk drivers, people with cancer in the mouth from tobacco chewing, and the number of suicides caused by one being on some type of drug.

Lesson Cues: Say “no” to drugs

-Don’t drive while under the influence of any type of drug/alcohol

-Learn the statistics of the effects of drugs so you want be tempted to use them

-Do not be tempted to use drugs by peer pressure

-Know the consequences of anything you do before you make that decision to do it.

Teacher Modeling: You will know break into groups of three. Based on what each of you have learned about the consequences of using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco I want you to take the list of drugs (the sheet I gave you before) and write down the consequences for using them by using the information that we learned from our first activity. Make sure you include the statistics of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs having to deal with accidents, crimes, and suicides. Make good use of the people in your group to learn as much as you can about the different drugs, alcohol, and other drugs on the sheet.

Student Activity: All of the students will stay in the same group of three. Each group will be given a poster board for this project. Each group is to choose tobacco, alcohol, or another drug from the sheet given to you at the beginning of class. The group of three will then use magazines, or drawing of there own and make a poster board describing the consequences of using this specific item from the sheet. Have at least one statistics that tells about the effect that the drug/alcohol has on drivers (accidents), or people who commit suicide, or people who commit crimes. The poster board has to include, a picture, the consequences, and some statistics about the item that the particular group chose. After everyone finishes, each group will present their poster board to the class.

Materials needed: poster board, crayons, markers, magazines, health text book if it has good alcohol, tobacco, and drugs unit in it, notes that I have issued them, and list issued at the beginning of class.

Closure: In this part of the lesson, the student will receive a blank worksheet with all of the topics that was chose to do a poster board on, and will be asked to tell the consequences and statistics of the particular items on the sheet.

Evaluation: the class will evaluate the group that is presenting their poster. All of the groups will give a grade of one to ten (ten being highest) for the group that is presenting. I will take the average of all of the groups and that will be the students in that particular group grade.

Re-teach: At this point, each student will receive an eliminated copy of the different types of drugs, alcohol, and tobacco products with the consequences and some statistics for the student to keep for his or her own.
