Applicant Name:______Date / time of interview______

Name of interviewers______

Question / Was this discussed with the candidate?
 Welcome the applicant and thank them for attending.
 Explain the selection process.
 Introduce yourself to the candidate (eg, each interviewer should provide the candidate with a brief of their role etc).
 Explain that notes will be taken during the interview.
 Confirm salary and make them aware of salary packaging.
 Explain the process to be used in the interview (eg, behavioural questions etc).
 Confirm the details of the position. For instance, employment status of the position being advertised (eg, fixed term, full time, part time or casual), hours etc. Explain the reason for the vacancy.
 Provide the candidate with an overview of the organisation.
Interviewers might want to use the following as a guide:
  • DCH committed to providing high-quality health services to the Darebin community.
  • We employ 200 staff and 50 volunteers.
  • Our Vision – The leading advocate and innovator in health and wellbeing in our community.
  • Our Mission – Health and wellbeing for all.
Our Values
  • We rise to challenges and persevere in the face of obstacles
  • We are caring and empathic towards others
  • We embrace and value diversity
  • We work collaboratively and respectfully
  • We are ethical, accountable, honest, reliable, and fair
  • We continually strive to improve
  • We are adaptable
  • We are creative and resourceful
/ Discussed

Please refer to the position description and the competencies you are looking for. The interview questions should test whether the candidate has these competencies.

For example, if the competency is ‘Handling Conflict’ you could use the following question:

Please tell us about a time where you had to deal with a difficult client or situation. How did you deal with the situation? What was the final outcome? Would you do anything differently?

Questions should also be established to determine the candidate’s emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence can be defined as the ability to perceive, control and evaluate emotions.

There are five skill sets in emotional intelligence:

1) Self Awareness – Knowing what we are feeling and why we are feeling it.

2) Self Management – How we manage our emotions (eg, falling about at the first sign of stress, saying things to individuals that you later regret etc).

3) Motivation – Ability to keep working towards goals regardless of set backs.

4) Empathy – Recognizing and understanding other people’s emotions.

5) Social skills – Managing relationships. How well you can handle relationships. Can you deal with conflict.

The following are examples of questions which can be asked:

Self Awareness

Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you needed to adjust or modify your behavior? How did you know?

Managing emotions

Describe some things that make you angry or frustrated at work. Tell me what you do in those situations.


Tell me about a time when you were struggling to achieve a goal due to other pressures or constraints? How did you remain focused on the task at hand? Did you achieve the goal?


Tell me about a situation when you sensed something was bothering a peer or coworker. How did you know? What did you do?

Social skills

Tell me about a time when someone suggested something you disagreed with. What did you say?

Please Note: For further examples of questions please refer to the PDF document (Assessment Questions & Key Points to Consider When Assessing Answers) located on the DCH Intranet.

Question / Response / Score
  1. Introductory questions
  • Tell us a little bit about yourself.
  • What attracted you to the position?
  • What are your strengths & weaknesses?

  1. Insert interview questions around our values.
  • Courage – Tell me about a time when you spoke up about something in the workplace. What was the issue? Why did you speak up about it? What did others think?
  • Compassion – Tell me about a situation when you sensed something was bothering a peer or coworker. How did you know? What did you do?
  • Integrity – Would those you have worked with describe you as a person of integrity? Why did they reach that conclusion?
Describe a time when your integrity was challenged. How did you handle it?
  • Achievement – What was your biggest achievement in your last role?

  1. Insert interview questions around emotional intelligence.

  1. Insert interview question – refer to competencies.

  1. Insert interview question – refer to competencies.

  1. Insert interview question – refer to competencies.

  1. Insert interview question – refer to competencies.

  1. Insert interview question – refer to competencies.


Question / Was this discussed with the candidate?
Concluding the interview
 Explain to the candidate that the interview questions have concluded.
 Explain the next steps (eg, reference checks if successful, police check etc).
 Ask the candidate whether they have any additional questions.
 Thank the candidate for their time. / Discussed

1 = Comprehensive 2= Good answer 3= Partial answer 4= not able to answer/off track