Interview # 1 Summaries
11:45 CLASS
Shannon Bandish
Interview with Dr. Jerome Bartley
One should posses knowledge of the K-12 curriculum as well as state and federal regulations.
Important for an administration position.
Choose a college that is known as a “teacher’s college”.
The college should have a good reputation as an educational research institution and afford its students practical opportunities early in their college careers.
Joining professional organizations, reading professional journals and attending conferences related to areas of interest were highly suggested by Dr. Bartley.
Phi Delta Kappa, National Association of Elementary School Principals, national Association of School Administrators, PSEA, NEA, --- Principal Magazine, ENC Focus, Education Leadership, Phi Delta Kappan, PSBA Bulletin, The Journal
Administrators are looking for a person who has a positive personality, is willing to learn and keep up with current issues and trends in education.
No two days are alike.
He facilitates meetings with the building level curriculum council, in-service council, Act 48 committee, schedules new teacher induction, staff development, curriculum pilots, adoption of curriculum, monitors the strategic plan and oversees the Federal Funds and Special Education Programs. As well as many other activities.
Evaluating present staff.
Looks for evidence of good planning, delivery of lesson content in an age appropriate manner and the students’ reaction
Important issues?
Present system of property taxation to fund public education, Special Education Funding, School Choice, Aligning the k-12 curriculum with the state standards, PSSA and high stakes testing, and Technology Education.
Brandon Billotte
Highlights of Interview with Gale Shields
He said that he believes that the teacher is an important part of the success or lack of success that a student has in the classroom.
At the end of each year, he looks to see if he can notice a change in his students from the beginning of the year. If he sees a change, and it is a positive change he feels that he was successful as a teacher.
He believes that in order for there to be success in the classroom, the teacher must have good classroom management skills. Good classroom management skills will enable both the teacher and the student to have a positive experience in the classroom.
He believes that if a student makes a solid effort and tries his/her best he/she deserve a passing grade, as well as a pat on the back.
He has found that in order to have success as a teacher, one must be faithful to the job. They must be committed to it.
He believes that to have success as a teacher one must know their school district’s policies and follow those policies.
He has found that the most rewarding aspect of teaching is when students come back to him, long after they graduate, and tell them that he made a difference in their lives.
He told me that the must unappealing aspect of the teaching profession is the fact that teachers are targets. The threat of lawsuits has become a growing concern for teachers today, and this he feels is the most unappealing aspect of the profession.
Melissa Bishop
Interview with Mrs. Martino- Key Points
She believes that a teacher needs to give students a well-rounded variety of activities and also a well-rounded education.
She also believes that students should be involved in teamwork throughout their school experience as well as throughout their lifetimes.
Believes that students need to be included in lifelong activities.
She takes part in many different activities and organizations outside of the school environment.
She believes that new teachers should get the most out of schooling.
The new teachers should also be open to change.
They should also be open-minded and willing to go with the flow.
William Brown
Interview with Todd McGee
Believes that networking plays a big role in getting a job.
Believes that computers can be integrated to improve health classes.
Believes that a strong resume is your first step in the door.
He also believes in a refined and update philosophy.
He also believes in having a good relationship with your fellow workers
Believes that volunteer activities look good on a resume in getting a job.
He also said to find a job that you like or you will get burned out in a hurry.
Dave Byers
Mark Rullo, Fitness Director at Oxford Athletic Club
- In terms of exercise phyisioloy, the biggest area of employment and job
opportunities is in the fitness industry.
2. Use your degree and credentials to expand into other related-fiedls.
3. Network, Network, Network
4. Create an environment and chemistry where your success is based off the
success of everyone around you.
5. Philosophy: "PHD" be passionate, hungry, and dedicated
6. In terms of teaching, have strong leadership and public speaking skills.
7. Be professional in every sense of the word.
Jamie Cambruzzi
Interview With Mr. Robert Lair
Health and Physical Education Teacher, Charlotte, NC
His “job,” which he loves, is to teach children about their most valuable resource – their bodies. Each student must learn to take responsibility for his/her own health.
“Whatever It Takes” is a school philosophy. No student gets left behind.
“I did my part!” is a community philosophy/motto. This statement is commonly printed on the backs of t-shirts given to parent volunteers or assistants with extracurricular programs and activities. If the school you start teaching in does not have this type of attitude, initiate it yourself!
Pros and Cons of Block Scheduling: Pro’s - more instructional time, students are unable to “hide out” or “fake” participation, students can improve at sports skills with less time in the lesson spent on managerial tasks. Con’s – students have Health for ½ the year and Physical Education for ½ the year.
The pro’s outweigh the cons when students enjoy P.E. so much, they initiate regular physical activity on their own outside of class. Physical Education class should not be looked upon as just the daily allotment of physical activity for students. It should create an opportunity for improvement, so outside-of-class activities are more enjoyable.
A lesson in placing value on good health: Students are asked to choose between $10 million or eighty years of good health. By this discussion’s end, all students realize that good health is priceless and that they have the power to make the best decisions regarding their own health.
Mr. Lair is working on his Master’s of Divinity.
He believes strongly in the concept of, “It takes a village to raise a child.”
Timothy Evans
Interview with Tim Harrison
- The Baltimore/Washington Area is wide open for teaching jobs if there are no openings in Pennsylvania.
- Being a role model outside the classroom is just as important as being a good teacher.
- His philosophy is that every kid can learn and its up to us to find the most effective way to make this happen.
Every thing you have ever done working with kids, put it on your resume because you never know when it will appeal to the person interviewing you.
Amy Fitzgerald
Interview with Mr. Susich (Midland, PA Health and Physical Educator)
Key Points:
When working with elementary students, be creative.
The younger the students, the more a teacher needs to be prepared. There is no down time in a Kindergarten classroom; no extra minutes to figure what you will do next.
Be direct and straightforward with high school students. Tell them what you are doing and why you are doing it.
Stay consistent with how you discipline your class. Treat all students equally and not favor any one child.
Parent contacts and phone calls are crucial to keep family informed with their child’s problems and achievements.
When disciplining students, take away privileges rather than giving detention or tasks.
Record everything that goes on in your classroom. (Behaviors, lessons, and situations)
Grades should be well balanced; there should be equal numbers of As, Bs, and Cs.
Justina Farester
Mr. Joseph Tankle (CEO of the Upper Main Line YMCA).
Key Points:
It’s important to practice and anticipate questions that will be asked in an interview.
After graduation, get a job and see what the real world is like, but then go back and continue your education.
Network, Network, Network, it’s the people you know that will help you in life.
Be a risk taker
Don’t be afraid to be yourself
As you move up the ladder of success, you become more distant from the children.
Although you will have your personal favorites, never show favoritism and treat everyone equally.
When someone misbehaves document it and tell them about it.
Alicia Guarnaccio
- Mr. Standen’s philosophy of education is “The more you get students involved in what you are trying to teach, the better they learn.”
- Believes it is imperative to keep the students motivated by providing fun activities where the students are practicing a skill but are still having fun at the same time.
- His views on coaching are, “Coaching involves not only motivation, but also knowledge and patience.
- Field day was an enjoyable day for Mr. Standen because not only was he able to create the whole entire day, but the students were also allowed to have a special day in which they would change from station to station to compete in various physical activities.
- One challenge expressed by Mr. Standen was that in the elementary setting Physical Education met only one time a week, limiting the things he could do for the students.
When asked about effort Mr. Standen commented, “Not only does the skill of a student matter, but the effort put into a skill matters too. As long as I see a student trying and giving an honest effort, I am happy.”
Mark Gartner
Highlights for Interview #1
- Professional Appearance
- Use professional language (yes/no sir/mam)
- Have a back up plan.
- Show confidence but do not be overbearing.
- Professional Correspondence.
Bill Heasley
Interivew with Jim Myford Key Points:
Jim Myford attended Slippery Rock for his Bachelor’s and Master’s Degrees.
His mother was a teacher and inspired him to become a teacher.
He loved athletics and that is why he chose Health and Physical Education
He talked about some difficult classroom settings that helped him learn to adapt to certain situations.
His best experiences are when the students write him thank you notes for teaching them certain skills or ideas.
He feels inclusion is “grossly abused”.
His philosophy was, “Have the students excited about coming to your class, challenge them while they get into class, and have them leave anticipating their next class.”
He also talked about the importance of being involved in organizations and having certain certifications.
Ben Jacobs
Interview with Mr. Todd Harvey, Athletic Director and Trainer
~Mr. Harvey’s opinion on career advancement is net working. Setting yourself up to be in the right places, at the right time, and knowing the right people, can further your career faster than getting a Master’s.
~Title IX seems to be outdated now and can cause more trouble than good.
~ Mr. Harvey feels that, regardless of being an athlete, students should still be required take a Health class. As far as Physical Education class, though, athletes should have the option of being exempt during their season.
~ He has been asked by athletes of side effects and what certain supplements are supposed to do for you. He does not recommend them, but at the same time he cannot stop the athletes from using them, so he tries to be aware of those athletes that are using them and watch for harmful side effects.
~ Mr. Harvey responded that he does not agree with students having to pay to play a sport.
~“It is my life philosophy to do everything that I do to the best of my ability, to bring glory and honor to the Lord. Try to treat every person I meet as I would want to be treated.” He believes that athletics is a great area for a person to grow as individual and helps young people mature.
Teresa Keslar
Interview with Lorainne Miley:
Massage Therapist, and Retired School and Private Counselor
- Does not counsel anymore because she doesn’t want to deal with people’s negative aspects.
- It is possible for people to change. Although we can’t change anybody, we need to guide them in the direction of change.
- In order to be successful, you need to be a good listener, empathize with people’s problems, elicit responses, and use descriptive feedback.
- The biggest challenge of being a counselor is trying to get the faculty to understand that kids have a choice to learn and that all kids learn differently.
- As a teacher or counselor, don’t ever show the students/clients that you are scared, even if you are terrified.
Jason S. Kirkpatrick
Steve Crounse, Health and Physical Educator,
Athletic Director, and Head Varsity Baseball Coach
1.He said that you should shorten resumes by using headings and then placing under the headings using “bullet” the date of the experience and quick description of your responsibilities.
2.He said that you need to be familiar with computers.
3.Specifically you need to know how to run excel, power point, and be cable of emailing.
4.If you want to coach try to get as much experience as possible working at sports camps, clinics, coaching little leagues, or even helping out with a local school.
5.Stay in touch with and in good standing with your cooperating teachers they can help get your foot in the door.
6.Do as much volunteer work as possible.
Chelsea Myers
Interview with Gayle Nicklas
Elementary Physical Educator
-important to have proper knowledge of subject
-group children according to ability but do not let them know they are grouped that way
-stay positive
-important to get children to be more active
have strong background in motor skills
Amber M. Plowden
Denise Watson – VP of Clinical Operations and Facilities Director
- Point of view on direction of PT – battle between physical therapist and insurance Co.
- Gather all information possible about field
- Block time whenever possible
- Try to be flexible
There are not any negative challenges
Dan Pschirer
Interview with Mr. Paul Knupp
Mr. Knupp stressed the importance of the student/teacher relationship, and that there is a big difference between being an educator and being the students’ friend.
He stated that I should wait to get a job first and then go back to school to get my Master’s Degree.
He stressed the importance of a strong work ethic.
He told me that the students of today are much more disrespectful than the students of the past, and with that, one must be more assertive.
The topic of organization came up and he informed me that you have to go into each day with a master plan and a back-up plan.
In order to be successful in the classroom, he said that the ability to manage time, the students, and discipline is key…MANAGEMENT SKILLS!!!
In his philosophy, he stressed the importance of a safe classroom, which dealt with a safe learning environment for each student.
He advised me to take advantage of interviews and my mock interview, “You can never have too much experience with that.” He told me to just be myself and everything will work out for the best, “Talk slow and think fast.”
He also warned me never to be the physical education teacher that just rolls a ball out and says, “Go play.” He said that he is involved in every gym class in some way or another. He likes to be involved and play for both teams when his students are playing a game.
Tom Rebholz
Rick Nedley, CEO of Greensburg YMCA
Little Background information:
1. Form Western PA
2. Went to Penn-Trafford High School
3. Two sport-star (football, basketball)
4. Graduated from Slippery Rock with a Degree in Recreation
InformationI took away from interview:
1. Had the opportunity to talk to a very interesting individual
2. Learned aboutYMCA philosophy
3. Recieved valuable information about resume
4. Learned first hand experience on how to conduct an interview
Kosie Shepherd
Interview with Chris Stewart:
1)A good experience is to expose your self to as many professional experiences as possible to ensue that you will be prepared for anything.
2)What makes a person successful is dedication to their profession, be willing to got the extra mile to get the job done.
3)For improvement in a career is to keep educating yourself about the new ideas that are current.
Advice for the future is to be educated and keep an open mind to new idea’s and don’t be set in your ways because that might not always be the best approach.
Diana Walters
Mrs. Faye Mickle
Health and Physical Education at Claysburg Kimmel High School.