New:____Renewal:____ if renewing, have you made any changes to your contact info since last year? Yes__ No __

Adult Members in Household-(age 18 and over)

(1)Last Name: ______First Name:______NJ Safe Boating Cert? Y__ N__

(2)Last Name: ______First Name:______NJ Safe Boating Cert? Y__ N__


State______Zip______Home Phone:______

Work Phone (1):______Work Phone (2):______

Cell Phone(1):______Cell Phone(2):______

Email (1)______Email (2):______

Children of Adult Members in Household: note: dependents up to age 22 may be considered “children” for membership purposes

(1)Last Name: ______First Name:______NJ Safe Boating Cert? Y__ N__

(2)Last Name: ______First Name:______NJ Safe Boating Cert? Y__ N__

(3)Last Name: ______First Name:______NJ Safe Boating Cert? Y__ N__

Your Boat and Class / Sail # / Boat Name

Race committee: Members are required to serve on one Sunday race committee/season. If you sail during the Wednesday series, you will be asked to serve on a Wednesday as well.

Available Sundays: 1st choice __/__/08 2nd choice __/__/08 3rd choice __/__/08 available Wednesday __/__/08

A schedule will be posted in the HSC Handbook. Requested dates cannot be guaranteed.

Are you interested in crewing for others? ______preferred boat class______

Fees and Membership Agreement: choose one

Annual Membership Dues $95 per household (required for training class participation) $______

Annual Cruising Membership dues $45 per household $______

Non-member Focsle Subscription $15 per year $______

Total Training costs (see reverse side for details) $______

Late Fee for renewals after 4/30/08 $15 $______


The club recommends all sailors purchase a NJ StateParkSeasonAutoPass at the park office. NJ residents 62 and over can apply for a permanent park pass at the park office as well.

In the event of election to membership in the Hunterdon Sailing Club, Inc., I hereby agree to abide by its constitution and by-laws, and all the rules and regulation now and in force that may hereafter be adopted by the club, so long as membership continues. This includes use of the club boats for pleasure and/or racing (see handbook for club boat rules). I also certify that only capable swimmers will operate my boat(s) or boat(s) that belong to the club and that all non-swimmers aboard will wear appropriate US Coast Guard approved personal floatation devices at all times. I also will not hold the Hunterdon Sailing Club Inc., its officers, members and employees liable for damage to boat(s) or equipment or injury to myself or others.

Signature (1): ______Date:______

Signature (2):______Date:______

Please mail completed form & check payable to “Hunterdon Sailing Club” to:

HSC/Stacey Bachenheimer 56 Roosevelt StreetRoselandNJ07068

Please email questions to or call Stacey at 973-364-0147


All class sizes are limited. Registrations are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis. All sail training participants ARE REQUIRED to take a swim check prior to their class at the Hunterdon YMCA at a cost of $10. Times and dates to be announced after April 15. Youth learn to sail participants also must complete and return the medical waiver form and contact information at time of registration. Forms can be obtained at our website

YOUTH LEARN TO SAIL 1 – children who are 11 by 12/31/08 and weigh at least 60 lbs.

2 students per sunfish. No previous sailing experience required. Boats available

Dates: Mon., Tue., Wed., June 23, 24, 25 9am to 4 pm$75 FEE

Name:______Age:______Need Boat? Yes ___ No ___

Name:______Age:______Need Boat? Yes ___No ___

YOUTH LEARN TO SAIL 2 – children who are 11 by 12/31/08 and weigh at least 60 lbs.

1 student per sunfish. Sunfish 1 or similar experience required. Boats available.

Dates: Thurs., Fri., Sat., June 26, 27, 28 9am to 4 pm.$75 FEE

Name:______Age:______Need Boat? Yes___No___

Previous sailing experience______

Name:______Age:______Need Boat? Yes___No___

Previous sailing experience______

YOUTH–JUNIOR SAILING RACING TEAM-Must have own sunfish and enough experience to sail upwind

Name:______Age_____ $50 fee

Name:______Age _____ $50 fee

ADULT LEARN TO SAIL (BEGINNER) IN SUNFISH – 3 DAYS…Boats are available…$75 fee

Session 1: Thurs. & Fri. June 19 & 20 6:00pm till dusk & Sat. June 21 9 am – 4 pm

Session 2: Thurs. & Fri. July 10 & 11 6:00pm till dusk & Sat. July 12 9 am – 4 pm

Name:______Session 1__ or 2__ Need boat? Yes ___No ___

Name:______Session 1__ or 2__ Need boat? Yes ___No ___

ADULT SUPERVISED PRACTICE IN SUNFISH -Boats available on a first come first served basis.

Wednesdays July 9 through August 13 from 6pm until dusk. FREE