Intervention Teacher: Mrs. Jacki Hawkins

Queen Anne’s County High School

Reading Interventions/English 1

Course Description

Students will be participating in the reading interventions: Wilson Reading System, Handbook for Dyslexics, Fluency Tutor and Lindamood Bell- Visualizing and Verbalizing.

Wilson Reading System teaches directly and systematically how to decode fluently and accurately . Wilson is unlike traditional phonics programs in that instruction is very interactive and multisensory. It also thoroughly teaches total word construction not just phonics. Students learn to encode (spell) as they learn to decode.

In Lindamood Bell Visualizing and Verbalizing, the students will improve their language development, comprehension, and thinking skills. This program successfully stimulates concept imaginary, attention skills, memory, and cognitive development. Students become able to image gestalts with color and movement. The imaginary improves their language comprehension, reasoning for critical thinking, and expressive language skills.

Fluency Tutor fromTexthelp Systems is a web-based application that provides tools to enable students to practice reading aloud and to record pre-assigned passages called "assessments" or tests.

A Workbook for Dyslexics- Gradually teaches the student to decode words using intensive phonics rules and memory cues.

Word Warm Ups - Build mastery and automaticity in phonics and decoding using the research-based Word Warm Ups intervention. This systematic and explicit phonics program teaches students to decode and encode one-, two-, and three-syllable words easily. Audio-supported phonics lessons allow for individualization and enable students to work independently.

Reading Strategies

DISSECT- helps students to decode unfamiliar words using a combination of word analysis strategies and context clues. This problem solving strategy helps students to identify a difficult word within the content, improves reading comprehension, builds up their vocabulary and reduces errors during oral reading. As the name by itself is an acronym mnemonic, it makes application easier as students are able to recall the steps involved with ease.

Second Semester- English 1- is a required course for graduation and encompasses the total spectrum of language arts, reading, writing, speaking, listening, reference and study skills, and language and literature. It highlights such topics as genre identification, sentence and paragraph structure, rudimentary reference and research skills, and vocabulary development. This semester we will be utilizing the book series: my Perspectives- Pearson

The course is also aligned to the Maryland College and Career Ready Standards; students will take the PARCC test at the end of the course for Graduation requirements.


§ Literary genre, including short stories, plays, novels, non-fiction, and poetry

§ Grammar, usage, and mechanics

§ Vocabulary

§ Short and Extended Written Responses

§ Research Skills


q Use the English language effectively in written and oral communication.

q Develop listening strategies.

q Develop effective speaking skills for a variety of audiences and purposes.

q Develop and use before, during, and after reading strategies.

q Use a variety of writing strategies.

q Explore and analyze a variety of literary genres.

q Develop vocabulary and verbal skills.

q Develop note-taking, organizational, and documenting skills for use in research.

Supplies- Students will bring the following supplies to class on a daily basis:

QACPS issued Laptop.

College Ruled Notebook Paper

Black or Blue Pen/ Pencils

A Highlighter

A package of Post - its

Index Cards

A box of tissues and a bottle of hand sanitizer

An open mind and positive attitude for learning

It will be your responsibility for the consumable materials cost: the new replacement cost for the books is $25.00.

Classroom Expectations:

Be on time

Be prepared

Be respectful to yourself, peers, teachers, and other’s property.

Be positive

Refrain from MLD use except instructed by teacher.

Refrain from cell phone use.

Complete all assignments in a timely matter.

Follow School Dress Code

Classroom Consequences

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Teacher/Student Conference
  3. Lunch Detention
  4. Phone Call to Parent
  5. After School Detention
  6. Office Referral

Explanation of Assessments

Students will be assessed on a daily basis in the classroom. Assessments will be both formative and summative.

Formative assessments may include but are not limited to research papers, extended writing

assignments, presentations, unit test, chapter tests, and midterms.

Grading Policy

Formative - 40%

Summative - 45%

Final - 15%

Academic Integrity

All students at Queen Anne’s County High School are expected to conduct themselves with

great pride in academics and the community at large. To this end, it is expected that all students will maintain academic integrity in every assignment. Work must be completed individually unless otherwise directed by the teacher. Plagiarism is a severe offense at QACHS and will result in immediate consequences.

Contact Information

You may email or call me at 410-758-0500 Ext. 106.

The best way to reach me is via e-mail.

Please contact me with any questions about the course or any suggestions about how to best teach your child.


Jacqueline V. Hawkins

Please sign and return only this portion.

I have read the information in the course syllabus.

Student Signature ______

Parent/Guardian Signature ______

Date ______

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