Intervention Ideas
Environmental Adaptations:- Seat in quiet area
- Seat near role model
- Seat near teacher
- Two seating areas, one group, one individual
- Increase distance between desks
- Seat near “Study Buddy”
- Portable study carrel
- Change size of desk/chair
- Change angle of desk/chair
- Reduce printed material on display
- Frequent restroom breaks
- Snacks
- Provide assignment sheet
- Simplify/shorten assignments
- Individual contracts
- Give assignments one at a time
- Allow extra time for completion
- Break assignments into parts
- Provide outline and/or time line for long projects
- Copy from paper/book instead of board
- Lower difficulty level
- Reduce paper/pencil activities
- Read directions to student
- Use audio recordings
- Provide assistance with note taking
- Use previewing strategies
- Pick easy topics for student to talk/write about
- Use cuing strategies to stay on task
- Clarify expectations
- Graph paper
- Raised line paper
- Unlined paper
- Pencil grip(s)
- Calculator
- Tape recorder
- Slant board for writing
- Headphones
- Timer
- Number line
- Alphabet strip
- Visual tracking aid
- Magnifier
- Highlighter
- Highlighter tape
- Computer
- Spell Checker
- Daily assignment sheet
- Homework folder(s)
- Set of texts at home
- Breakdown behavior into small steps
- Allow for movement frequently
- Encourage observation of models
- Rewards for starting/continuing/completing
- Be sensitive to student’s mood/tolerance level
- Use time-out for misbehavior
- Modify expectations for outside the classroom (lunch, recess, etc.)
- Daily/weekly assignment sheet
- Daily/weekly behavior sheet
- Frequent phone contact
- Frequent conferences
- Parents to check, sign, and return sheets daily or weekly
- Parent to schedule a set homework time daily
- Parents to designate a specific homework place
- Set up a tub/box with homework supplies at home
- Check homework for accuracy and completeness
- Provide frequent breaks
- Encourage on-task behavior
- Contact teacher frequently
- Provide special pencils/paper for homework use only
- Read together
- Accept typed assignments
- Present assignments in an uncluttered format
- Change size of print
- Provide examples/models of finished product
- Pair students to check work
- Exemptions
- Vary methods (oral, taped, short answer)
- Shorten test
- Extend time
- Read directions/test to student
- Modify grading criteria/weight
- Take test in different setting
- Use open book/notes
- Limit essay responses
- Give take home tests
- Use hands-on approach
- Tape lectures/directions for playback
- Use eye contact
- Circulate frequently
- Present directions orally and in writing
- Use color
- Use individual white/chalk boards
- Establish a routine schedule
- Study sheets
- Time line for long projects/reports
- Create organized work space
- Provide place for non-work related items
- Checklists for “broken down” assignments
- Tape of directions, components
- Written directions
- Peer/cross-age model or buddy
- Teach planning and pacing
- Ignore minor distractions
- Reinforce appropriate behavior immediately
- Daily behavior sheet
- Use student interests as reinforcers (tangible and intangible)
- Positive visits with administration
- Chart progress
- Use logical consequences
- Action plan to change/improve behavior
- Post rules clearly
- Teach what rules look and sound like
- School-home behavior contract
- Develop cuing system for reminders
- Make positive phone calls to parents
- Provide reassurance
- Use student self-evaluations
- Develop short and long term goals
- Check backpack before leaving for school
- Provide place for notices to be placed
- Keep at-home texts in a safe place
- Keep a set of school supplies at home
- Last year’s teacher
- Grade level team members
- Instructional Coach
- Mentor
- Master Mentor
- Principal
- Counselor
- Remedial Reading Teacher
- Behavior Coach
- ELL/SEI Teacher
- School Psychologist
- Special Education Teacher
- Speech Teacher
- Occupational Therapist
- Physical Therapist
- Health Aide