Place / Malente
/ Project management
Steering group meeting / x / Date / 22-5-2014 (15:00)
Reporter / Preben Jensen
Annual meeting
Participants / Maiken Carstens (PSOH), Henry Brach & Andreas Nollenberg (JAW),
Tupaarnaq Lennert (KPS), Gert Møller & Preben Jensen (KPH)
Copy to / Participants+
Heiko Praetz (PSOH) + Frank Steinbeck (KPS)+web
1 / Economy 1.
JAW expect to be round 10.000 short of reaching the budget in 2014 and in 2015. In addition to the application for the 27.000 (below) we will apply for a transfer of that budget money from JAW to the Danish partners.
2 / Economy 2: A chance of 27.000 additional Euro
We have informed INTERREG (Sorö) that we will apply for that. The money will mainly be used for networking (looking at INTERREG 5A), but also for enhancing the PR activities. The budget will be added in the 2015 budget (1/1 - 30/6). JAW cannot take in additional activities, the budget will be split between the other three partners.
Procedure and time schedule will be given from the INTERREG (more info after June 4th)
3 / Writing the Learning Platforms, how and when
A revised template and an example + a more detailed guide will be issued before 1/10 2014.
Text (in native language) + chosen illustrations (pix/blueprints) by the work-package responsible,- deadline 28/2 2015.
WP 5 will be responsible for translation and layout. The platforms will be published on 1/6 2015, ready for the grand final.
4 / Short status from the workpackages
We went thru the milestone form - the project is performing according to schedule.
Regarding the Ambassador program (WG5), the idea is producing small interview films with selected participants (in a standard format, on a standard background, using a few standard questions). A proposal will be made and sent out before summer
5 / June 2015
There will be two events. One during Folkemöde/Bornholm (responsible KPH & KPS) and one during Kieler Woche (responsible JAW and PSOH)
A common exhibition for both events (roll ups, pictures, pps, flyers) will be produced in advance.
The event in Kiel will be a sailing trip for invited guests, at Bornholm it will be an event on board a smaller ship and an arrangement on land (maybe incl some kind of seminar for invited guests). And of course there will be some (a few) Danish partners represented in Kiel and vice versa.

Interreg IV – Futura Maritima - Documentation