65 persons, in Fondazione Castellini, have filled in and return the questionnaire of competence check
The purpose of this statistical analysis is to give evidence of the competences and strengths of the employees in relevant areas and core functions.
Below are some of the statistics we have identified as more interesting: a first analysis by gender, by age group, by education/training and by work experience.
By Gender
Women / Men / Total57 / 8 / 65
By Age group
25/29 / 30/34 / 35/39 / 40/44 / 45/49 / 50/54 / 55/591 / 2 / 9 / 14 / 21 / 13 / 5
By Education/training
Middle school certificate / Vocational training / High school certificate / Master degree certificate23 / 17 / 20 / 5
By Work Experience
0/5 / 6/10 / 11/15 / 16/20 / 21/25 / 26/30 / 31/353 / 7 / 16 / 17 / 16 / 3 / 3
The next step of this analysis focuses on a subdivision that shows numbers, percentage, arithmetic and weighted mean for a complete comprehension of the sample tested.
The Yellow colour has been used to give evidence to competencies that are lacking.
Competence Check: Professional / functional competencies- Absolute frequency per item – Arithmetic and Weighted mean
Disagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly
Agree / Total / Arithmetic
mean / Weighted
1 / I find it difficult to plan and evaluate care/nursing measures and practices. / 13 / 37 / 12 / 0 / 62 / 15,5 / 1,98
2 / I follow a particular scientific nursing models and concepts. / 1 / 5 / 50 / 5 / 61 / 15,25 / 2,97
3 / I am able to apply care techniques. / 1 / 3 / 50 / 6 / 60 / 15 / 3,02
4 / It is somewhat difficult for me to work with medical-technical devices, prostheses and other auxiliary means. / 17 / 33 / 10 / 0 / 60 / 15 / 1,88
5 / I am able to assist in diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative treatments prescribed by the physician. / 2 / 8 / 31 / 17 / 58 / 14,5 / 3,09
6 / I am able to apply various prophylactic or preventive or health-promotion measures. / 1 / 8 / 35 / 13 / 57 / 14,25 / 3,05
7 / I find it difficult to use emergency standards and regulations. / 11 / 29 / 15 / 7 / 62 / 15,5 / 2,29
8 / I have command of observing and analyzing physical and mental symptoms of patients. / 2 / 3 / 44 / 13 / 62 / 15,5 / 3,10
9 / I am able to recognize and identify physical and mental symptoms/illnesses and/or their variations. / 5 / 4 / 43 / 11 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,95
10 / I find it difficult to document the conclusions of my observations and to refer them to relevant persons. / 17 / 29 / 14 / 4 / 64 / 16 / 2,08
11 / I find it easy to act on overall concepts of nursing care according to the mission statement of the facility. / 1 / 17 / 35 / 7 / 60 / 15 / 2,80
12 / I often am not sure who is responsible for which tasks during my shift. / 28 / 25 / 10 / 1 / 64 / 16 / 1,75
13 / I am able to act on legal standards and regulations while performing my duties (e.g.hygienic and safety-at-work standards) / 1 / 7 / 34 / 22 / 64 / 16 / 3,20
14 / It is often difficult at work to always be aware of environmental issues and use materials sparingly. / 8 / 27 / 21 / 6 / 62 / 15,5 / 2,40
15 / I am able to develop and apply measures of quality assurance. / 2 / 5 / 35 / 21 / 63 / 15,75 / 3,19
16 / I am able to deal with nursing-related administrative tasks (e.g., documentation, keeping records, shift-management) / 7 / 19 / 22 / 10 / 58 / 14,5 / 2,60
17 / Gathering and evaluating important information is often difficult. / 5 / 29 / 18 / 12 / 64 / 16 / 2,58
18 / I am easily able to adjust nursing/care measures to the individual needs and resources of my patients. / 3 / 8 / 30 / 19 / 60 / 15 / 3,08
19 / I often find it difficult to orient my nursing care to the individual background and the current life-situation of my patients. / 10 / 27 / 22 / 2 / 61 / 15,25 / 2,26
20 / I try to encourage and foster my patients’ independence. / 0 / 7 / 36 / 19 / 62 / 15,5 / 3,19
21 / I am able to adjust my nursing/care measures to the needs of my patients in a gender sensitive and cultural-sensitive way. / 1 / 11 / 37 / 13 / 62 / 15,5 / 3,00
22 / I find it difficult to give advice and guidance to my patients and/or their relatives / 10 / 36 / 15 / 4 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,20
23 / I am able to support and assist people in emotional and existential crises. / 2 / 8 / 39 / 16 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,06
24 / I find it difficult to care for dying patients and to understand their needs. / 8 / 33 / 17 / 7 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,35
Competence check: SOCIAL COMPETENCIES - Absolute frequency per item - Arithmetic and Weighted mean
N. / SOCIAL COMPETENCIES / StronglyDisagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly
Agree / Total / Arithmetic
mean / Weighted
1 / I am able to criticise constructively without offending the other. / 2 / 11 / 40 / 12 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,95
2 / I am able to accept constructive critics and feedback. / 1 / 3 / 47 / 14 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,14
3 / I am able to recognize when conflicts arise among my collegial team and/or among the residents/patients. / 0 / 3 / 47 / 15 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,18
4 / I find it difficult to raise an issue of conflict openly. / 11 / 33 / 13 / 7 / 64 / 16 / 2,25
5 / I try to find ways for constructive solutions to conflicts with my colleagues. / 1 / 7 / 43 / 13 / 64 / 16 / 3,06
6 / It is often easy for me to make a compromise. / 10 / 23 / 27 / 3 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,37
7 / I find it difficult to be open to needs and feelings of other people / 19 / 29 / 14 / 3 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,02
8 / I am well able to put myself into “other people’s shoes” and understand their situation. / 2 / 12 / 33 / 15 / 62 / 15,5 / 2,98
9 / I find it often difficult at work to react in an appropriate manner to the feelings and sensitivities of other people. / 11 / 30 / 22 / 2 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,23
10 / It is easy for me to accept people just as they are. / 0 / 17 / 36 / 12 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,92
11 / It is difficult for me to respect the balance of intimacy, privacy and distance in my
relationship with the patients/residents. / 16 / 36 / 9 / 3 / 64 / 16 / 1,98
12 / In the daily routine at work, it is often difficult to regard the private space and autonomy of the patient/resident. / 10 / 24 / 27 / 3 / 64 / 16 / 2,36
13 / I enjoy working with my colleagues even when at times they reach their professional competence limits. / 2 / 15 / 40 / 7 / 64 / 16 / 2,81
14 / I enjoy working together in a team with my colleagues. / 0 / 3 / 37 / 25 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,34
15 / I am able to find my own role within the team and to contribute my own ideas. / 0 / 6 / 32 / 26 / 64 / 16 / 3,31
16 / I am well able to make arrangements and keep with arrangements with my colleagues. / 0 / 1 / 38 / 26 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,38
17 / It is easy for me to compromise in order to reach a common goal. / 6 / 5 / 41 / 13 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,94
18 / I find it difficult to ask for advice and accept help from my colleagues when I need it. / 16 / 30 / 13 / 5 / 64 / 16 / 2,11
19 / I am able to see when a colleague is having difficulty and offer my assistance. / 0 / 4 / 37 / 24 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,31
Competence check: METHODOLOGICAL COMPETENCIES - Absolute frequency per item - Arithmetic and Weighted mean
N. / METHODOLOGICAL COMPETENCIES / StronglyDisagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly
Agree / Total / Arithmetic
mean / Weighted
1 / I have difficulties to find the right words to express my concerns and requests to my
colleagues and superiors. / 9 / 42 / 14 / 0 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,08
2 / I am able to express myself in a written form. / 1 / 7 / 44 / 13 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,06
3 / I am well able to initiate and follow through a conversation. / 0 / 3 / 47 / 10 / 60 / 15 / 3,12
4 / I am able to use communication techniques to steer the conversation purposely. / 1 / 17 / 41 / 3 / 62 / 15,5 / 2,74
5 / I find it often difficult to decipher the body language of the others. / 4 / 40 / 17 / 2 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,27
6 / I am able to purposely use body language to signal interest and readiness to converse. / 0 / 11 / 51 / 1 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,84
7 / I am well able to express, assert and defend my views. / 4 / 11 / 38 / 11 / 64 / 16 / 2,88
8 / I am well able to instruct and guide aides/assistants, volunteers, trainees in their tasks. / 0 / 6 / 40 / 16 / 62 / 15,5 / 3,16
9 / It is sometimes difficult for me to plan and carry out steps of nursing/care practices. / 6 / 33 / 18 / 2 / 59 / 14,75 / 2,27
10 / I am well able to organize and coordinate different tasks and work flow. / 0 / 11 / 42 / 10 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,98
11 / It often happens while fulfilling my duties that I find myself short with time. / 0 / 10 / 22 / 33 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,35
12 / It is often difficult to get myself to gather needed information independently. / 1 / 38 / 15 / 10 / 64 / 16 / 2,53
13 / I have problems with keeping track of my tasks and setting priorities. / 15 / 43 / 4 / 2 / 64 / 16 / 1,89
14 / In my daily routine at work I am able to quickly recognize the source of the problem and do something about it. / 0 / 6 / 52 / 7 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,02
15 / Ability to analyze problems and to find solutions for them is not my strength. / 12 / 41 / 12 / 0 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,00
16 / I am often unsure for which issues/tasks am I allowed to make a decision and for which ones are not. / 14 / 32 / 15 / 4 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,14
17 / I am well able to come up with solutions to difficult situations and to concretely apply these solutions. / 3 / 13 / 43 / 5 / 64 / 16 / 2,78
18 / I am open to new duties and challenges. / 1 / 5 / 44 / 15 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,12
19 / I have the self-motivation to learn even when I don’t want to. / 2 / 8 / 46 / 9 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,95
20 / I find it difficult to organize and to prioritise learning processes independently / 8 / 46 / 7 / 0 / 61 / 15,25 / 1,98
21 / I find it rather difficult to deal with the process of question and answer. / 6 / 46 / 12 / 0 / 64 / 16 / 2,09
22 / I know how I can best learn and I choose the appropriate means to learn as effectively as possible. / 0 / 11 / 47 / 6 / 64 / 16 / 2,92
23 / I am able to gather and evaluate important information that I need. / 0 / 6 / 50 / 9 / 65 / 16,25 / 3,05
24 / I am successful at finding exact and pertinent information by using the search engines available in the Internet. / 9 / 24 / 22 / 4 / 59 / 14,75 / 2,36
25 / I keep up with my schedule when I have a time plan. / 0 / 11 / 46 / 8 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,95
26 / I am well able to speak and present an idea in front of colleagues and superiors. / 1 / 6 / 51 / 6 / 64 / 16 / 2,97
27 / I participate in exchange of ideas and knowledge with both my younger and older
colleagues. / 0 / 3 / 46 / 15 / 64 / 16 / 3,19
28 / I often find it difficult to check and assess if my performance conforms to the facility’s
guidelines. / 14 / 32 / 15 / 4 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,14
Competence-Check: PERSONAL COMPETENCIES- Absolute frequency per item - Arithmetic and Weighted mean
N. / PERSONAL COMPETENCIES / StronglyDisagree / Disagree / Agree / Strongly
Agree / Total / Arithmetic
mean / Weighted
1 / I often notice too late that I am over-burdened. / 12 / 23 / 22 / 7 / 64 / 16 / 2,38
2 / I am able to deal with stressful situations so that they will not have any negative effect on my own attitude. / 0 / 17 / 40 / 6 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,83
3 / I find it difficult to deal with a situation when a patient, a patient’s relative or a colleague approaches me with different and sometimes conflicting expectations. / 7 / 28 / 27 / 2 / 64 / 16 / 2,38
4 / Even in crisis situations, I am able to remain calm and composed. / 4 / 10 / 47 / 3 / 64 / 16 / 2,77
5 / I am well able to de-stress from the burdens at work and find balance when off from work. / 4 / 15 / 29 / 15 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,87
6 / If I do not want something, I can say a clear “no”. / 2 / 14 / 38 / 9 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,86
7 / I often am not able to reflect and assess my own behaviour. / 10 / 39 / 15 / 0 / 64 / 16 / 2,08
8 / I know exactly the duties and expectations associated with my position at work. / 0 / 6 / 41 / 17 / 64 / 16 / 3,17
9 / I do not know my potential and limits well enough. / 10 / 39 / 12 / 3 / 64 / 16 / 2,13
10 / I sometimes find it difficult to realistically assess my own work and actions. / 7 / 38 / 18 / 1 / 64 / 16 / 2,20
11 / I don’t take enough time to examine my own feelings, values and norms. / 11 / 34 / 18 / 2 / 65 / 16,25 / 2,17
12 / I sometimes don’t even think of the gravity of my responsibilities at work. / 15 / 34 / 13 / 1 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,00
13 / I sometimes wish there were no consequences or responsibilities to my actions and to my working environment. / 4 / 28 / 32 / 0 / 64 / 16 / 2,44
14 / I am principally responsible for planning the future for my career. / 5 / 11 / 32 / 15 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,90
15 / I can express my needs and achieve what I need to accomplish. / 2 / 18 / 33 / 10 / 63 / 15,75 / 2,81
16 / I am able to give an active and creative contribution to my daily work. / 0 / 6 / 44 / 14 / 64 / 16 / 3,13
17 / Up to now, I have dedicated too little time to reflect and reflect and if necessary to adjust my own moral principles (for example, my own view of humanity in general and ageing). / 3 / 36 / 22 / 3 / 64 / 16 / 2,39
18 / I don’t think about my own ageing just yet. I can deal with that topic later. / 10 / 33 / 20 / 1 / 64 / 16 / 2,19
19 / I have a clear opinion of certain ethical issues (e.g., meaning of life, euthanasia) and am able to defend my reasons for it. / 1 / 6 / 42 / 15 / 64 / 16 / 3,11
We noticed that there’s a difference in the meaning of the “agree/disagree” answers.
I “agree” might mean: “I feel l have the competence” (as in question n.2 of professional/functional competencies) or “I feel I don’t have the competence” (As in question n. 4 of professional/functional competencies).
So we decided to calculate the % of answers meaning “I have the competence” and the % of answers meaning “I don’t have the competence”.
Furthermore, light blue colour is used to give prominence to core competencies
Professional / functional competencies- Relative frequency per item and analysis of core competencies
% / Disagree
% / Agree
% / Strongly
% / % of answers meaning LACK
of competence / % of answers meaning EXISTENCE of competence
1 / I find it difficult to plan and evaluate care/nursing measures and practices. / 21% / 60% / 19% / 0% / 19% / 81%
2 / I follow a particular scientific nursing models and concepts. / 2% / 8% / 82% / 8% / 10% / 90%
3 / I am able to apply care techniques. / 2% / 5% / 83% / 10% / 7% / 93%
4 / It is somewhat difficult for me to work with medical-technical devices, prostheses and other auxiliary means. / 28% / 55% / 17% / 0% / 17% / 83%
5 / I am able to assist in diagnostic, therapeutic and rehabilitative treatments prescribed by the physician. / 3% / 14% / 54% / 29% / 17% / 83%
6 / I am able to apply various prophylactic or preventive or health-promotion measures. / 2% / 14% / 61% / 23% / 16% / 84%
7 / I find it difficult to use emergency standards and regulations. / 18% / 47% / 24% / 11% / 35% / 65%
8 / I have command of observing and analyzing physical and mental symptoms of patients. / 3% / 5% / 71% / 21% / 8% / 92%
9 / I am able to recognize and identify physical and mental symptoms/illnesses and/or their variations. / 8% / 6% / 68% / 18% / 14% / 86%
10 / I find it difficult to document the conclusions of my observations and to refer them to relevant
persons. / 27% / 45% / 22% / 6% / 28% / 72%
11 / I find it easy to act on overall concepts of nursing care according to the mission statement of
the facility. / 2% / 28% / 58% / 12% / 30% / 70%
12 / I often am not sure who is responsible for which tasks during my shift. / 44% / 39% / 16% / 1% / 17% / 83%
13 / I am able to act on legal standards and regulations while performing my duties (e.g.,
hygienic and safety-at-work standards) / 2% / 11% / 53% / 34% / 13% / 87%
14 / It is often difficult at work to always be aware of environmental issues and use materials sparingly. / 13% / 43% / 34% / 10% / 44% / 56%
15 / I am able to develop and apply measures of quality assurance. / 3% / 8% / 56% / 33% / 11% / 89%
16 / I am able to deal with nursing-related administrative tasks (e.g., documentation, keeping records, shift-management) / 12% / 33% / 38% / 17% / 45% / 55%
17 / Gathering and evaluating important information is often difficult. / 8% / 45% / 28% / 19% / 47% / 53%
18 / I am easily able to adjust nursing/care measures to the individual needs and resources of my patients. / 5% / 13% / 50% / 32% / 18% / 82%
19 / I often find it difficult to orient my nursing care to the individual background and the current
life-situation of my patients. / 17% / 44% / 36% / 3% / 39% / 61%
20 / I try to encourage and foster my patients’ independence. / 0% / 11% / 58% / 31% / 11% / 89%
21 / I am able to adjust my nursing/care measures to the needs of my patients in a gender sensitive and cultural-sensitive way. / 2% / 18% / 59% / 21% / 20% / 80%
22 / I find it difficult to give advice and guidance to my patients and/or their relatives / 15% / 56% / 23% / 6% / 29% / 71%
23 / I am able to support and assist people in emotional and existential crises. / 3% / 12% / 60% / 25% / 15% / 85%
24 / I find it difficult to care for dying patients and to understand their needs. / 12% / 51% / 26% / 11% / 37% / 63%
SOCIAL COMPETENCIES - Relative frequency per item and analysis of core competencies
N. / SOCIAL COMPETENCIES / StronglyDisagree
% / Disagree
% / Agree
% / Strongly
% / % of answers meaning LACK
of competence / % of answers meaning EXISTENCE of competence
1 / I am able to criticise constructively without offending the other. / 3% / 17% / 62% / 18% / 20% / 80%
2 / I am able to accept constructive critics and feedback. / 1% / 5% / 72% / 22% / 6% / 94%
3 / I am able to recognize when conflicts arise among my collegial team and/or among the residents/patients. / 0% / 5% / 72% / 23% / 5% / 95%
4 / I find it difficult to raise an issue of conflict openly. / 17% / 52% / 20% / 11% / 31% / 69%
5 / I try to find ways for constructive solutions to conflicts with my colleagues. / 2% / 11% / 67% / 20% / 13% / 87%
6 / It is often easy for me to make a compromise. / 16% / 36% / 43% / 5% / 52% / 48%
7 / I find it difficult to be open to needs and feelings of other people / 29% / 45% / 21% / 5% / 26% / 74%
8 / I am well able to put myself into “other people’s shoes” and understand their situation. / 3% / 19% / 54% / 24% / 22% / 78%
9 / I find it often difficult at work to react in an appropriate manner to the feelings and sensitivities of other people. / 17% / 46% / 34% / 3% / 37% / 63%
10 / It is easy for me to accept people just as they are. / 0% / 26% / 55% / 19% / 26% / 74%
11 / It is difficult for me to respect the balance of intimacy, privacy and distance in my
relationship with the patients/residents. / 25% / 56% / 14% / 5% / 19% / 81%
12 / In the daily routine at work, it is often difficult to regard the private space and autonomy of the patient/resident. / 16% / 37% / 42% / 5% / 47% / 53%
13 / I enjoy working with my colleagues even when at times they reach their professional competence limits. / 3% / 23% / 63% / 11% / 26% / 74%
14 / I enjoy working together in a team with my colleagues. / 0% / 5% / 57% / 38% / 5% / 95%
15 / I am able to find my own role within the team and to contribute my own ideas. / 0% / 9% / 50% / 41% / 9% / 91%
16 / I am well able to make arrangements and keep with arrangements with my colleagues. / 0% / 2% / 58% / 40% / 2% / 98%
17 / It is easy for me to compromise in order to reach a common goal. / 9% / 8% / 63% / 20% / 17% / 83%
18 / I find it difficult to ask for advice and accept help from my colleagues when I need it. / 25% / 47% / 20% / 8% / 28% / 72%
19 / I am able to see when a colleague is having difficulty and offer my assistance. / 0% / 6% / 57% / 37% / 6% / 94%
METHODOLOGICAL COMPETENCIES- Relative frequency per item and analysis of core competencies
N. / Methodological competencies / StronglyDisagree
% / Disagree
% / Agree
% / Strongly
% / % of answers meaning LACK
of competence / % of answers meaning EXISTENCE of competence
1 / I have difficulties to find the right words to express my concerns and requests to my
colleagues and superiors. / 13% / 65% / 22% / 0% / 22% / 78%
2 / I am able to express myself in a written form. / 1% / 11% / 68% / 20% / 12% / 88%
3 / I am well able to initiate and follow through a conversation. / 0% / 5% / 78% / 17% / 5% / 95%
4 / I am able to use communication techniques to steer the conversation purposely. / 2% / 27% / 66% / 5% / 29% / 71%
5 / I find it often difficult to decipher the body language of the others. / 6% / 64% / 27% / 3% / 30% / 70%
6 / I am able to purposely use body language to signal interest and readiness to converse. / 0% / 17% / 81% / 2% / 17% / 83%
7 / I am well able to express, assert and defend my views. / 6% / 17% / 60% / 17% / 23% / 77%
8 / I am well able to instruct and guide aides/assistants, volunteers, trainees in their tasks. / 0% / 10% / 64% / 26% / 10% / 90%
9 / It is sometimes difficult for me to plan and carry out steps of nursing/care practices. / 10% / 56% / 31% / 3% / 34% / 66%
10 / I am well able to organize and coordinate different tasks and work flow. / 0% / 17% / 67% / 16% / 17% / 83
11 / It often happens while fulfilling my duties that I find myself short with time. / 0% / 15% / 34% / 51% / 85% / 15%
12 / It is often difficult to get myself to gather needed information independently. / 2% / 59% / 23% / 16% / 39% / 61%
13 / I have problems with keeping track of my tasks and setting priorities. / 24% / 67% / 6% / 3% / 9% / 91%
14 / In my daily routine at work I am able to quickly recognize the source of the problem and do something about it. / 0% / 9% / 80% / 11% / 9% / 91%
15 / Ability to analyze problems and to find solutions for them is not my strength. / 19% / 63% / 18% / 0% / 18% / 82%
16 / I am often unsure for which issues/tasks am I allowed to make a decision and for which ones are not. / 22% / 49% / 23% / 6% / 29% / 71%
17 / I am well able to come up with solutions to difficult situations and to concretely apply these solutions. / 5% / 20% / 67% / 8% / 25% / 75%
18 / I am open to new duties and challenges. / 1% / 8% / 68% / 23% / 9% / 91%
19 / I have the self-motivation to learn even when I don’t want to. / 3% / 12% / 71% / 14% / 15% / 85%
20 / I find it difficult to organize and to prioritise learning processes independently / 14% / 75% / 11% / 0% / 11% / 89%
21 / I find it rather difficult to deal with the process of question and answer. / 9% / 72% / 19% / 0% / 19% / 81%
22 / I know how I can best learn and I choose the appropriate means to learn as effectively as possible. / 0% / 17% / 74% / 9% / 17% / 83%
23 / I am able to gather and evaluate important information that I need. / 0% / 9% / 77% / 14% / 9% / 91%
24 / I am successful at finding exact and pertinent information by using the search engines available in the Internet. / 15% / 41% / 37% / 7% / 56% / 44%
25 / I keep up with my schedule when I have a time plan. / 0% / 17% / 71% / 12% / 17% / 83%
26 / I am well able to speak and present an idea in front of colleagues and superiors. / 2% / 9% / 80% / 9% / 11% / 89%
27 / I participate in exchange of ideas and knowledge with both my younger and older
colleagues. / 0% / 5% / 72% / 23% / 5% / 95%
28 / I often find it difficult to check and assess if my performance conforms to the facility’s
guidelines. / 22% / 49% / 23% / 6% / 29% / 71%
PERSONAL COMPETENCIES- Relative frequency per item and analysis of core competencies
N. / Personal competencies / StronglyDisagree
% / Disagree
% / Agree
% / Strongly
% / % of answers meaning LACK
of competence / % of answers meaning EXISTENCE of competence
1 / I often notice too late that I am over-burdened. / 19% / 36% / 34% / 11% / 45% / 55%
2 / I am able to deal with stressful situations so that they will not have any negative effect on my own attitude. / 0% / 27% / 63% / 10% / 27% / 73%
3 / I find it difficult to deal with a situation when a patient, a patient’s relative or a colleague approaches me with different and sometimes conflicting expectations. / 11% / 44% / 42% / 3% / 45% / 55%
4 / Even in crisis situations, I am able to remain calm and composed. / 6% / 16% / 73% / 5% / 22% / 78%
5 / I am well able to de-stress from the burdens at work and find balance when off from work. / 6% / 24% / 46% / 24% / 30% / 70%
6 / If I do not want something, I can say a clear “no”. / 3% / 23% / 60% / 14% / 26% / 74%
7 / I often am not able to reflect and assess my own behaviour. / 16% / 61% / 23% / 0% / 23% / 77%
8 / I know exactly the duties and expectations associated with my position at work. / 0% / 9% / 64% / 27% / 9% / 91%
9 / I do not know my potential and limits well enough. / 16% / 60% / 19% / 5% / 24% / 76%
10 / I sometimes find it difficult to realistically assess my own work and actions. / 11% / 59% / 28% / 2% / 30% / 70%
11 / I don’t take enough time to examine my own feelings, values and norms. / 17% / 52% / 28% / 3% / 31% / 69%
12 / I sometimes don’t even think of the gravity of my responsibilities at work. / 24% / 53% / 21% / 2% / 77% / 23%
13 / I sometimes wish there were no consequences or responsibilities to my actions and to my working environment. / 6% / 44% / 50% / 0% / 50% / 50%
14 / I am principally responsible for planning the future for my career. / 8% / 17% / 51% / 24% / 25% / 75%
15 / I can express my needs and achieve what I need to accomplish. / 3% / 29% / 52% / 16% / 32% / 68%
16 / I am able to give an active and creative contribution to my daily work. / 0% / 9% / 69% / 22% / 9% / 91%
17 / Up to now, I have dedicated too little time to reflect and reflect and if necessary to adjust my own moral principles (for example, my own view of humanity in general and ageing). / 5% / 56% / 34% / 5% / 39% / 61%
18 / I don’t think about my own ageing just yet. I can deal with that topic later. / 16% / 51% / 31% / 2% / 67% / 33%
19 / I have a clear opinion of certain ethical issues (e.g., meaning of life, euthanasia) and am able to defend my reasons for it. / 2% / 9% / 66% / 23% / 11% / 89%
Here we have prepared the “absolute frequency per item by gender, by age group, by education/training and work experience”.