Internet Hosting Szolgáltatási Szerződés
Internet Hosting Service Contract
Supplier's Details:Full name:SILICIUM NETWORK Informatikai Kft. Seat:H-2000 Szentendre, Papszigeti út 19. VAT number:23474178-2-13
EU VAT number: HU23474178Registration number:13-09-149318 Phone:+36-1-999-0739 Fax:+36-1-700-2930
E-mail:, Customer service: H-1135 Budapest, Lehel út 61. (Cooper Center)
Calling hours: Monday to Friday 12:00 am to 5:00 pm
IBAN number: HU151040 3181 5052 6587 8584 1004 (K&H Bank) SWIFT code:OKHBHUHB
Client's Details:Claimer's legal status: / Individual / Business Entity
Name/Company name:
Place and date of birth: / Id. nr.:
Mother’s name:
VAT number: / Nr. of the registration at the Registry Court:
Postal Address:
Telephone nr.: / Fax nr.:
E-mail address:
Details of Technical Contact Person*assign by Client
Name: / E-mail address:
Postal address:
Telephon nr.: / Fax nr.:
* Full-scale administration assignee person set out by client is authorized to discussion for technical and IT questions arisen during services and to communicate with Supplier too. If the technical contact person (or this person's availability) has changed, Client bound to make Supplier’s aware of changes without fail.
Billing Contact’s Detail:(according to differ to Client)Name/Company name:
Id. nr.: / VAT nr.:
Postal Address:
Telephone nr.: / Fax nr.:
Paying method
Bank Transfer
Service’s Details
Domain name handled by Supplier (Registering Party) what the hosting package is activated for:
hostingpackage / WEB
(MB) / MySQL
(MB) / pHp / MySQL
(piece) / Unique IP / mailbox(piece) / mail
backup / www
backup / dB
backup / HUF/Year
1. p. / 25 / - / - / - / - / 2 / - / - / - / 1 200
2. p. / 50 / - / - / - / - / 5 / - / - / - / 1 700
3. p. / 100 / - / yes / - / - / 7 / - / - / - / 1 900
4. p. / 200 / - / yes / - / - / 7 / - / - / - / 2 000
5. p. / 400 / - / yes / - / - / 7 / - / - / - / 2 500
6. p. / 600 / 50 / yes / 1 / - / 7 / - / monthly / monthly / 3 500
7. p. / 700 / 70 / yes / 1 / - / 10 / - / monthly / monthly / 5 000
8. p. / 800 / 80 / yes / 1 / - / 10 / - / monthly / monthly / 5 500
9. p. / 900 / 90 / yes / 1 / - / 10 / - / monthly / monthly / 6 000
10. p. / 2000 / 100 / yes / 1 / - / 10 / - / monthly / monthly / 8 000
11. p. / 1100 / 200 / yes / 1 / - / 15 / daily / monthly / monthly / 11 000
12. p. / 1200 / 300 / yes / 1 / - / 20 / daily / monthly / monthly / 12 000
13. p. / 1500 / 300 / yes / 3 / - / 25 / daily / monthly / monthly / 18 000
14. p. / 2000 / 400 / yes / 3 / yes / 30 / daily / monthly / monthly / 28 000
15. p. / 5000 / 500 / yes / 5 / yes / 100 / daily / monthly / monthly / 43000
Ordered e-mail addresses:
Technical Specs’:
Webhosting are distributed by (on?) high-powered servers, which are placed at Data Park.
Every package contains:
- webmail (on https surface ) - mail alias in unlimited number
- web statistic (webalizer) virus and spam filtration on server page
- sub domain in unlimited number – https, smtps, IMAPs, POP3s, FTP, tls’s FTP
For sending e-mails on client’s page you can use our own internet supplier’s mail server or our authentic smtp server ( too.
Availability and responsibilitiesSupplier’s availability is non-stop. In case of technical failure the troubleshooting may cause offset, which takes at longest 3 hours on weekdays and 6 hours to a maximum at the weekends. The service availability is 99.6% annually.
Due to the maintenance Supplier may cease the service 6 hours /day exclusively between 24-06 and at longest twice per month.
Supplier usually does not examine the content of the web pages and does not bear any responsibility of that.
If Supplier notices or third person raises an objection that Client proceed with illegal activity or run counter to the law and netiquette, Supplier imparts a warning message for Client.
If Client does not take objection to the warning notice or does not remove the injurious content until deadline, what is given in the warning notice, Supplier is entitled to cease webhosting at his discretion until settlement of debate.
Term and termination of contractThe contract is for a definite period of 1 year. If Client terminates the contract within 1 year loyalty time, Supplier can not refund any sub-total for the remanded period.
Supplier informs Client before 30 days of the expiry date of contract, and asking Client for the prolonging statement or the waiver of right.
As from getting the notice, Client has 15 days for making a statement about his/her intention.
In case of renewal Client has at longest 15 days to pay the service fee relative to next year, after termination of previous contract.
If Client does not demand a prolongation or make a renewal statement, Supplier ceases the service after the expiry date of contractual time.
Serious Breach of ContractIn case of serious breach of contract both party may cease the present Contract with immediate effect.
Serious breach of contract is qualified as:
- if Supplier defaults what is in contract be included. In that case Supplier refunds symmetric sub-total for remanded period of service.
- if Client runs an illegal activity or publicizes injurious contents, materials. Client does not pay the billing value of service for Supplier – despite dunning letter- in 15 days after expiration payment date.
According to the serious breach of contract occurs on the part of Client, Supplier does not have any refund liability. We do not accept any complaint after the expiry date of payment-duty. If the payment due stated on invoice is not under objection, we accept it.
Any information related to Client, Supplier is obligated to handle secretly, it means: Supplier does not bring it third person's knowledge or does not appropriate by benefit. Supplier is bound to handle all information, items, and business matters related to Client, secretly.
If Client comes during the service to knowledge of any business matters, technological methods He/She is liable to handle it secretly and ought not to share with a third person.
In such cases any of Parties are not default, when unforeseen circumstances (vis major) are surfacing and keeping Parties back from accomplishment of contract. For example: hostilities, rebellion, sabotage, explosive outrage or another emergency, calamity, flood, conflagration, stroke of lighting, respectively other natural disaster, work in abeyance, taken actions by organs authorized by law of police and national defense.
Nor these events mentioned above are exemptions in case of payment duties already accomplished services. In case of other questions what are not defined in present contract are available at operative and publicly normative General Contract (inhere also Terms and Conditions) at all times.
In respect to the contract conditions not detailed in the present Internet Hosting Service Agreement the conditions stated in the prevailing General Contract Conditions (GCC) of SILICIUM Network Ltd. are authoritative.
In case the Internet Hosting Service Agreement and the GCC contain contradictory or diverse regulations, then the text of the present Internet Hosting Service Agreement is authoritative. The present Internet Hosting Service Agreement is only valid together with the prevailing General Contract Conditions (GCC) of SILICIUM Network Ltd.
Claimant declares with his/her signature to have read and accepted the prevailing General Contract Conditions of the service provider which are accessible in the Customer Service Office of the service provider and at
ClientBilling ContactSupplier
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