archived as
more of Dan Burisch is at
note: because important web-sites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on February 4, 2004 . This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned web-site. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.
Internet Chats/Interviews with Dan Burisch
# 5 - 'marcmann318' November 13 2003
- Glossary -
alphabet: insider slang for a government agent, from the use of acronyms as titles of government departments
aDNA: ancient DNA
Area 51: Facility at Papoose Lake
BCW: Biological & chemical warfare
bird: insider slang for alien
crossbridge: A group of 32 cells (8 tetrads) formed from A GP which extends from the target cell to a secondary cell. The crossbridge is associated with a shiva linga
CotM: Committee of the Majority. A Scottish rite Masonic based committee of 33 men operating with U.S. and other governments
DCTP: Doctrine of Convergent Timeline Paradox. In this doctrine consequences of time travel are stacked in reality like a stack of cards
DMT: a hallucenogen ?
Dulce facility: Facility at LANL east of Area 51. "My experience during the time I stayed there was horrifying. You know, when you hear human beings screaming in pain?" - DrB
EBE: Extraterrestrial Biological Entity
Eloah Va Daath:
GP: Ganesh Particle; emerges from an activated quatrz crystal and travels down an electromagnetic river to the target cell. Once attached, one end of GP opens up like a flower and the shiva linga
J-Rod: A class of EBE from the Reticulum area. Chi' iielah -- the particular J-Rod associated with DrB --was housed in a pressurized hydrogen Clean Sphere at Level 5 of S4, and had a degenerative neurological condition. The appearance of the J-Rods is similar to that of the "grey" aliens recovered from Roswell.
Land of Enchantment: insider slang for the state of New Mexico
LANL: Los Alamos National Labs
Lotus Protocol: A genesis mechanism associated with the Tree of Life
Lotus Project: a subset of the Starflower project
Majestic 12: A group of scientists and scientific advisors who work for the CotM
MJ: Majestic 12
Patchwork: The controlled release of information to the public.
Pearls of Brahma: a group of viruses emitted from the GP on the side offosite the shiva linga
Project Aquarius:
Rancher: George W Bush
Raindancer: a compartmentalized project within the chemtrail project
S4: Sector 4 facility outside of Area 51
Section D: biological tinkering facility
Shiva linga: The tube that emerges from the opened GP to penetrate another cell
Starflower Project: A project which deals the effects of extraterrestrial interactions throughout history and today
Sweetness: insider slang for the Dulce facility
T9 treaty:
Vishnu Schist: Source of quartz crystal in the Frenchman Mountains, Nevada
Voynich Manuscript: An encoded document written by Francis Bacon.
Watertown: insider slang for Area 51
Yellow Book: A book showing possible futures
note: because important web-sites are frequently "here today but gone tomorrow", the following was archived from on February 4, 2004 . This is NOT an attempt to divert readers from the aforementioned web-site. Indeed, the reader should only read this back-up copy if it cannot be found at the original author's site.
Internet Chats/Interviews with Dan Burisch
# 4 - 'marcmann318' November 13 2003
marcmann318: Sorry. Yes, but I don't have one.
hiichay: I believe the feature allows you to view. Do you wish a one-way view? That is what Mr. Dep did? Should you accept, I believe the box opens on your screen.
hiichay: Hello?
marcmann318: Yes, I would.
marcmann318: Hi.
hiichay: Please stand by.
hiichay: When you have him on screen go ahead and send a call to him - a message. he is again unaware of what is going on. This is the only way I could pull it off.
marcmann318: ok.
marcmann318: Hi, Dan.
hiichay: Reviewer n# … or is this staar?
marcmann318: This is a friend following the events unfold.
hiichay: Okay....?
marcmann318: I like your hat.
hiichay: Please understand I have many calling themselves "friend". More info, please…
marcmann318: Dondep thread.
hiichay: Your call is authorized. Who are you, .and what is going on???
hiichay: Ya, he's a nice guy.
marcmann318: Can I ask you about the Ganesh and Lotus?
hiichay: Yes. Sorry for appearing laconic, but I don't know who you really may be.
marcmann318: If 'free will' is still a factor, what can we do to have a positive effect before 2012 ?
hiichay: Free will is always a factor. Aside from motivating your so-called "elected" reps, I guess that I would say … Pray.
marcmann318: Does prayer from a "pure heart" activate the Ganesh?
hiichay: Yes. As prayer from the heart activated the biophotonic capability of the DNA, yes. Look to Dan Winter.
marcmann318: When they bridge, can the "heal" all disease?
hiichay: Define "bridge" in this case, please. "Crossbridges"?
marcmann318: When the "ethereal" tube bridges cells?
hiichay: Okay... something we can chat about. Once the GP absorbs -- once it attaches to the target cell -- it has one of three routes that we have determined. First, Ii can form a crossbridge between the primary target cell and a secondary …
marcmann318: Knowing of this phenomenon, does it not release you from all fear?
hiichay: Hell NO! I am human!
marcmann318: Sorry … go on …
hiichay: We have worked hard to determine the so-called "Two to Tango" (named by me) rule. That is, why does it take two cells to complete a restorative action on one injured one. The answer, we have found, lies in a communication process that removes a copy of selective DNA/RNA material from …
marcmann318: You alluded to it being even more "magical". What did you mean by that?
hiichay: We'll get there. You are as quick as Dondep. I move rather methodically. Once the copy is removed, it travels back to the crossbridge cells where it is stored and where another copy is made that is used to repair the injured cell. Thus, "Two to Tango". I am not speaking to a biologist, right? If so, I can be MUCH more thorough. The second route involves the same absorption except multiple shiva lingas (the tube the penetrates) enter individual cells along the way.
marcmann318: I've been studying like a madman. Try me.
hiichay: Okay. We think that a san-1 like gene is being activated within the crossbridges. The cells which are formed from the activated Ganesh Particle become arrested in a tetrad with 2 staying in stasis in M phase and two somewhere along in S phase.
marcmann318: Is it similar to the reactivation of the memory of water? Needing to be in close contact or can it be distance "healing"?
hiichay: You are aware of the beauty of water crystals? Differentiated by various methods, prayer, etc.
marcmann318: Do you think it can reverse genetic manipulation-tampering?
hiichay: If God wills it. The issue we have here, I believe, is this: can the Lotus be used as an echnology technology. The answer, I thought, was 'yes'.
marcmann318: Water is so-o-o-o over-looked …
hiichay: I have come to another conclusion about the experimental use of this phenomenon.
marcmann318: A technology that man can control?
hiichay: Exactly. It doesn't behave as we would wish it.
marcmann318: I would think that it would have a 'consciousness' all it's own?
hiichay: The target cell is found by an extremely ingenious method. This hasn't even been "leaked" so far. But since we are talking, when the particles emerge from the activated crystals the following takes place:
1. A cone of light emerges. The color of that cone is "red and blue". I have the hypothesis at this time that we have Doppler shifting underway.
2. In the center of that cone, a black void emerges. It may very well be the material manifestation of the Eloah Va Daath … not sure. Out of the void, comes a small swirl of red-lighted material.
3. Within that swirl of material are pinpoints of light, out of which the Ganesh Particles (GPs) emerge.
4. The GPs and viruses emerge, intact.
marcmann318: It almost sounds like a 'chakra' cone.
hiichay: Look to the Heart Chakra concept as refined by the Tiphereth. The Sphere of Beauty.
5. An electromagnetic stream emerges that creates a circuit between the points of light. The GPs dance between it until the circuit is opened and an electromagnetic stream flows away from it as a channel. Under negative they appear red.
6. Within that stream are extremely small (normally submicro) objects that seem to spontaneously morph their shapes.
marcmann318: Do the GPs manifest the cherubim or is that a separate phenomenon?
hiichay: Separate phenomenon. The Cherubim are not to be messed with ... continuing...
marcmann318: "Morph" shapes???
hiichay: They rotate between the platonic solids. All the while, the motivator of the morphing appears to be a green (under negative) spinning particle of light.
7. These objects orient themselves along the channel providing a guide (if you will) for the electromagnetic river.
8. Once the river contacts the target cell, the GP flows down the tributary to the cell and attaches to it. One end of the GP opens up to do so. It looks like a beautiful flower. Out of the flower emerges the tube (shiva linga) that penetrates (in the case of algae) the cell wall, then the periplasmic space and plasmalemma.
marcmann318: Do they inherently know which target cells to "approach"?
hiichay: They are guided by the direction of the river so far. That is what the data set says. They seem to slide down it like a child in the playground with a slide. Once inside, a small amount of this "red" material is emitted from the end of the shiva linga tube. An artificial pore opens into the nucleus, the integrity maintenance of which is under current investigation.
marcmann318: It sounds absolutely beautiful to see!
hiichay: It is. It's to me the "Holy Grail". But San Greal vs. Sang Real is another story.
9. After the gateway is opened, a secondary opening occurs on the opposite side of the GP. Through it rushes a group of viruses. The "Pearls of Brahma" as I originally named them. I had no idea at the time that the river was acting as a lens and that they were viral particles being viewed under light microscopy. Seemingly impossible but true. Maybe I can get a spot on Ripley's!
marcmann318: Oh, I think you're predestined for bigger.
hiichay: Anyway, once the viral particles enter, their actions are unknown, save packet apportioning of the nuclear material as what would occur under any normal nuclear-based viral invasive-replication process. As this is occurring, something beautiful happens. The GP undergoes an activation process. How to explain it ... …
It seems -- from the dataset -- that the GP spontaneously segregates into smaller "packages" of material. There appears to be vacuoles (possible) between the packets, that become membrane bound, and act as floats. The rest of the material generates into tetrads of eukaryotic cells. Once long enough, usually about 32 cells, or 8 tetrads, the crossbridge attaches to a nearby normal cell, by extending another end of the tube (shiva linga) into it. There begins a rapid exchange of material, and a freezing of the crossbridge cell's cycles. Within 27 minutes (my best count 27 minutes 06 seconds). the restorative action of the crossbridge exchange is complete, and the crossbridge dissolves. The GP turn into cells. It becomes the crossbridge cells. Thus, my term 'activation'.
marcmann318: Once active, do the GP stay that way or do they "phase" out of 3-D? Have you observed this in human cells?
marcmann318: Have you observed this in human cells?
hiichay: Yes. There have been experiments, however, they were not authorized by me. They follow the second route. The unicellular route.
marcmann318: The implications seem endless.
hiichay: As what we have been describing is the route taken for long trichomes (algae strings). I believe that the implications are endless. So much so, I investigated the 3rd. route. GPs on dead cells.
marcmann318: I was wondering when we'd go there …
hiichay: Well, I have not taken the issue beyond the process leading up to an initial bilateral division. I am not sure that others haven't gone father, though. You know such people. Show them physics and they build a b.
My problem with this whole issue is this: The subsequent nature of the cells that were produced seem to dedifferentiate into something "other" than how they started (under experiment). They are closer to a totipotent stem cell morphologically than, for instance, a yeast cell. The cell wall dissolves. They are almost aphragmabacterial in nature. Being that I have absolutely no idea what they would produce, and being that the actions are being carried out experimentally (having no observance in a natural environment), I feel obliged to stop the experiments before a complete division may occur.
marcmann318: I'm sure the STS PTB are very interested in this aspect.
marcmann318: Is it beta-quartz we are talking about??
hiichay: Well, I started accidentally by finding the GPs -- while working at the Vishnu Schist -- on the quartz within that metamorphic deposit when the origin of the GPs was ascertained. We began using alpha quartz to increase the yield of GPs per cubic micrometer,
marcmann318: In nature -- humans not present -- would this phenomenon activate in, say, underwater volcanic vents?
hiichay: Given the ambient charge, temperature, I would guess so. To increase the yield of GP´ss per cubic micrometer, we moved to alpha quartz after beta quartz. It gave us a yield of sb ... I'll get numbers. 1 particle / 53.4 seconds with a maximum of 3 eruptions per 163 seconds per 1 cubic mm of alpha quartz after beta quartz eruption, meaning a GP coming from the portal (shiva).
marcmann318: Activation through heat / frequency / voltage???
hiichay: Okay ... let me get numbers. I like to be accurate. The range for maximum eruptions was a scant 0.44mV, extending from 16.47mV to 16.91mV. Easily ambient in many ecosystems. But if we are talking about the origin of life, such ecosystems did then not exist. So we can go "fish", so-to-speak.
I do have a plan though. Early next year I will be conducting a ramped up version of the famous Spallanzani experiment. However, in this mix will be sterile crystals that can be affected by external voltage. If we have a sealed, sterile system and we can get life to -- well -- "sprout", we have done something! By no means does this imply abiogenesis, though. Life comes from Life.
marcmann318: Why not? Life is everywhere!
hiichay: Well, even the particles had to have an organizer of some sorts. Please tell me that you don't believe in the randomassortments that could have caused THIS!
marcmann318: I'm open to many things at this point.
hiichay: Well, I would simply posit -- not so much as the irreducibility (although I like that too) but -- the imperative found within the complexity.
marcmann318: As long as it involves the Divine hand.
hiichay: Okay...suffice to say. Adam was made from the Red Earth.
marcmann318: Do you think the GP are present on all celestial bodies?
hiichay: Quite a question. Well, We are somewhat ranging from the empirical here. But here is what I think. I think the possibility exists that we have seen representations of the GP in -- say -- Solar data.
marcmann318: Yes, those were very interesting.
hiichay:What were very interesting?
marcmann318: The Solar data .. C3 …
hiichay: You know of what has been happening aside from the big Sun-flap?
marcmann318: [I've] been paying attention …
hiichay: Good. Look to the corona. Many archetypes escaping the gate. But I like to look at clouds, too.
marcmann318: Is it possible that GP can manifest in the Macro as well as the micro?
hiichay: I think it possible, yes. But we are getting very esoteric with that. For instance, the quartz --aside from the tetrahedral latticing -- can conform to an octahedral shape. So too can such a shape be manifested by the vibration of particles within a fluid.
marcmann318: With sound??
hiichay: So too, we find that the orientation of magnetic swirls from the Sun follow such a shape. Yes, with sound. Fuller investigated that well. So too, we find that large clumps of strings of galaxies orient themselves into octahedral.
marcmann318: Reverence for all life.
hiichay: Understood.
hiichay: Not that it isn't applicable ...sometimes. So I ask, why not manifest in the Macro?
marcmann318: Absolutely! "As above, so below".
hiichay: Yes. You are the second person saying that to me within 24 hours.
marcmann318: Amen.
marcmann318: Do you think we've been at this point in history before? Say Lemuria??
hiichay: For what I know of the timeline paradox, I find it difficult to piece out what civilizations were truly in the past, and -- perhaps -- what evidence of future civilizations may have left for us to find, but from the future. Not sure it matters.
marcmann318: Only the present.
hiichay: That's where I feel it! The weight of reality that is.
marcmann318: Knowing what you know, doesn't it instill "peace"?
hiichay: To some extent.
marcmann318: Would you mind the specifics on GP posted?
hiichay: Oh, everything else is fine!
marcmann318: We all have our moments. It's a process. At least we're pre-aware of them.
hiichay: Ya.
marcmann318: New topic -- the "Ark".
hiichay: Okay.
marcmann318: Is it realistic? And will you personally be on it?
hiichay: It is realistic as it happened according to one set of facts about our future history. I will not be on it. This is my home.
marcmann318: Is that a personal choice or "luck-of-the-draw"?
hiichay: Personal choice.
marcmann318: Will Earth be inhabitable in -- say -- 2013?
hiichay: To a certain extent, if we fail. That's why I could never go.
marcmann318: What about the other races/species besides those presently involved? STOs??
hiichay: Are you referring to sentient species?
marcmann318: YES Yes.
hiichay: They will withdraw to their place in the future where they will be barred from further interaction, as 'we' become 'they'. So said the documents I read.
marcmann318: Do you really believe 'they' are 'we'?
hiichay: The one that I met was. He was as 'human' as we. His human soul was still there. Can't mistake that. His enculturation attempts to suppress that. But NOTHING can stop the human soul!