International Workshop on
“Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing”
Tuesday,October 14
9:00-10:00 / RegistrationMorning SessionChairman – Lev A. Krukier
10:00-10:10 / Opening
10:10-11:00 / Zhong-CiShi
ChineseAcademyofSciences, Beijing, China
Some Aspects of Finite Element Approximation for Reissner-Mindlin Plates
11:00-11:50 / Petr N. Vabishchevich, Boris N. Chetverushkin
Institute of Mathematical Modeling, Russian Academy of Science,Moscow, Russia
Domain decomposition method with overlapping subdomains for time- dependED problems of mathematical physics
11:50-12:20 / COFFEE BREAK
Chairman – Zhong-Zhi Bai
12:20-13:00 / Iain S. Duff
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, Oxon, United Kingdom
Exploiting the backward stability of FGMRES
13:00-13:40 / Rafael Garcia Bru
Polytechnic University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain
Factorization based on Sherman-Morrison formula and its preconditioners
13:40-15:00 / LUNCH BREAK
Afternoon Session Chairman – Petr N. Vabishchevich
15:00-15:30 / Francisco Gaspar Lorenz
University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Geometric multigrid methods on triangular grids
15:30-16:00 / Galina V. Muratova
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Multigrid method with special smoothers for ecological problems
16:00-16:20 / COFFEE BREAK
Chairman – Iain S. Duff
16:20-16:40 / Vladimir V. Lisitsa
Institute of Petroleum Geology and Geophysics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Riable finite-difference simulation of diffracted/scattered waves on the base of locally refined grids and its parallel implementation
16:40-17:00 / Vladimir N. Zubov
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
skew-symmetrical difference schemes application in radioactive transport-diffusion air pollutant modeling nearby Volgodonsk nuclear plant
17:10-18:30 / POSTER SESSION
Wednesday ,October 15
Morning Session Chairman – Zhong-CiShi10:00-10:40 / Zhong-Zhi Bai
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Scientific/Engineering Computing,
Beijing, China
On Preconditioned Iterative Methods for Burgers Equations
10:40-11:20 / Ljiljana Cvetkovic
University of Novi Sad, Novi Sad, Serbia
A new eigenvalue localization
11:20-11:40 / COFFEE BREAK
Chairman – Miroslav Rozloznik
11:40-12:20 / Apostolos Hadjidimos
University of Thessaly, Volos, Greece
On the Optimal Extrapolation of the Cayley Transform
12:20-13:00 / Petr N. Vabishchevich, Vladimir F. Tishkin
Institute of Mathematical Modeling, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Numerical algorithm for solving diffusion-type problems based on multigrid methods
13:00-14:30 / LUNCH BREAK
Afternoon Session Chairman – Liu Xing-Ping
14:30-15:10 / Pena Juan Manuel
University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain
Recent advances on eigenvalue localization
15:10-15:50 / GalinaV. Reshetova
Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics
SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia
Numerical simulation of sonic log in 3D heterogeneous
anisotropic media
16:00-18:00 / POSTER SESSION
Thursday,October 16
Morning Session Chairman – Rafael Bru Garcia10:00-10:40 / Yu-Jiang Wu
Lanzhou University, Gansu, China
10:40-11:20 / Miroslav Rozloznik
Institute of Computer Science, Prague, Czech Republic
Numerical behavior of saddle point solvers
11:20-11:40 / COFFEE BREAK
Chairman – Jiang Wu
11:40-12:20 / Xing-Ping Liu
Institute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing, China
BiCRSTAB: A Stabilized Bi-Conjugate Residual Method for the Solution of Nonsymmetric Linear Systems
12:20-13:00 / Lev A. Krukier
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Iterative solution of strongly nonsymmetric linear equation systems
13:00-14:30 / LUNCH BREAK
Afternoon Session Chairman – Ljiljana Cvetkovic
14:30-15:00 / SugengRianto
Brawijaya University,Malang, Indonesia
A Parallel Computation Based on GPU programming for a 3D Fluid Flow in Multilayer Cutting Simulation Design
15:00-15:30 / Yuriy A. Shchekinov
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Numerical experiments for mixing in the intergalactic medium
15:30-15:50 / COFFEE BREAK
Chairman – Apostolos Hadjidimos
15:50-16:10 / Andrey A. Chubatov
Kuban State University, Krasnodar, Russia
The on-line monitoring over atmospheric pollution source on the
base of sequential function specification method
16:10-16:30 / Alexander Stolyar
Southern Federal University, Rostov-on-Don, Russia
Integration of some initial boundary-value problems with moving boundaries
16:30-16:50 / COFFEE BREAK
16:50-17:30 / CLOSING
Сопредседатель оргкомитета,
д.ф.-м.н., проф. Крукиер Л.А.