International Task Force on Vehicle-Highway Automation

Sixteenth Annual Meeting

October 21, 2012


AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

Association of Unmanned Vehicle Systems International



Giefinggasse 2

Vienna, Austria

Dress: Business Casual!


8:00 am / Continental Breakfast and Registration/Payment
8:30 am / ITFVHA Opening
Welcome / Richard Bishop, Bishop Consulting, ITFVHA Chair
Self-introductions / All
ITFVHA Overview & Review of Agenda / Richard Bishop
Vehicle-Highway Automation Outlook: Opening Discussion
-- Where do you see the greatest opportunities for VHA? Choose one: Highway / Urban / Military / Off-Road
-- What are the key questions to be addressed within the next 3 years? / All
9:15 am – 10:00 am / Session 1: Government Perspectives on Vehicle Automation
10 / USDOT / Tim Johnson, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, USDOT
10 / European Commission / / Pawel Stelmaszczyk,
European Commission
Directorate General Transport
10 / Japanese MLIT / / Fumihiko Kanazawa, Head, ITS Division, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
Discussion /
10:00 am – 11:30 am / Session 2: Review of the Year
15 / Driverless Car Summit: Highlights / Richard Bishop, Bishop Consulting
15 / TRB Future of Road Vehicle Automation: Research Problem Statements / Dr. Steven Shladover, Senior Researcher, California PATH
15 / Driving Laws: U.S. States / Bryant Walker Smith, Stanford CARS
20 / SARTRE Final Demonstration / Eric Chan, Chief Engineer, Ricardo UK Ltd.
15 / Energy ITS / Dr. Sadayuki Tsugawa, Meijo University
11:30 am - 1:00 pm / Session 3a: What’s Happening Now
/ USDOT/NHTSA: New Vehicle Automation Research Program / Tim Johnson, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, USDOT
/ USDOT/FHWA: Mobility Applications of Automation / Carl Andersen, Program Manager, Vehicle-to-Infrastructure Communications, Federal Highway Administration, USDOT
/ USDOD: Office of Naval Research Small Unit Mobility Enhancement Program (SUMET) / Ryan Lamm, Manager R&D, Intelligent Vehicle Systems, Southwest Research Institute
/ Japan: Autopilot System Studies / Fumihiko Kanazawa, Head, ITS Division, National Institute for Land and Infrastructure Management (NILIM), Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT)
1:00 – 2:00 pm / / Lunch
2:00 – 3:15 pm / Session 3b: What’s Happening Now /
/ Sensors for Vehicle Automation: Are We There Yet? / Mario Brumm, Vice President, Ibeo Automotive Systems GmbH
/ Vehicle Industry Perspectives / Thomas Helmer, BMW Research
/ Google Update / Andrew Chatham, Vehicle Automation Team, Google
/ Urban Automation: CityMobil / Dr. Arnaud de la Fortelle, Ecole des Mines, France
/ Ongoing Legal Activities: Vienna Convention / Bryant Walker Smith, Stanford CARS
3:15 – 4:15 p / Session 4: Where To Go From Here
Breakout Sessions: examination and comment on the NHTSA Automation Program Plan to gain insight on issues relevant to automation R&D globally / Breakout Leaders:
Bob Denaro, Nokia
Ryan Lamm, SWRI
Arnaud de la Fortelle, Ecole des Mines
4:15 – 5:15 p / Breakout Reports, Discussion, Conclusions / All
5:15 pm / Closing Discussions / Venue for 2013 / All
5:30 pm / Adjourn for the Day
7:00 pm / Group Dinner / Plachutta Grünspan
Ottakringer Straße 266,
1160 Wien